“Exercise Calories” A POLL



  • speranza
    speranza Posts: 5
    I hardly ever eat any of my exercise calories, maybe 100 extra if I am really hungry. I have been using this site for 6 weeks straight and have lost 13lbs. I maintain 1200 calories a day plus usually burn 700 with exercise.

    If you are still hungry after eating your 1200 and exercising, I would recommend drinking a glass of water with Whey Protein powder to help fill you up or a hard boiled egg to get some extra protein in your diet to to help with building muscle.

    If you are trying to lose weight, I personally feel it is counter productive to eat back your exercise calories so I don't do it. The only time during the last six week I hit a plateau was during the week before my period and I didn't lose any weight.

    I also take several multi-vitamins/supplements and some green food powder to make sure I am getting all my nutrients.
  • cobygrey
    cobygrey Posts: 270 Member
    I usually eat mine and experience the most weight loss when I do .

    I may leave a little over 100 most days but NOT a LOT.
  • marinecpl2
    marinecpl2 Posts: 11 Member
    I try and eat half to 3/4 of what I burn off in a day... it is hard some days and easy to eat all the burned calories others...

    As long as you work out and exercise on a routine our metabolism will adjust in my opinion, it doesn't matter whether you eat all or none of the burned calories... I have had success doing both.
  • krv1818
    krv1818 Posts: 5
    I was not eating my exercise calories and my weight was not coming off, the first week I actually weighed more. Then I read that was what you were suppose to do, started doing that and the weight is coming off now. Your body is very smart and sets itself to self preservation, so if it thinks you are starving it, it will keep and use everything you take in. I find this a great way to motivate myself to do more exercise in order to be able to eat something I want and if I go over my calories, then I go do some exercise to make up the difference.
    The calories are taking off the weight, the exercise is putting things back where they belong. I love this program.
  • Umpire57
    Umpire57 Posts: 389 Member
    I eat my allotment and my exercise calories.

    With that said, I do not measure. I guesstimate portion sizes and TRY to overestimate when needed. Sometimes I know for a fact (1 serving = 1 serving) but if not I try to get as close as I can without ripping out the cups, scales and measuring devices.

    I also do not log certain exercise items like officiating softball and football games etc. The exercise I log is the 1000 I try to hit every Mon-Sat at the gym.

    So I average 2500 calories a day eating and average 2 pounds a week loss.
  • funkyspunky871
    funkyspunky871 Posts: 1,675 Member
    I also find it odd that people who are overweight have a hard time eating more than 1200 calories - I mean, how did they GET overweight if they can't eat that much??? LOL

    I understand what you mean. It's so weird. I probably ate close to 2500-3000 calories every day before, but I'm serious! It's really hard for me to eat over 1200 calories. Actually, I have trouble getting over 1100. I have no clue why. Maybe it's all in my mind, but I just can't do it sometimes. I try to add a few things here and there to help; I always make sure I'm at least at 1200 even if it's hard. I'm going to start drinking some of my calories through protein shakes. :)

    I mean, it's not always like this. About once a week, I have no trouble getting to 1300 or 1400 (my goal is 1490). Oh well. :P
  • jrich1
    jrich1 Posts: 2,408 Member
    I eat them if:

    I am hungry and still have calories left OR

    I need to eat some to get to around 1200 cals for the day
  • rowie
    rowie Posts: 75
    what are you guys eating that you can easily stay under 1200 cals? im always hungry and mine is set 1500!

    (i try not to eat my exercise calories but somedays im to hungry)

    I agree with this statement! I can hardly believe what i'm reading! I'm lucky if i stay under my calories per day even with my exercise calories added on! That is my whole problem with weight loss, i eat too much! So if i ever am in control enough, then i'd try not to eat my exercise calories, but that is just not currently possible!
  • badrianne
    badrianne Posts: 101
    I don't eat them. Most times I have a hard job even getting to my 1200 goal, let alone over stuffing myself to eat more.

    This is me as well. I eat according to volumetrics (sp) so I eat a lot of water based foods for a limited amount of calories. I am supposed to eat 1260 cals a day. But I usually eat around 1100 (I eat five times a day) and I workout. If I am really hungry I will eat extra. I have lost about .5-1 lb a week and that is OK with me. I would rather lose slowly than feel overstuffed.
  • noneya2010
    noneya2010 Posts: 446 Member
    I am split about 50/50. Some days I eat all my exercise points and some days I do not eat all of them. Like today for example, I went over my calories -- even with two 15-minute walks. So I added a third walk in to make up for the calories I went over.

    So far after 3 weeks, I'm losing steadily.
  • candican
    candican Posts: 96
    I generally do not eat the exercise calories, but if I'm hungery I will. I listen to my body and decide from there.

    I love this answer and fall into this category. I think listening to your body is important. I usually don't eat mine either but if they are there as a bonus and I'm hungry...I GO FOR IT!

    I'm the same. I only eat them if I'm hungry.
  • h_eloise86
    h_eloise86 Posts: 124
    There are days that I could easily eat 2,000 calories.
    Then there are days that I have only had 1,000 and i'm wondering how I can get across the 1,200 mark.
    I have noticed when I eat 1/2 to 2/3 of my exercise calories back I see more weight loss then when I don't eat my exercise calories back.
  • ron2282
    ron2282 Posts: 2,772 Member
    I generally do not eat the exercise calories, but if I'm hungery I will. I listen to my body and decide from there.

    same here
  • jrich1
    jrich1 Posts: 2,408 Member
    what are you guys eating that you can easily stay under 1200 cals? im always hungry and mine is set 1500!

    (i try not to eat my exercise calories but somedays im to hungry)

    When I do it (mine is at 2000), its because I have a huge workout that day, for example on Wednesday I do a spin class and a water aerobics I may have well over 1000cals in exercise cals in one day, if I eat what I normally do that would only put me at 1000cals and needing to eat more than I usually do to get above 1200
  • janelleross
    janelleross Posts: 61 Member
    I totally cannot relate to not being able to make it to 1200 calories a day. That seems like not enough food to me! My calories are 1400 and some days that doesn't seem like enough!
  • ucaminax
    ucaminax Posts: 157 Member
    Yeah, I would like to know also what the people are eating who find it difficult to get to 1200 calories! I feel like it is very hard to stay under 1200, and would like to know examples of daily diets for people who can't eat 1200-maybe I am eating the wrong foods! I exercise so I can eat more, and also exercise kills my appetite some, too.
  • lsand
    lsand Posts: 78 Member
    I eat every single exercise calorie. I love food, and I enjoy eating as many calories as I possibly can while still losing fat. Why wouldn't I? Working out makes me feel strong and fit, but another huge bonus is that I get to eat more. I don't disbelieve those who say they struggle to eat all their calories, but I certainly can't relate.

    I'm with ya on that!
  • 1harleygal
    1harleygal Posts: 226 Member
    :tongue: I do eat some of my excercise calories for my body to not go into starvation mode. I also watch Biggest Loser and they always have the contestants eat their excercise calores. It goes like this:

    Say your daily allowance of calories is 1200, then you excercise and burn 300 calories. You subtract the 300 from 1200 and you are now at 900 calories or a deficent and your body may lose weight for a while but will continue to slow down or stop losing because it doesn't have enough food to keep it doing and thinks it is starving.

    My calorie intake is 1200
    If I burn 400 or more then that takes my 1200 to starvation mode so I eat at least half of my excercise calories.

    One good way of eating enough calories is planning ahead, with lots of fresh fruit, vegetables, nuts, dairy (low fat) and lean protein.

    For snacks and my sweet tooth I will have a Atkins bar which one is Caramel Nut Chew and the other is like a chocolate payday, man they are great! Also popcorn with out the butter is a great snack!

    I always thought this was nuts and found it very hard to do but believe it or not it does help you lose more weight! You are feeding your body in stead of starving it and it storing fat because it thinks it won't get any more food! So if you can't force yourself to eat all your excercise calories try to eat at least half of them, and eat small meals through the day to keep your body full!! :tongue:
  • LotusF1ower
    LotusF1ower Posts: 1,259 Member
    Just curious to see what the ratio is for people who use this site as to:

    how many of you find it a necessity to eat all your exercise calories and that is the only way you can lose weight or you just feel that is THE LAW….VS.

    how many of you do NOT eat your exercise calories and lose weight just fine or feel that being told that you MUST eat your exercise calories is a crock of mmm hmmm

    and how many of you eat half of your exercise calories because you are just confused

    I do not find it necessary to eat all my exercise calories, I stick to or just under 1200 calories per day - any left over at the end of the week means I can have a wine or three. I lose roughly 2lb per week and I take no notice of anybody who insists I MUST eat my exercise calories. The main reason being is that I have done all this before and did just fine, my only downfall being that I was greedy once I lost all my weight in the past and pigged out on crap. I have never gone with any starvation mode either, that is reserved for those unfortunates who have less than 5% fat on their body and that certainly does not include me.

    This time it is a permanent lifestyle change, so I will not pig out again and hopefully I will just keep maintaining my new weight (once I get there) :flowerforyou:
  • megamom
    megamom Posts: 920 Member
    At first I wasn't eating them and then I stalled big time. Started eating half to all of them and the weight is coming off. So it depends on if I am hungry or not. If I am hungry I do. I still try to stay in that magic ratio, more calories out then in. so far it's working.