beretta82 Member


  • 21 Day Fix is an EXCELLENT place to start, because there is a huge emphasis placed on eating and portions. If you follow the meal plan (I hate saying diet) and use the containers, you will lose!
  • This is a great place for tips and motivation. Welcome back!
  • Congrats on the little one! You are making a great choice by wanting to get in shape for your children! Don't beat yourself up! You have 2 babies, that is so tough. What is something small you can do to start out? I love small victories, they help to push us towards the bigger ones. Could you incorporate a few healthier…
  • I used to get up early to workout but it totally sucked. It takes me awhile to feel "awake". So I do it in the evenings now. Now that it's a habit (lifting weights) my 4 year old looks forward to it every night! I give him some 2 lb weights and he does all the moves with me! My husband works nights so I totally get where…
  • I love food! So I can relate 100%. It is a daily battle and it is tough! It helps to keep yourself accountable with others :smiley:
  • Hi Mora! I got sick and tired of my weight as well. I complained and bellyached for years about it, but I'm finally to the point now where I WANT to do something about it and I am! You will find that your mood will improve when you exercise a little and start eating healthier :happy: Isn't this app great?! So many people…