

  • Nope, I have never tried. But lemme know if you finger it out.....
  • Yeah Cecelia!! That is great to hear. I can understand you not wanting to share, but it is great to Champion our wins!! We all crave the recognition, come on admit it! I HATE having people I work with seeing me attempt to learn and use the Universal machine but I know I have to get to a better health place. So TOOT that…
  • Well I will admit (Stepping out of my comfort zone) that I use Weight Watchers to track my food. I was going to use MFP but the two systems are too different to easily convert. And I feel one tracker is enough. Having said that, tracking food has helped a lot!! I find myself planning meals ahead so I know what I can and…
  • It is exceedingly easy to let life and family create excuses. And we jump on them!! at least I do ;-). But we have to commit to small changes where we can. Eating at the desk is one that we all fall into. Trying to eat slowly and properly is hard when you fell like "I HAVE to get this out" so I will try to type and eat and…
  • A good hint that a nutritionist gave me was when you drink a cup of coffee, have an equal amount of water. Coffee is a Diuretic so you need to replace that water. I also find a cup of just drinkable hot water is a good evening substitute of coffee, especially late at night. ...Brent...
  • WOW! What different comments. All I can say is my wife lost 70 Lbs on WW and our Doctor is super pleased. And between the two of them, convinced me to join. I find the iPhone app great for tracking food and activity. Lots of Canadian fast food and restaurant chains int the DB (even Tim Hortons, YEAH) so I am keeping an…