JasonVickers Member


  • I know someone who had a bike nicked in Strenny - witnesses saw some "Travellers" pull up in a BMW and steal it in broad daylight - police were informed but as with all of these "Traveller" thefts nothing seems to get done. I had my two bikes nicked from my house in Heslington, police recovered them both after a few…
  • INteresting what you are saying - Im no expert but this is what is printed on the packets. Does this mean that manufacturers can Lie about what is in their products? - Surely not.
  • therobinator - actually its not too bad, here are just a few I have at the moment Cottage Cheese - 82 Kcal per 100g Tandoori King Prawn Masala - 70 Kcal per 100g Chicken in OK sauce - 83Kcal per 100g Egg Fried Rice - 82 Kcal per 100g Mariners Pie - 98 Kcal per 100g Salmon Pie - 91 Kcal per 100g Heinz Big Soup (Chicken &…
  • I was pretty bloated after having mine out, didn't weight myself though - but I did return to normal in about 4 weeks.
  • It is a picture of my one true love. Well, nearly - I used to have this at least twice a week at our local pub but after starting this I realised I would probably never see one again so I keep it as a fond memory.
  • Mousaka! but use meat free mince like Quorn for less calories. I've even topped this off with celeriac to make it more substantial and still few calories.
  • Bump normally refers to a post that has not been answered and making its way to the bottom of the page, Bump simply adds to the post which in turn brings it back to the top to make it more current, in hope that someone like me is going to read it and respond. Hence bumping it back up to the top. Oh dear, the inner geek is…
  • Sorry nope...not javic82
  • Wow, so many replies.... Thank you all for your kind words - the rabbit comment made me laugh as I went to Malta who's national dish is rabbit, and there were lots of it. The main thing that really got to me was that now and again when I logged in I would get a nice message saying you have logged in for 60 days... now I…
  • Forgot to mention - I throw in some Ginger & garlic to spice things up a bit, but just experiment, its down to your own taste buds really.