JHenryID Member


  • You might try looking near the prepackaged deli items. It varies with the store so it may be easier to just ask.
  • Have you changed your workout regimen much? Your body gets used to doing the same things over and over. It adjusts and doesn't really work as hard after a while so it's not as effective. Shake up your routine by trying something different. Introduce intervals and you will usually see some progress. Though this may seem…
  • Here is one: http://www.nutritionj.com/content/pdf/1475-2891-9-61.pdf The Oligo process received a patent in September 2012, so there is likely info that can be looked up there that you might be interested in.
  • The statement isn't proof, but the studies are. No sense arguing -- truth will win out.
  • I have used the Melaleuca Attain shakes for several years. I know nothing about Shakology. I really enjoy the Attain shakes and know they help me to stay on track when I use them. The science behind them is sound. Price is reasonable. $14.99 for a 10 serving bag. Judy
  • It's not a big hokey. It has been scientifically proven.
  • I eat a fat-burning bar on an empty stomach before exercising first thing in the morning and I make it through the workout fine with energy to spare. I often "forget" to eat for an hour or so after I finish since I'm still burning my fat.
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