want to give up!



  • Arkhos
    Arkhos Posts: 290 Member
    Looking over your diary, it does look like you are usually pretty good to sticking to your goals. My suggestions (just on what my trainer tells me) reduce your carbs and increase your protein. You seem to love cereal (I used to love cereal too) which is full of carbs. Maybe try replacing the cereal with eggs. If you're exercising and lifting weights you need to consume about 1g to 1.5g of protein per lb of weight. So if you weigh 140 you need to try and consume 140g - 210g of protein a day. Yeah, it's a big change, I was a major carb eater/lover too. Also drink a lot of water, a gallon a day if you can.

    You can customize your Goals and set it to about 40% protein, 30% carb, 30% fat and see how that does for you.

    DON'T GIVE UP!! That's the easy thing to do and will bring you back to the same place where you started. There's a reason you started this and you don't want to go backwards! I know losing very little weight over a long period of hard work is so de-motivating! I've been trying to lose for 8 months and lost close to nothing (for my size) until the last month and it is so frustrating! Then I made a few little changes and actually stuck to it 110% and I lost 5lbs THIS WEEK! I'm 400lbs so 5lbs is more expected - don't go by this! :laugh:

    Remotivate yourself, this is Day 1 and you WILL lose the weight you want to lose! don't tell yourself any different!
  • VorJoshigan
    VorJoshigan Posts: 1,106 Member
    I am so frustrated!! Even though I am working out 4 times a week for 30 to 45 mins a week and eating the calories given by myfitnesspal i can't loss weight. :( i am ready to give up! what am i doing wrong? i don't eat perfect but i feel like i should be seeing some weight loss. HELP! any advice or encouragement would be so helpful.

    I double (or triple or whatever) down on the "in place of a road map" advice. I recommend spending a good 1/2 hour reading that over and over again and then figuring out where you should be.

    Also, there are lots of different eating methodologies. I would recommend trying something you haven't done yet. Vegetarian, vegan, gluten free, paleo, low-carb, all-organic, intermittent fasting, etc. Different people respond differently to different diets, so find one that works for you. I would recommend gluten free/ no sugar added, but that's because I don't like bread & sugar is my weight loss nemisis.

    With regard to exercise, again I would say try something different. Lifting weights is always a good option. Muscle burns more than fat, etc. I think it also makes you feel better. I'm also a big fan of changing one of your workouts per week into some kind of sprinting exercise or HIIT.

    Good luck.
  • Maris_Swan
    Maris_Swan Posts: 197 Member
    When you're frustrated like this...stay off the scale! you lose inches, too. don't let those numbers define you. there really is no other option because backsliding will only make you feel worse :( push on!
  • Krecob
    Krecob Posts: 86 Member
    Do you have a calorie deficit? Also you need to eat clean, I cant see your diary but the types of food you eat are just as important as the amount of calories. How many calories do you eat? Maybe its not enough or too much? Also how long have you been doing this... it can take a month or two to see results

    This is not true at all......weight loss is calories in v calories out. Eating "clean" as they say, which can have multiple meanings, CAN provide you with types of foods that keep you more full thereby helping you not overeat, but it isn't in itself the answer.

    Do you work out/exercise? If so, what is your routine? According to your ticker, you've lost 6lbs, which is good. How long have you NOT lost weight? Sometimes it is a matter of being consistant and patient. I know there are many people here who've stalled for weeks or months before losing again. You also might want to up your calories about 100 a week and see if that works.

    Asking if she has a calorie deficit is calories in v out..... Also eating clean is important if i go to Mcdonalds every day but stay in my calorie range I wont see the results i would if i were to eat fruits and veggies and healthy food... so staying its flat out wrong... where do you get that from.. Also its not only the answer thats why i asked her many questions...

    labeling some foods as "good" and some foods as "bad" is a symptom of a mental illness called orthorexia nervosa. you can be perfectly fit and healthy eating ALL of the foods that you enjoy. if you decide to limit some foods because you don't like them, or for ethical reasons (such as vegetarianism), or because you have a medical condition (Celiac's disease), or because you can't control yourself around them (Reese's Peanut Butter Cups), then that's another issue. but giving blanket advice that one must eat "clean" in order to lose weight and be healthy is what i personally disagree with. there is both anecdotal and empirical evidence that disproves the whole concept that certain foods must be eliminated from your diet in order to facilitate weight loss.

    Huh then my doctors’ advice must be wrong, Thanks GUYS ill defiantly listen to your advice over hers.
  • daterminedfatburnerX
    maybe you should lower your carbs...
  • JHenryID
    JHenryID Posts: 23 Member
    Have you changed your workout regimen much? Your body gets used to doing the same things over and over. It adjusts and doesn't really work as hard after a while so it's not as effective. Shake up your routine by trying something different. Introduce intervals and you will usually see some progress.

    Though this may seem counterproductive, try upping your calories (with healthy choices) 200 calories or so for a few days. Shake your body up so it doesn't know what to expect. Then drop back down to your "losing" allowance. Be sure when you up the calories that you are giving your body the nutritious foods you need, not just adding empty calories.

    Just as change in our lives and routines sometimes give us a new outlook, these changes can shock your body into making adjustments.
  • WinnerVictorious
    WinnerVictorious Posts: 4,735 Member
    Do you have a calorie deficit? Also you need to eat clean, I cant see your diary but the types of food you eat are just as important as the amount of calories. How many calories do you eat? Maybe its not enough or too much? Also how long have you been doing this... it can take a month or two to see results

    This is not true at all......weight loss is calories in v calories out. Eating "clean" as they say, which can have multiple meanings, CAN provide you with types of foods that keep you more full thereby helping you not overeat, but it isn't in itself the answer.

    Do you work out/exercise? If so, what is your routine? According to your ticker, you've lost 6lbs, which is good. How long have you NOT lost weight? Sometimes it is a matter of being consistant and patient. I know there are many people here who've stalled for weeks or months before losing again. You also might want to up your calories about 100 a week and see if that works.

    Asking if she has a calorie deficit is calories in v out..... Also eating clean is important if i go to Mcdonalds every day but stay in my calorie range I wont see the results i would if i were to eat fruits and veggies and healthy food... so staying its flat out wrong... where do you get that from.. Also its not only the answer thats why i asked her many questions...

    labeling some foods as "good" and some foods as "bad" is a symptom of a mental illness called orthorexia nervosa. you can be perfectly fit and healthy eating ALL of the foods that you enjoy. if you decide to limit some foods because you don't like them, or for ethical reasons (such as vegetarianism), or because you have a medical condition (Celiac's disease), or because you can't control yourself around them (Reese's Peanut Butter Cups), then that's another issue. but giving blanket advice that one must eat "clean" in order to lose weight and be healthy is what i personally disagree with. there is both anecdotal and empirical evidence that disproves the whole concept that certain foods must be eliminated from your diet in order to facilitate weight loss.

    Huh then my doctors’ advice must be wrong, Thanks GUYS ill defiantly listen to your advice over hers.

    doctors are people too and just as likely to be sucked into fad diets and give unhealthy dieting advice as anybody else.

    case in point... Dr. Oz.

    if your doctor told you to jump off a bridge, would you blindly follow that advice too?
  • DebbieLyn63
    DebbieLyn63 Posts: 2,650 Member
    Taking a quick look over the past month, I see most days you are within goal, but several days you have gone over quite a bit and there are several days you didn't log anything at all. Are those empty days on the weekends "cheat" days? It is quite possible that you are wiping out your deficit with the days you didn't log, and the over goal days.

    Be completely honest and accurate with your logging. Measure and weigh EVERYTHING, log everything down, every day. Do this consistently and then you can get an accurate picture of exactly how many calories you are eating.

    How are you figuring your exercise burns? If you are using MFP charts or machines at the gym, then they both can be quite a bit off from your actual burns. If you use a good HRM with a chest strap, like a Polar, then you can get a more accurate number. If you are eating back your cals, you will also need to deduct your TDEE from your cal burn to get your 'net' cal burn.

    As for the quality of foods, I would suggest cutting back on the processed sugars and carbs.

    Try grossing between 1400-1500 every day, consistently, for a couple of weeks and see what happens.

    Hang in there. It takes some consistency and patience, but you can figure out what works for you!
  • firstsip
    firstsip Posts: 8,399 Member
    Do you have a calorie deficit? Also you need to eat clean, I cant see your diary but the types of food you eat are just as important as the amount of calories. How many calories do you eat? Maybe its not enough or too much? Also how long have you been doing this... it can take a month or two to see results

    This is not true at all......weight loss is calories in v calories out. Eating "clean" as they say, which can have multiple meanings, CAN provide you with types of foods that keep you more full thereby helping you not overeat, but it isn't in itself the answer.

    Do you work out/exercise? If so, what is your routine? According to your ticker, you've lost 6lbs, which is good. How long have you NOT lost weight? Sometimes it is a matter of being consistant and patient. I know there are many people here who've stalled for weeks or months before losing again. You also might want to up your calories about 100 a week and see if that works.

    Asking if she has a calorie deficit is calories in v out..... Also eating clean is important if i go to Mcdonalds every day but stay in my calorie range I wont see the results i would if i were to eat fruits and veggies and healthy food... so staying its flat out wrong... where do you get that from.. Also its not only the answer thats why i asked her many questions...

    labeling some foods as "good" and some foods as "bad" is a symptom of a mental illness called orthorexia nervosa. you can be perfectly fit and healthy eating ALL of the foods that you enjoy. if you decide to limit some foods because you don't like them, or for ethical reasons (such as vegetarianism), or because you have a medical condition (Celiac's disease), or because you can't control yourself around them (Reese's Peanut Butter Cups), then that's another issue. but giving blanket advice that one must eat "clean" in order to lose weight and be healthy is what i personally disagree with. there is both anecdotal and empirical evidence that disproves the whole concept that certain foods must be eliminated from your diet in order to facilitate weight loss.

    Huh then my doctors’ advice must be wrong, Thanks GUYS ill defiantly listen to your advice over hers.

    When someone is starting out losing weight, has no clue about nutrition, etc., saying, "Cut out the fast food" is obviously a very easy way for a doctor to make an easy adjustment to a patient's diet. People tend not to look up nutrition of the food they eat when they're out (hence the "convenience" aspect). Fast food is more likely to have high sodium (causing water retention, which can make losing the number on the scale difficult if it's not compensated with other electrolytes and water), higher in calories, etc.

    This doesn't mean you CAN'T lose weight if eating fast food. If, like the poster above you said, you have certain allergies, intolerances, disordered eating patterns, etc... then yeah, that might not be a good move for you. But you could lose weight very easily if fitting in fast food (or any food) in your daily allotment of calories, watching macros (too many carbs can make people bloat if there's an issue, etc.).

    There's a ridiculous number of people that eat fast food, drink alcohol, eat ice cream, etc., and lose weight with healthy BP, cholesterol, etc. That's not to say to do these things everyday and you'll be good to go--there needs to be monitoring of calories, watching of calories in vs. calories out.

    OP, would you consider trying again to open your diary? It's possible your sodium has been very high; it's possible you're not tracking accurately (do you use a HRM to log calories burned? Do you weigh your food?), etc. Many factors at play.

    EDIT: I see your diary's open. Skimming over several months, I see lots of "generic - something" and "quick added calories." Make up your own recipes in the database and log that way; the "generic" is helpful to log SOMETHING if you have no idea, but otherwise, you could be vastly misjudging your calories. Same with "quick added."

    The biggest trend I see, though, is netting below 1200 calories. Often. This can lead to a stall, particularly if you don't have a huge amount to lose (under 40 lbs, it looks like). I don't know your height, but even the days you go 'way" over should still be a deficit for you, so your problem appears to be not necessarily eating enough. Afterall, it's not that you're "suddenly gaining weight"; you're frustrated because your body isn't losing anymore. At a small amount to lose, it'll take longer to lose anyway, but not eating enough calories can easily result in the long plateau you've been having (and eventually lead to further problems). Try setting your diary to losing 1 or .5 lbs a week, or following the "In Place of a Roadmap" advice.
  • TristaD611
    TristaD611 Posts: 5 Member
    I Love that book (Forks over Knives)! I have hypothyroidism and have gained about 20 lbs from it (probably my old unhealthy lifestyle, too). Although, I am still by no means "overweight". A couple years ago it took me 7 months to lose 7 lbs. It was so frustrating. But since I've turned vegetarian, when I eat healthy and exercise, the weight falls off....
  • WinnerVictorious
    WinnerVictorious Posts: 4,735 Member
    As for the quality of foods, I would suggest cutting back on the processed sugars and carbs.

    i actually agree with this suggestion... not because there is anything wrong with those foods. i just find that foods like these are trigger foods for me, and i suspect they would be for others as well. they tend to fuel my hunger instead of satiating it. i still eat some amount of these foods, but i try to limit the amount of them that i have in the house.
  • wranglerwomen
    wranglerwomen Posts: 96 Member
    thank you for all the advice. there is ALOT of good advice that i feel is manageable goals. i am going to try some of them. THANKS!
    also i am 5'7, 195 lbs and my goal is 175 lbs at this point. and yes i do wear a HRM but do not weigh by food but do measure it.
  • sinistras
    sinistras Posts: 244 Member
    Whether you like her music or not, PINK lost her "baby weight" by following this advice:

    "If it isn't green [or a bean, fresh fruit]--don't put it in your mouth."

    To be taken with a grain of salt (or maybe no-salt seasoning, sodium bloats!) since people are bound to backlash on this. hahahah

    It's working great for me, I am now 9 pounds below my pre-preggo weight (!) And my skin has never looked so good, thanks to all those fresh veggies, fruits, and beans!
  • sinistras
    sinistras Posts: 244 Member
    I Love that book (Forks over Knives)! I have hypothyroidism and have gained about 20 lbs from it (probably my old unhealthy lifestyle, too). Although, I am still by no means "overweight". A couple years ago it took me 7 months to lose 7 lbs. It was so frustrating. But since I've turned vegetarian, when I eat healthy and exercise, the weight falls off....

    :flowerforyou: :happy:

    YES!! This lady's on to something!!
  • KimLovesDon
    KimLovesDon Posts: 152 Member
    If you quit you will never reach your goal, you won't see any changes, and you'll stay miserable. Why did you begin this in the first place? Change happens slowly. Quitting is not the answer!
  • Krecob
    Krecob Posts: 86 Member
    Do you have a calorie deficit? Also you need to eat clean, I cant see your diary but the types of food you eat are just as important as the amount of calories. How many calories do you eat? Maybe its not enough or too much? Also how long have you been doing this... it can take a month or two to see results

    This is not true at all......weight loss is calories in v calories out. Eating "clean" as they say, which can have multiple meanings, CAN provide you with types of foods that keep you more full thereby helping you not overeat, but it isn't in itself the answer.

    Do you work out/exercise? If so, what is your routine? According to your ticker, you've lost 6lbs, which is good. How long have you NOT lost weight? Sometimes it is a matter of being consistant and patient. I know there are many people here who've stalled for weeks or months before losing again. You also might want to up your calories about 100 a week and see if that works.

    Asking if she has a calorie deficit is calories in v out..... Also eating clean is important if i go to Mcdonalds every day but stay in my calorie range I wont see the results i would if i were to eat fruits and veggies and healthy food... so staying its flat out wrong... where do you get that from.. Also its not only the answer thats why i asked her many questions...

    labeling some foods as "good" and some foods as "bad" is a symptom of a mental illness called orthorexia nervosa. you can be perfectly fit and healthy eating ALL of the foods that you enjoy. if you decide to limit some foods because you don't like them, or for ethical reasons (such as vegetarianism), or because you have a medical condition (Celiac's disease), or because you can't control yourself around them (Reese's Peanut Butter Cups), then that's another issue. but giving blanket advice that one must eat "clean" in order to lose weight and be healthy is what i personally disagree with. there is both anecdotal and empirical evidence that disproves the whole concept that certain foods must be eliminated from your diet in order to facilitate weight loss.

    Huh then my doctors’ advice must be wrong, Thanks GUYS ill defiantly listen to your advice over hers.

    doctors are people too and just as likely to be sucked into fad diets and give unhealthy dieting advice as anybody else.

    case in point... Dr. Oz.

    if your doctor told you to jump off a bridge, would you blindly follow that advice too?

    Dr. OZ is not someone you should use as reference. He gets paid lots of money to say the things he does by whoever is promoting whatever pill he’s telling you to take or diet to buy in on....Yes I realize doctors are people just like us, however they have had education and research that build their credibility. They wouldn’t have jobs anymore if they told people to jump off bridges..... Your doctor wouldn’t say that to you, I think you just lost all your credibility by reverting to a 4th grade rebuttal. Sorry.

    Im not saying that you have to be completely clean, you just need to watch what you eat because it is important to a certain extent and will help get rid of weight as you agreeed with a previous post:

    "As for the quality of foods, I would suggest cutting back on the processed sugars and carbs."

    "i actually agree with this suggestion... not because there is anything wrong with those foods. i just find that foods like these are trigger foods for me, and i suspect they would be for others as well. they tend to fuel my hunger instead of satiating it. i still eat some amount of these foods, but i try to limit the amount of them that i have in the house. "
  • UsernameStillLoading
    Well before you give up because you are not seeing the weight loss, how do you feel?
    I had to lose 30lbs before I started acknowledging that I was getting slimmer. However, by ten I started feeling a difference in how clothes felt.
    Maybe you could try measuring yourself. You could be loosing inches even if you are not losing weight.
    Nutrition wise, increase your protein intake. Laying off carbonated beverages (such as soda) can also help you slim down.
  • UsernameStillLoading
    Try grossing between 1400-1500 every day, consistently, for a couple of weeks and see what happens.
    1400-1500 might be to little if you are working out. You could reach for those numbers on your rest days but if you are working out, you might need 1,000 or so more calories. If you work out effectively, those extra 1,000 won't affect you. In fact, it will help you out when you are in the gym.
    Have you tried strength training? Muscles help burn off more fat and calories in the long run than endurance exercises (such as cardio). Don't get me wrong, I love cardio. It gives me faster results than strength training, but building lean muscle helps your metabolism and your metabolism is what burns the fuel.
  • TravisBikes
    TravisBikes Posts: 674 Member

    If nothing else, try everything else, if it doesn't work, go back to this first reply.

    Do the work, set the calories according to your needs, live long and prosper.
  • WinnerVictorious
    WinnerVictorious Posts: 4,735 Member

    Dr. OZ is not someone you should use as reference. He gets paid lots of money to say the things he does by whoever is promoting whatever pill he’s telling you to take or diet to buy in on....Yes I realize doctors are people just like us, however they have had education and research that build their credibility. They wouldn’t have jobs anymore if they told people to jump off bridges..... Your doctor wouldn’t say that to you, I think you just lost all your credibility by reverting to a 4th grade rebuttal. Sorry.

    Im not saying that you have to be completely clean, you just need to watch what you eat because it is important to a certain extent and will help get rid of weight as you agreeed with a previous post:

    few GPs have extensive nutritional/dietary knowledge. they are susceptible to giving the same "conventional wisdom" advice as anyone else. if you go to a GP who happens to personally believe in "clean eating", then of course that's what she's going to recommend to all of her patients. that doesn't mean that she's right. it just means that she feels the advice is right. many other GPs would tell you not to worry too much about that.

    i wasn't attacking you, i was just disputing the advice that "clean" eating is essential for losing weight.

    there are many, many people here who can tell you from experience that's not true. there are studies that can be cited showing as much. that doesn't mean you can't eat clean if you want. all it means is that not eating clean isn't automatically a deal-breaker when it comes to weight loss.