tbeaner79 Member


  • I love my Wii Fit Plus but have found that the Wii isn't as motion sensitive as I'd like it to be. I've seen some great demos and heard great things about the Kinect for the Xbox 360.
  • Welcome Dan! I've been a dabbling around on the site for a few months now but have re-committed to my goals in the past week and have been making a real effort to be more active. The tools on the site are amazing and I also use the app on my Android phone that has a bar scanner so no matter where I am, I can scan a UPC and…
  • A big slam Mt. Dew and a king size reeses peanut butter cup...mmmmmmm....
  • Right now your body is building muscle and burning that stubborn fat. Muscle weighs more than fat so it could even be possible that while you're losing, the scale could actually go up. Scales are evil...your inches will be your true measurement. Keep up the great work and WTG on your progress!!!
  • So...when I first saw this I thought it said "Dunkan Diet" and i was like whoo hooo!!! duncan donuts and coffee??? LOL :bigsmile:
  • I have the same problem ... I know what I need to do, I want to do what I need to do, but I have a VERY hard time finding motivation to do so. One day and one step at a time. Right now I'm concentrating on measuring and journaling everything I eat. As that becomes more second nature I'm going to start adding on exercise…
  • Congrats!! Great job! :drinker:
  • Eeeeeew!!!! I'm with ya! WTH is this girls parents thinking and why isn't this guy being charged by the state?? If it was some "young and dumb" 22 year old the state would press charges no matter how much consent the parent gives! That is insane!
  • I also use my Wii balance board and fitness plus too. It's nice other than being a little time consuming for just a quick weigh in :)
  • Great job Jess!!! Completely amazing!!
    in OMG! Comment by tbeaner79 July 2011