New To MFP- sedentary job - gotta do something!

Hi! I'm new to Fitness Pal, encouraged by a co-worker to join. I am a mom of 4... err.. 3 (my husband only counts part of the time, lol) and I have a very stressful - VERY SEDENTARY job that I love very much, but over the last 8 years I have managed to increase my weight by 60 pounds. I know what I want to do, but can't always find the motivation to actually do it. I got started on my weightloss journey in April and I have lost 17lbs.

Thanks for reading.. I'm excited to get started !



  • ladderguy055
    Good job on the 17 pounds!
  • lalalalyndsey
    Welcome! And awesome loss so far! :)
  • wickedcricket
    wickedcricket Posts: 1,246 Member
    17 lbs since april is great! I've only been here 10 days but I LOVE it, tons of resources and awesome support. I really feel like I can do this. I got someone to show me how to use the exercise machines in our complex fitness room today - something I haven't done in the 2 previous years I lived here AND swam laps after that! this site is about FITNESS & health - NOT about being model thin or pretty. I just love it. I'm really excited every day now & just having lots of fun with it.

    Good luck - friend me if you like
  • luckyduck768
    luckyduck768 Posts: 40 Member
    17 pounds is fantastic!!! That's a great start!
  • Amandanoralynn
    Amandanoralynn Posts: 231 Member
    Glad you could join us and you are doing great on your weight loss already. Do you have time to work in some mini walks at your job? That would help clear the mind and the body would love it also.
    Keep at it!
  • Metsfn4life
    Metsfn4life Posts: 125 Member
    Welcome! That was my problem too! I work from home, so I go from my bed to the couch and stay there all day! You are doing great so far, keep it up!!
  • calidale
    calidale Posts: 7
    Thankyou, both

    @ladderguy - I'm going to take a stab and say that you are a firefighter based on your ticker and user name :) - I'm a dispatcher, KUDOS on your weightloss.. that's awesome!
  • calidale
    calidale Posts: 7
    thank you everyone :)
  • tbeaner79
    tbeaner79 Posts: 12 Member
    I have the same problem ... I know what I need to do, I want to do what I need to do, but I have a VERY hard time finding motivation to do so. One day and one step at a time. Right now I'm concentrating on measuring and journaling everything I eat. As that becomes more second nature I'm going to start adding on exercise and such. This is a change of lifestyle, not a diet. We didn't learn all of these bad habits at once and we're not going to kick them all at once. Be patient, stay focused and remember that every little helps. Whenever I get discouraged about my weight loss, I think of a pound of butter. Next time you're at the grocery store, count 17 pounds of butter and then pat yourself on the back! Keep up the great work!
  • lindat26
    lindat26 Posts: 10 Member
    :flowerforyou: hello and welcome - congratulations on the 17 pounds! i am very fortunate because i found a workout that i love and i have my best friend/daughter working out with me - we both do a kickboxing program at our local karate dojo - it's great having someone to workout with and to be motivated by (she's 14, i'm 52)...good luck, find something you love and don't be intimidated to be the new person. when we began, i couldn't do a push up or a crunch - today i did pushups on my toes (not knees) and 47 crunches in 50 seconds (and the boxing, kicking for a total of 75 mins tonight!) if i can do it so can you! :flowerforyou:
  • calidale
    calidale Posts: 7
    Amanda, we don't have a large area at work to walk around on breaks. If it wasn't sweltering outside I would walk the parking lot on my breaks, but all I have right now is a 60 ft hallway...... I am making laps in the hallway, though :) and when I leave I take the stairs down instead of the elevator.. my goal is to switch to the stairs completely, but I am taking baby steps. :)