c4t2001 Member


  • I squeeze my lemon juice straight from the lemon and the green tea is in a tea bag. Not really replacing other drinks - tends to be in addition so I guess I am upping my fluid intake.
  • OOoh - if anyone else tries it too, let me know if it works for you too.
  • I have this problem . . . sometimes, so I don't think it's an allergy. It started at 17 one time when I ate one on an empty stomach. Such awful cramps, clammy and queasy until I threw it up. It happens periodically though - I'm going through a phase where I can eat them now. Interestingly over the years I have come across…
  • Read 'Get off your *kitten* and Lose Weight' by Steve Miller. Sounds horrendous but it's a good read. He says that some people feel inadequate themselves when confronted by someone with the willpower and motivation to change their life around. Don't listen - feel sorry for these people as they are struggling with their own…
  • Homemade burger in bun with tons of salad x
  • I recently learned that your body gets used to the same foods and then doesn't have to work as hard to digest them. Try turning around your menu for a week to see if it gives you a kick start. Lower your carbs and up your protein. Keep at it - we all plateau from time to time. My sister has been exercising since November…
  • Get off your *kitten* and Lose Weight - Steve Miller (you know the guy off fat families?). Sounds horrendous but it helps me. No nonsense. Tells you all the stuff you already know but makes you wonder why you make it so hard for yourself when it could be so simple.:smile:
  • Tell her to stick to 1400 cals and run for 60 mins every day for 2 weeks. She'll lose loads and get her fix but start on the road to better health. x
  • I go for weigh ins with the nurse at my doctors. I'm 5ft 2". She said if I stick to 1200 cals a day and 30 mins exercise a day then I will lose 2lbs a week. It's worked but I'm struggling to maintain that all the time which is why I decided to do MFP. It allows me more calories if I exercise but I wasn't factoring this in…
  • I've been having half a carton of the Covent Garden Plum Tomato and Marscapone soup. This is really tasty - quite a big portion - filling so I don't need bread and the half carton is 155 calories. I think their Minestrone is also nice - this is 111 for half a carton I think. Homemade - really filling soup - broccoli, pea…