Need Friend Support - Running, Logging - no change on the sc

I'm new here as of 4 days ago. I could use some friend support, please feel free to add me.

I've recently started back with running and while I enjoy it, it seems insufficient as far as me dropping any weight. I'm so glad I found MFP! I've known for a while that I needed to keep better track of what and how much I eat, but keeping a simple log doesn't seem to do it for me. Having the calories calculated for me so quickly is already helping me to make wiser food choices. I didn't think at first that I'd be able to live off 1200 calories a day and be happy, but so far it's not been a problem. Veggies are my snack friends and the amount of food I'm getting in meals seems to satisfy me for several hours.

My frustration right now? I run/walk at least 3 miles every day, am careful about calories and is there any change in my weight? At all?? No. :-( I've been exercising for almost 3 weeks now, my posture is better, but that dratted scale sure has me stymied. At least I'm feeling better and I think my posture is better. A day with exercise leaves me feeling more clear-headed than a day without.


  • kari1740
    kari1740 Posts: 45 Member
    I am in the same boat! I feel like I live on my treadmill and Im very careful about what I eat and it is taking forever to lose any weight!!
  • chach918
    chach918 Posts: 80 Member
    I was stuck for a long time too. Gym all the time, watched what I ate , and zippo when if came to weight loss. What I did was increase my calorie burn by 25% a week . Also lowered my calorie intake 10%. Seems like you are at 1200 and cannot do that. Try increasing protein and lowering carbs on a daily basis. Good luck .
  • sturgill
    sturgill Posts: 118
    did you measure - maybe you are loosing inches - which is great- are you factoring in exercise and eating the additional calories
    maybe eating to much or to little either one will sometimes make you stop loosing - good luck and hang in there it will come off if you stick with it
  • jeffrodgers1
    jeffrodgers1 Posts: 991 Member
    May sound odd... but maybe you need a few more calories. Perhaps you aren't getting enough.

    Try adding 200 calories a day to your diet for a week. If that doesn't do it... add 200 the following week.

    Also are you eating back your exercise calories and drinking enough water.

    This may help you break that plateau.

    It also may help you to unlock your diary. Sometimes its as much what we eat than how much.
  • CuteAndCurvy83
    CuteAndCurvy83 Posts: 570 Member
    some people don't see an instant change, get the measuring tape out you may see a change in that before you see a change in weight, Also sometimes our bodies get used to the same thing, change your running up a bit or even change your running into something else, sometimes we have to "shock" our bodies out of their "daily living" mode and wake them up!
  • kari1740
    kari1740 Posts: 45 Member
    did you measure - maybe you are loosing inches - which is great- are you factoring in exercise and eating the additional calories
    maybe eating to much or to little either one will sometimes make you stop loosing - good luck and hang in there it will come off if you stick with it

    can you really not lose weight from not eating enough calories?? I've always thought the lower the calorie diet the better?
  • TwinsMom2003
    TwinsMom2003 Posts: 2 Member
    Me too! I've started running/walkingfor the first time in my life (I'm 44) at the first of the year. I'm up to running about 2 miles 3 times a week (still working up to my goal of 3 miles), and although I'm firming up all over, I having lost any weight. But, I do feel better, especially when I'm on my treadmill and I get past that warm-up point and I can run without feeling like I'm going to die. 3 months ago, I couldn't run more than a few minutes without having to stop and stretch out my ankles because they would burn so bad, now I don't even get that burn. Feels great that I've gotten to this point even if I haven't lost any weight yet. I'm hoping to lose about 15 lbs.

    Oh, and I HAVE lost an inch in my hips! Yay!
  • jeffrodgers1
    jeffrodgers1 Posts: 991 Member
    did you measure - maybe you are loosing inches - which is great- are you factoring in exercise and eating the additional calories
    maybe eating to much or to little either one will sometimes make you stop loosing - good luck and hang in there it will come off if you stick with it

    can you really not lose weight from not eating enough calories?? I've always thought the lower the calorie diet the better?

    Simple answer is yes... but not healthy. Thats called starvation.

    You need to eat a certain amount of calories to support your basic metabolic functions. When you aren't eating enough, your body hoards whatever you eat and holds onto it longer and you won't lose the weight you want. Your body will start to consume muscle to support itself.

    Muscle is your fat burning friend. It's the engine. The less muscle you have, the less calories you consume.

    By eating a few extra healthy calories, you trick your body out of starvation mode and still support your metabolism.
  • Justyne88
    Ok ladies, first of all stop using the scale. You are building muscle and changing the makeup of your body. Instead get a tape measure and a camera. Record your measurements and have someone who loves you take some pictures in a bathing suit (don't cringe they aren't going on facebook). Then keep doing what you are doing. You will hit points where your body resists losing; just keep working it will give in. Be careful not to lower your calorie intake below 1200. You are all working out and your body needs fuel or it will kick into starvation mode and you will GAIN weight. Another aspect you want to pay close attention to is your carbohydrate intake; this includes fruit. Your body turns it all into glucose and stores all the extra as fat. You need carbohydrates in your diet but they should be limited. Most importantly believe in yourselves. You kick butt just for being out here working to be a better you.
  • c4t2001
    c4t2001 Posts: 11 Member
    I recently learned that your body gets used to the same foods and then doesn't have to work as hard to digest them. Try turning around your menu for a week to see if it gives you a kick start. Lower your carbs and up your protein. Keep at it - we all plateau from time to time. My sister has been exercising since November and has lost 1lb. She is totally disheartened. It's hard - stick at it.
  • carpar1
    carpar1 Posts: 211 Member
    Might want to try interval training on the treadmill, only takes 20 minutes plus warm-up and cool down. I use a workout from Jackie Warner's book, I can send it to you if you like.
  • lorika1977
    lorika1977 Posts: 144 Member
    Running is an excellent cardio, however, in my experience it didn't help me lose weight fast. It will eventually payoff, but you will need to wait a little. I saw however great legs toning and overall energy boost. So, don't get discouraged - continue to walk / run and increase the distance or the speed once you feel comfortable. Other tricks you may want to try:
    - re-evaluate your portions (I noticed that a cup in my mind was a lot bigger than the actual cup)
    - try to eliminate starches - white breads, regular potatoes, white pasta, white rice.
    - eat more for breakfast and lunch and do a minimal dinner. If that's not possible, eat your meats early and stick with vegetables for dinner.
    - the reason you are not seeing any changes may be your salt intake. For me it made a HUGE difference once I started to watch the salt. Salt makes you retain water and therefore the scale will remain up.
    - keep up with the water intake - rule of thumb: take your current weight in oz. and divide by 2. This is how many oz. of water you should drink a day. Add more if you are a big coffee drinker.
    Good luck - remember the first step is always the hardest. And you already took it!
  • kari1740
    kari1740 Posts: 45 Member
    Me too! I've started running/walkingfor the first time in my life (I'm 44) at the first of the year. I'm up to running about 2 miles 3 times a week (still working up to my goal of 3 miles), and although I'm firming up all over, I having lost any weight. But, I do feel better, especially when I'm on my treadmill and I get past that warm-up point and I can run without feeling like I'm going to die. 3 months ago, I couldn't run more than a few minutes without having to stop and stretch out my ankles because they would burn so bad, now I don't even get that burn. Feels great that I've gotten to this point even if I haven't lost any weight yet. I'm hoping to lose about 15 lbs.

    Oh, and I HAVE lost an inch in my hips! Yay!

    Okay I'll try that, I've been sticking to a really low calorie diet and not losing much weight... maybe this is why. I find it really hard to eat the amount of calories they tell you to eat a day, without eating foods that aren't good for you, and then when you excersise they want you to eat more, that just confuses me!