why bother....? :(

I know I'm one of many, but I'm so frustrated I could cry, so needed to vent!

I've been on MFP for quite a while, and lost my 5lbs just before Christmas (I went through a break-up, not because I was trying!!)... I've only really been counting calories and exercising for the past three weeks religiously....

I haven't lost ANY weight at all in those three weeks..

I eat between 1200-1400 calories a day (and before you say I'm not eating enough, my BMR is 1800, and based on a 2lb a week loss - 500 calorie deficit, what I'm eating is about right!!) and I try to eat most of my exercise calories, but not all of them.

I exercise three times a week at the moment, I would try and do more but I work full time and also have quite a lot going on on the evenings, so I don't always have time to do 5 times a week... (i know that sounds like an excuse, but still!) I'm trying to do a mix of things, so one session of swimming, aerobics and walking/jogging a week.

I literally don't know what I'm doing wrong. I rarely have chocolate or crisps or rubbishy snacks, instead I'm eating at least 5 pieces of fruit a day, salad for lunch and a balanced dinner... I mostly just drink plain water, I've never drank tea/coffee, although i do probably have one glass of diet coke a day..

I know people do plateau etc, but I've only just started and I've got 34lb to lose, so I don't understand why I haven't lost anything at all :( Also, I stupidly didn't take my start measurements, I only measured myself at the beginning of this week, so I can't say whether I've lost inches or not, but my clothes don't feel any looser at all, so I don't think I have :(

I just think I might as well go and eat a Big Mac, as it wouldn't make any difference!!


  • sarahkorry
    First of all PLEASE don't give up!!! well done for all the hard work you've put in recently! By the sounds of it you've been working really hard and putting your all into everything - please dont be disheartened!!! It normally takes a few weeks for your body to realise the change and I'm 100% sure if you carry on the way you're going you will be sure to see results soon - keep at it!

    You have to think to yourself - you can either carry on workign extra hard, eating well and exercising and seeing your results soon


    You can go back to the way you were - eating what you wanted, when you wanted, doing hardly any exercise and feelign completely awful about yourself and not seeing any results ever - probably even gaining weight!

    At least you're doing something about it - keep it up - you're doing brilliantly!!!

    What type of foods are you eating? Have you been posting your diary so other people can see? Maybe its the type of foods you're eating?? xxx
  • rachel871
    rachel871 Posts: 113 Member
    I made my diary public, I don't know, maybe I am doing something wrong?? Obviously things like the Indian I'm going for tonight isn't exactly good, but it's for my brother's birthday and I've tried to plan the best foods I can!!

    Would be grateful of any advice.....? xx
  • ramseyrose
    ramseyrose Posts: 421 Member
    Hi, I know how you feel.

    If you use the Harris Benedit calculator, your BMR would then have to be multiplied by your required calorie number based on exercise

    English BMR Formula
    Women: BMR = 655 + ( 4.35 x weight in pounds ) + ( 4.7 x height in inches ) - ( 4.7 x age in years )
    Men: BMR = 66 + ( 6.23 x weight in pounds ) + ( 12.7 x height in inches ) - ( 6.8 x age in year )

    Metric BMR Formula
    Women: BMR = 655 + ( 9.6 x weight in kilos ) + ( 1.8 x height in cm ) - ( 4.7 x age in years )
    Men: BMR = 66 + ( 13.7 x weight in kilos ) + ( 5 x height in cm ) - ( 6.8 x age in years )


    Harris Benedict Formula
    To determine your total daily calorie needs, multiply your BMR by the appropriate activity factor, as follows:

    •If you are sedentary (little or no exercise) : Calorie-Calculation = BMR x 1.2
    •If you are lightly active (light exercise/sports 1-3 days/week) : Calorie-Calculation = BMR x 1.375
    •If you are moderatetely active (moderate exercise/sports 3-5 days/week) : Calorie-Calculation = BMR x 1.55
    •If you are very active (hard exercise/sports 6-7 days a week) : Calorie-Calculation = BMR x 1.725
    •If you are extra active (very hard exercise/sports & physical job or 2x training) : Calorie-Calculation = BMR x 1.9

    Then take off your required deficit. 500 cals per day = 1lb

    Hope this helps. I have done this week but results have been slow as TOM is here so will see what happens next week.

    Dont give up; it will happen!
  • rachel871
    rachel871 Posts: 113 Member
    I've used both versions of the BMR calculator, the one you've just suggested gives me a total of 1452 calories a day.... Which is about right for what I'm eating! thanks for replying though xx
  • ramseyrose
    ramseyrose Posts: 421 Member
    Looks like a very well-balanced diet. Perhaps cutting the cream down to 30ml would have seen a lower overspend but I dont think that will matter too much. Keep at it, you'll get there and taking your measurements is great. I have only lost 8lb but lost about 10 inches and nearly a dress size. :flowerforyou:
  • fitnessjch
    fitnessjch Posts: 449 Member
    The same has happened to me, and all it is is that you have gained muscle. Muscle weighs more than fat. I was disheartened too, as I havent lost much at all. I never used to exercise, and ate too much. Now I am eating 1300 calories per day, and burning off about 1500 cals per week on top.

    I would recommend measuring yourself. although I havent lost much weight, I have lost 4 inches, and my clothes feel much better.

    It will happen soon, and then the weight will fall off much more steadily
  • c4t2001
    c4t2001 Posts: 11 Member
    I go for weigh ins with the nurse at my doctors. I'm 5ft 2". She said if I stick to 1200 cals a day and 30 mins exercise a day then I will lose 2lbs a week. It's worked but I'm struggling to maintain that all the time which is why I decided to do MFP. It allows me more calories if I exercise but I wasn't factoring this in before so I don't tend to use it (although it's handy to know on those days where I want to give myself more treats). Maybe you need to ignore how many extra calories you get from exercise and do try to find a way to fit some more in each day. If you want to lose you have to change. I used to do something 3 days and 4 days a week but I have to say, I'm shocked at how much I need to do in reality to lose. The exercise will help to kick start your metabolism. Also I noticed you eat the same stuff a lot . . I do too but your body gets used to digesting this and doesn't have to work as hard. Try alternating every few days - maybe some soups and salads with feta or some protein. Low fat dairy is also meant to help your body release fat so some low yogurts - I find the activia snackpots good - higher sugar but excellent levels of calcium and low cals.

    It is hard. Don't give up. You need to get your head round what you need to do. It's a shock regarding how much work you have to put in. Water retention etc can really affect loss for us ladies too. Get a pedometer and aim for 12000 steps a day ;-) x
  • Becca_007
    Becca_007 Posts: 596 Member
    Not sure if this has been mentioned yet? You might try adding the sodium column and see how your sodium level is on the foods you eat. If a person's sodium levels are too high (from processed foods etc) we tend to retain water which stalls weight loss. Getting in plenty of water and perhaps cutting down from 5 fruits a day. Fruit is healthy for our bodies but depending upon the fruit can be quite high in carbs (sugar). Getting in plenty of veggies (which also contain healthy carbs but far less sugar) is important as well.

    Wishing you well on your journey!:flowerforyou:
  • rachel871
    rachel871 Posts: 113 Member
    Maybe you need to ignore how many extra calories you get from exercise and do try to find a way to fit some more in each day. If you want to lose you have to change. I used to do something 3 days and 4 days a week but I have to say, I'm shocked at how much I need to do in reality to lose. The exercise will help to kick start your metabolism. Also I noticed you eat the same stuff a lot . . I do too but your body gets used to digesting this and doesn't have to work as hard. Try alternating every few days - maybe some soups and salads with feta or some protein. Low fat dairy is also meant to help your body release fat so some low yogurts - I find the activia snackpots good - higher sugar but excellent levels of calcium and low cals.

    Yea I guess I do need to do more! Guess it's making the effort to make time every day for exercise, I'm just slightly worried about it taking over my life - people at work are already sick of me talking about calories and stuff!! :) ah well, guess I just need a kick up the bum and to stay with it - I've never been the most patient of people!! :) Xx
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    Some people don't lose weight fast. I didn't lose anything for the first month, which was incredibly discouraging when people all around are dropping 6lbs a week to start with, but then maybe you didn't have the water weight to lose some people do. 2 months in I had lost 4lbs. I mean, seriously, I nearly gave up at that point. I was running 30k a week and doing aerobics and circuits and eating 1200 a day and I still only lost 4lbs!

    I haven't weighed myself since then, but I have lost 2 1/2 inches off my waist and hips, and 2 cup sizes from my bust, so I figure, it doesn't matter if I haven't lost weight, I am a lot thinner, and I look a lot better.

    It doesn't come fast for some people, but the weight will start coming off eventually if you keep at it.
  • rachel871
    rachel871 Posts: 113 Member
    Not sure if this has been mentioned yet? You might try adding the sodium column and see how your sodium level is on the foods you eat. If a person's sodium levels are too high (from processed foods etc) we tend to retain water which stalls weight loss. Getting in plenty of water and perhaps cutting down from 5 fruits a day. Fruit is healthy for our bodies but depending upon the fruit can be quite high in carbs (sugar). Getting in plenty of veggies (which also contain healthy carbs but far less sugar) is important as well.

    No haven't thought about sodium to be honest?? I'll adjust my diary and see :) thanks!
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    Don't forget, results are 80% from food and only 20% from exercise. So if 3 times a week is all you can manage, that's fine, just make sure that your food intake is really good.

    Now, that exercise portion IS important, especially when it comes to toning and muscle building! But don't feel it's a disaster if you cant get to the gym every day.
  • giggles007
    giggles007 Posts: 22 Member
    definately dont give up yet......

    some encouraging words from everyone but i'm very much in agreement with 'fteale' comments'.

    I found I wasnt losing weight as fast as i should have compared to others because in my view i was exercising harder and eating better: I suppose all our bodies are different, so perhaps as everyone mentioned look at the vaious food intake....

    But one of the things i did do (and which helped to spurr me on to continue with keeping fit) was get the tape measure and check every 4 weeks against loss on chest, waist, hips, thighs and arms. And if the scale didnt show much difference, the inch loss DID!!

    I bought a pair of jeans at Xmas 2007, a size down thinking i WILL lose weight to fit into these, but guess what, I gave up so they were back of the cupboard!

    Jan 2011 is when i decided enough is enough and have been working hard since on nutrition and exercise, and yesterday i wore these jeans for the first time! How great it felt....the point is hang in there, you can do it!

    I have lost 9lb since 14.01.2011 (on average 3lb a month!!!) and personally i think i should have lost alot more but heyho i am happy with the fact i have even lost that much and i am sure not giving up yet......nor should you.......good luck xxxxx