

  • I tape mine and it helps. You can google taping shin splints or talk to a doctor - it does help. Strengthen your calves, stretch, proper shoes - all those things you are doing so hopefully taping can help!
  • i've never had that problem because I eat it all up before it turns brown. LOVE avocados! Seriously, lime juice works. I love mashing mine up and adding a bit of garlic salt, chili powder & lime. YUM
  • I just used the incline for the very first time today and it is different for sure! And as far as avoiding shin splints, 2 of the most important things you can do is go to a store that specializes in running shoes and get the right shoe for your foot. The second thing is to stretch your calves really good before and after…
  • I have never run that far, but my typical 5k time is about 33-34 minutes. So, I figure at my pace it would take me about 2 hours and 12 minutes or so. I am not a fast runner, but not among the slowest either. Good luck!
  • Watching the Biggest Loser... that is what got me going back in January and I watch every week. Seeing their struggles and their accomplishments inspires me!
  • Viva la Vida is a great song to start off to Down with the sickness More Human than Human How Low can you Go Imma Be
  • Ditto for me but I am 5'2". I'm 142 now and goal is 135 but I'd be thrilled with 120-125.
  • At that site, look up couch to 5k training program. That is how I got up to running 3 miles and it eases you in very gradually. I recommend it to any beginning runner. Good luck!
  • I've had to train myself to smile back and say, "Thank you" when I get compliments... And when people ask me what i have been doing I am very quick to tell them about MFP. Try not to be anxious, allow yourself to acknowledge that you are looking noticeably good! Take the compliments graciously... you have worked hard for…
  • Good question - I wonder the same thing...
  • Good luck! I have been very happy with this site. I hope that you will be too.
  • A few rules of thumb that I go by which so fare has helped me: 1. Always eat breakfast (I usually have oatmeal) 2. Always drink minimum 64 oz (8 cups) of water a day or more. 3. Exercise 4 to 5 days a week, I try for 40 minutes but sometimes I only have time for 20. I don't go 2 consecutive days without exercise. 4. I stay…
  • Cardio - but yes the tummy is a tough spot.
  • I weigh myself once a week, same time of day. I don't have a scale at home so i do it each Wed before I work out at they gym. I carry a 32 oz. mug of water with me EVERYWHERE and it has a straw, which helps me to drink more.
  • Way to go! :flowerforyou:
  • Welcome!! I love how this site has made counting calories SO easy. I know you will be successful if you follow it :flowerforyou:
  • my favorite is quaker heart medleys cranberry walnut oatmeal. 120 calories - sweet, tangy and crunchy - and I'm not usually an oatmeal fan.
  • Yup I had terrible knee pain and after visiting the sports chiropractor (yes they do running injuries too) he took one look at the old worn out shoes I was running in and told me the first thing I needed to do was get a good pair of running shoes.
  • I went to a running store too. I was also put into Asics, a size bigger than I usually wear (you're supposed to have more room in your shoe when you run because your feet tend to swell). It's really important to get the right kind of shoe for your foot type too. Here is one site that might help:…
  • Google "couch to 5K" and follow it to a T. Also, when the weather permits, do some running outside too. I HATED HATED HATED running and that program eased me into it. I have run 4 5K's and planning to do more. Love it!
  • You GO girl! Woo hoo!!!! :flowerforyou:
  • Sounds illegal to base coverage on BMI but it's good to be motivated to being that number down anyway. I have had a great experience with MFP. I follow it to a T. I hope you see results! :flowerforyou:
    in Hi Comment by KellyEsparza March 2011
  • Treadmills can get very monotonous if that is all you do. Try a couple cardio dvd's - get a variety because I find if I do 3-4 different kinds of workouts each week its much better. I have enjoyed Tae-Bo (Billy Blanks) and I know that Jillian Michaels has a good cardio one.
  • Oh my goodness you are off to a great start! Do not get discouraged - you are definitely doing good things for your body! The fact that you are losing gradually is a good thing I think. It seems the faster people lose the faster they put it back on. And you don't want to lose too quickly - it will mess up your metabolism.…
  • Oh my goodness you are off to a great start! Do not get discouraged - you are definitely doing good things for your body! The fact that you are losing gradually is a good thing I think. It seems the faster people lose the faster they put it back on. And you don't want to lose too quickly - it will mess up your metabolism.…
  • Sounds like a great success! Keep it up!
    in NSVs Comment by KellyEsparza March 2011
  • Welcome to MFP this might be just the thing for you as it is for me!!!
  • Curious to see how you like it... I was just looking at that today but didn't purchase...
  • You can do it!! Follow MFP to a T. Make this your new way of life. Here are a few rules of thumb that I have lived by for 2 months and so far have lost 15 lbs... drink 64 oz. (8 cups) of water a day minimum. exercise 4 days minimum - never skip more than 1 day of exercise. Before you know it that will be a habit. stick to…
  • Sounds like your metabolism is getting messed up. If your inputs were all accurate, you should really stick to eating the calorie goals for each day. If you are way under then your body kicks into "starvation mode" and your metabolism goes way down.
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