

  • "@hugh_jass: You clearly did not read the article. " How so? I read the article and I agreed with it's premise. It's just misleading because it credits whole grains as the only reason people live longer when there could be many other factors. I would love to see a study that compares people who eat whole grain to people…
  • This study is a little misleading... like most studies involving whole grain. It shouldn't be that whole grain will help you live longer but rather that whole grain is better than refined grain. If you eat white bread and fruit loops every day and switch to Kashi and whole grain bread then yes you will live longer as a…
  • I know the feeling, one week I lost 4 pounds even though I had cheated and ate cake that week... the following week I was pumped by my progress so ate even better and exercised more only to find out that I gained 2 pounds... it's very frustrating. Your weight can fluctuate by something like water retention or maybe the…
  • My friend has the same problem as you (curses!) and he has to workout constantly and drink protein shakes 2-3 times a day on top of regular meals. You probably want to workout 3 times a week, one day will be super heavy (1-5 reps), one day will be medium (8-10 reps) and one day should be light (10-20 reps). Each day you…
  • I used a trainer at one point, I was very successful with this routine. She was able to kick my *kitten* during workouts so that any workout I had with my trainer was harder than any workout I had on my own. It was very expensive but I think that any expenditures towards my health is always money well spent. I'm not sure…
  • Some people say that maintaining is harder than losing weight, don't let it creep back up. I regret throwing away all my hard work last year... I had lost 40 pounds and over the course of 3 months of unemployment I gained back 35 of those pounds... not a good feeling.
  • If you have the means I would suggest hiring a personal trainer. Sometimes if you join a gym they will give you a free session as part of your sign-up package. If they don't you could always try to negotiate for one. One thing I would like to add is lifting weights is about challenging yourself, I see too many women…
  • I try to avoid processed sugar completely and stick with natural sugar (fruit and honey). If you can kick your sugar habit you won't crave sweets as much and it will be very easy to keep your sugar intake low. I went to a diet seminar last week and the guy said it takes about 2 weeks to kick your sugar habit but that you…
  • I use mine to make salad dressings. I'll hard boil some eggs, use the whites on salads and keep the yolks to make my dressings creamier. A typical dressing is half olive oil, half vinegar, some seasoning (normally garlic flavoured) and an egg yolk or two. Blend it up and you have a nice delicious home made dressing free of…
    in EGGS?? Comment by hugh_jass January 2011
  • I read this cool article about how setting weight loss goals will most likely fail. The reason is you don't have control over the results only the actions. So instead of setting a goal like "Lose 10 pounds", set some goals like "I will eat 1200-1800 calories per day", "I will do 30 minutes of cardio every day", "I will…
  • Crossfit has changed the way I workout. I do pay $85/mth to workout at a crossfit gym but the way I see it is that a personal trainer costs about $50-$60 per session and at a crossfit gym you get a lot of personal trainer attention (at least at my gym) so it's almost like buying a share in a personal trainer. What I like…