Nikkip130 Posts: 18 Member
edited September 23 in Health and Weight Loss


  • Keep doing what you're doing with your excercise and eat 200-300 more calories than you were before. keep it up and congrats on reaching your goal!
  • Keep reporting your meals/exercise...Its a good habit to have and you can learn new tricks of the trade to keep ya at your goal weight! Even just reading other peoples posts/blogs and offering advice/motivations is a proactive way to help those trying to reach similar goals! Congrats!!!
  • Keep doing what you're doing to maintain...Use MFP as a check tool and every now and again to make sure you staying on track...The other question...Why leave? CONGRATS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • ashlee954
    ashlee954 Posts: 1,112 Member
    Keep doing what you're doing with your excercise and eat 200-300 more calories than you were before. keep it up and congrats on reaching your goal!

    Where did this number come from? Go into goals and change to maintain your weight instead of lose. It will tell you how many calories per day to eat to maintain your current weight. I am in maintenance mode and still log in order to keep the weight off.
  • wriglucy
    wriglucy Posts: 1,064 Member
    You can change your profile settings on here to "maintain" instead of lose. It can help keep you with the right calories and all.
    And great job by the way!!
  • BigBoneSista
    BigBoneSista Posts: 2,389 Member
    You shouldn't leave. You should continue to track your food for your maintenance stage. Like the above poster said you need to up your calorie intake slightly to maintain.

    You can now work on toning if you haven't done so. I know sometimes when we shed the fat there are still some areas that need to be tightened.
  • cerysrhi
    cerysrhi Posts: 262
    change your settings to maintain and it will set you a calorie goal which will enable you to maintain your current weight well done on meeting your goal xx
  • Some people say that maintaining is harder than losing weight, don't let it creep back up. I regret throwing away all my hard work last year... I had lost 40 pounds and over the course of 3 months of unemployment I gained back 35 of those pounds... not a good feeling.
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,294 Member
    If you are currently set to lose 1 or more pounds per week you may want to add calories back to your diet slowly. If you are at 1 lb loss goal change to 0.5 and stay there for 3-4 weeks then change to maintenance at that time and continue tracking. Congrats on reaching your goal, remember health is a journey, not a destination. So even though you are at your goal weight you still have to continue with your healthy lifestyle.
  • Robin1117
    Robin1117 Posts: 1,768 Member
    Definitely don't leave! maintaining is actually harder than losing (in my opinion)....the tools MFP provides will be more necessary than ever. Do what everyone else mentioned, change to "maintain" in your goals, or do it gradually. I changed mine to "lose 1/2 lbs a week first" to make sure there is no drastic weight gain, and then you can gradually go up from there based on how your body reacts.
  • terrivision
    terrivision Posts: 58 Member
    Frist of all Congratulations! Take pictures so you can always look back and see how good you felt on the day you reached your goal. You can remember all the hard work it took you to get where you are. Maintaining the weight is also a committment. The weight can start creeping back on you slowly if you don't keep track of what you are eating or how active you have been. I know first hand. Stay on MFP, you can be a blessing to others by helping those who are currently struggling. And it will help you remember what you went through and feel great about helping other. GOOD LUCK!
  • Congrats
  • Wow busted by Ashlee and the others. You guys know more about this site than me, lol. That was just a guess. Do the maint. thing, like they said, I didn't know you could do that.
  • Stefani74
    Stefani74 Posts: 448 Member
    I was at my goal of 130 two years ago. After I got there I quit working so hard and let it gradually ease up so now I am back up 15 lbs. I am having a hard time getting it back off again. So this time when I get to my new goal of 125, I am going to be much more careful about keeping it off. I say stay with MFP...keep logging your food and exercise. It will help you stay on track and keep the weight off for good! Congratulations on reaching your goal!!
  • Sweet13_Princess
    Sweet13_Princess Posts: 1,207 Member
    Well, if you're afraid to leave MFP, then don't! Us newbies always appreciate a vetran's feedback on things. You've met your goals, so obviously, you can help people that are struggling by your own examples.

    I think it would be good to remain on MFP and log your food for a while. Just so you can determine the proper daily calorie goals to maintain your weight. Experment by adding 100 calories a week, checking on your progress. If you see a gain (and you've kept up with exercise), then you know to back back off with the calories. You need to figure this out before leaving MFP, or you might end up gaining some weight back.

  • Nikkip130
    Nikkip130 Posts: 18 Member
    does the maintance program really work? have u gained any wt back?
    thanks for ur response
  • CricketKate
    CricketKate Posts: 3,657 Member
    Way to go!
  • TakeOne
    TakeOne Posts: 345 Member
    It depends on your body. I have been here for a while and just working on maintaining. What works for me is setting it at -1/2lb per week and eating slightly over (anywhere from 20-200 cal.). It just varies. I would start by setting it to maintaining tho and giving it a try for several weeks. Keep in mind that maintaining is +/- about 2 lbs. Congrats and good luck!! : ) Friend me if you like.
  • JulieWulie81
    JulieWulie81 Posts: 39 Member
    I have to agree with the some of the other posters about staying on MFP and using the maintenance mode. I wish I had found MFP the first time I reached my goal weight 2.5 years ago. I gained back 15lbs slowly over a few years even though I kept up on the exercise. I was obviously eating more than my body required! Glad to have found this place to help me lose the weight and I definitely plan to use it to help me maintain once I lose the weight again. GL to you and great job!
  • Nikkip130
    Nikkip130 Posts: 18 Member
    thank u for ur response, I will definitely try the maintance mode!!!
    I am now thinking that I should loose about 5 more pounds that way if I creep up during my maintance I will be okay...just a thought
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