

  • sorry but coffee dosnt count towards your water. it would be nice if it did count though. lol
  • elliptical deffinatly burns more calories and is better on your knees and ankles.
  • Hey, I am also very top heavy, I'm also a 40DD. If you go to ****s sporting goods stores, you can find alot of nice sports bras. I used to have the same problems, when i jogged they would hit me in the face, OUCH! i have gotten most of my sports bras at ****s. I hope this has helped.
  • Hey, I promise your not the only one. I sometimes had the occasional box of chocolates too. I know it's not good for me but sometimes i just need it. i am 70 pounds overweight and i am obese on the BMI index. you will get over those cravings soon, i promise. And yes, this website has helped me because now i am being honest…
  • hi, nice to meet you. I hope you like this site, so far it has helped me acheive some of my goals. good luck, feel free to add me as a friend.
  • Dont worry. I used to do this to. Especially during my period. Every girl feels this way during their time of the month. It's normal, even my skinny friends feel bloated. Just know that your not the only one, and you will loose that weight. So stop obssesing about the scale. It might even help to put it in a place that you…