obsessive weighing



  • kayleed7495
    Dont worry. I used to do this to. Especially during my period. Every girl feels this way during their time of the month. It's normal, even my skinny friends feel bloated. Just know that your not the only one, and you will loose that weight. So stop obssesing about the scale. It might even help to put it in a place that you wont look at it all the time. "Out of sight, out of mind". Dont keep it in your bathroom cause you use that all the time. I hope I was able to help. Good luck.
  • heavenrain
    heavenrain Posts: 36 Member
    I am the same way. I weigh myself everyday and it drives my husband crazy.
  • emilillymom
    I weigh myself in the morning after going to the bathroom. And I try to weigh myself in the same clothing in the same spot. I think I am going to try two in a row and then average them together.
  • fitoverfifty
    fitoverfifty Posts: 192 Member
    Hey, if it keeps you from letting the weight creep back on...what's the harm?

    It's so easy to let 5 pounds get back on before you notice it.....( I speak from experience)

    You're not hurting anyone...weigh away...

    You are beautiful by the way.

  • Lacole216
    Hi Jewelzz,

    I weigh myself once a day in the morning after I use the restroom. You have to do what's comfortable for you. For myself, I like to know everyday so that I can see my progress or lack thereof & to know if I need to make some adjustments. I agree with everyone else in that weighing yourself a few times a day isn't the best idea as your weight does fluctuate throughout the day. Hopefully you will find what's comfortable for you. Good luck.
  • Nich0le
    Nich0le Posts: 2,906 Member
    I think we all have been through this, I weigh on Mondays to keep myself motivated through the weekend. I had to throw a scale away because I had a "problem" but bought a new one recently. I put a post it on it and it covers the digits and it says "is it Monday? if not step away from me".

    I find that I am more motivated through the week when I choose the one day to weigh and that is the only day that the numbers count, keeps you from getting discouraged
  • javamom
    javamom Posts: 309
    I weigh daily, which for me, takes the big pressure off weekly weigh ins. I can't stand the suspense that builds over a week. I don't fixate on any one number.
  • PearlMarie_3gen_11484
    have you tried weighing yourself just twice a week? I know it's hard to only weigh yourself once or even twice a week. You can do it I have faith in you, and I'm sure you don't want your scale to be thrown away. lol
  • Strapples
    Strapples Posts: 36 Member
    i might not be a good consultant on this topic since i am here to maintain not lose weight but i find it best that i do it in a scientific approach. if i want to weigh twice a day i have two SOLID scheduled times, 9 AM 9 PM for example. but for me i only need one weigh per day so I weigh within my "window" in the morning or my night "window" 9 and noon and 9 pm and midnight are my "windows" to weigh in.

    just my two (or one) cent or whatever fraction is used in your currency if you are outside the US LOL
  • TrainerRobin
    TrainerRobin Posts: 509 Member
    All of that said, please remember one thing: If you have a "bad" food day (eating off plan or eating too much) and you weigh yourself the next day and find yourself up maybe a few pounds, remember that this is not your new weight ... it's not how much you gained from what you ate.

    Example: Say you overeat by 1,167 calories. Reality check. That's only 1/3 of a pound (one pound equals 3500 calories). So when the scale says you're three pounds heavier the next morning, at the same time you normally weigh in in the same clothes, don't freak out. You likely ingested more sodium, so part of that temporary gain is water retention and the remainder is the actual weight of the extra food (in addition to your regular food and beverage intake) that is slowly moving through your digestive system.

    So many folks get so discouraged when they see they gained a couple (or more) pounds from a bad "splurge" day, that they effectively give up and blow it for more meals/days/weeks/months until they regain their resolve to "diet" again.

    Maintaining a healthy body weight isn't about being on a diet, but is about healthy eating and exercise 90% of the time.

    So weigh yourself as you determine is right for you (once a week works best for most people UNLESS they are the types who don't get upset by an increase when they know they've eaten right OR who can do the math and know that most of the gain will disappear over the next couple of days if they get right back on track), but remember that one little trick. Do the math, know your REAL damage, don't let the number on the scale discourage you, and forge ahead!