chelvid Member


  • I started the shred 14 days ago and unfortunately I was ill the last couple of days so didn't do it, however I think you could do it every other day and I think I may even do the same now instead of doing it every day so I can mix in my zumba with it too. I didn't lose any weight in the 2 weeks that I did the shred…
  • Hi ladies, Good work with the shredding. I am on L1D8 and since I started the 30DS I have felt SO tired, has anyone else found this?
  • I just completed D7L1 and I am finding it alot easier than the start and not getting sore afterward anymore either. Im still not great at push ups (although I am getting better) and the bicycle sit ups are a killer for me too. Im not a fan of the 1st circuit either. I am sort of looking forward to moving to L2 in a few…
  • I love zumba. I do a class once a week and just got zumba for the wii yesterday and it is great
  • Im on day 3 and finding it very intense although today was a tiny bit easier than day 1. Looking forward to seeing some other peoples results
  • I would be lying if I said I loved to exercise but I try to do something everyday. I love zumba so go to a class once a week and am looking forward to be able to do it at home too. I am also on day 3 of the 30DS which is hard work but I like that fact that it is over quickly. I also class walking my daughter to school as…
  • I love Zumba, I go to a class once a week and I have ordered it for the wii and can't wait to be able to do it at home too. Its fun and burns loads of calories
    in Zumba Comment by chelvid March 2011
  • I have lost 16lb so far and would like to lose another 20lb to 25lb. Good luck on your journey
  • I like the idea of working out what frame you have but not sure fingers round the wrist is very accurate as mine says small frame which I disagree with but I would say I had long fingers lol
  • I love it, I started going to a class and now I am thinking of getting it for the wii too. Its fun!
    in Zumba? Comment by chelvid March 2011
  • Cold Turkey for me. I have been smoke free for over 2 years now and have never felt better. Good luck
  • I just wanted to add, you can do this. If I can then you can. I used to smoke 20 a day and never thought I would be able to give up. I gave up with will power alone and have now been smoke free for over 2 years and have never felt better. It is really hard at the start but every day it gets easier and easier and before…