
slashyve Posts: 1
edited September 25 in Introduce Yourself
Hi there
Has anyone done or doing Zumba classe's? I go 2 the gym 5 days a week but want 2 incorperate zumba as well.:happy:


  • mandijo
    mandijo Posts: 618 Member
    Love it! It's my favorite workout!
  • I took my first Zumba class last night. It was fun!
  • Zumba is fun! It is a really big calorie burner! Although I only play on the Playstation 3, but I only do about 20 mins worth since I can't fully do more than that since I have severe asthma, but trust me it's fun and a real calorie burner! :D
  • I love, love, love Zumba! I do it at home with the Kinect though. Im not the greatest when it comes to the moves, but I keep moving.
  • tnfphelan
    tnfphelan Posts: 23
    I go to Zumba 3x a week and love it. You definetely burn a lot of calories and to me it doesn't feel like exercise. My gym keeps adding classes because the claases are all full.
  • I do Zumba every morning 5 days a week and it makes a difference! My body is shrinking! I started in January and can definitely tell a difference! I am down about 25 pounds since I started it!
  • If you like Zumba, I suggest giving Jazzercise a try if you can :) I Jazzercise anywhere between 5-8 times a week! I LOVE Jazzercise!! I have been doing it for 8 months so far and have lost 23lbs. Its an hour long and does both cardio and strength training. check out their website to find a place near you....

  • netty42
    netty42 Posts: 16
    i hated it when i 1st started ,i was so stiff from not excessing for many yrs ,but now in 14lbs LIGHTER ,,i love it ,its very gentle on yr joints ,great fun and a fab burnner,it gests easyer after u have been doing it a few weeks,really looking 4would to mine 2morrow,have fun xxx
  • chelvid
    chelvid Posts: 12 Member
    I love Zumba, I go to a class once a week and I have ordered it for the wii and can't wait to be able to do it at home too. Its fun and burns loads of calories
  • rachel1975f
    rachel1975f Posts: 894
    I also love Zumba, because it is a challenging workout, but fun at the same time. I try to get to at least 2 classes a week.
  • I have it for the wii and i love it!!! I feel like its a cardio that I can do for a longer period of time
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