April 30 Day Shred Team Challenge



  • ejb245
    ejb245 Posts: 195 Member
    Finished L1D5 this morning. Thank you guys for keeping me accountable. Sleep seemed more important this morning, but I knew I wouldn't do it tonight so I got up anyhow.

  • BeccyBerry
    BeccyBerry Posts: 312
    Finished Day 4 this morning and ready for Day 5 tomorrow morning. It's definitely getting a little better. The push-ups are still killing me. But, I'm still doing C25k with this and while I'm slower with my running, I think that's more the weather's fault than the challenge (went from running at 34 degrees Sat. to 72 degrees today, 2 days later... Ugh).

    I think I've noticed a difference, but its probably just wishful thinking. I jumped on the scale and it went up, not down, so I'm just going to hold off on officially weighing myself until Friday. While I've been under my calories, I haven't really been eating well to make up some of my exercise cals. Oh well. I'll be better for the rest of the week and will continue with 30DS in the mornings before work.

    Edit: NOT wishful thinking. The scale might not be my friend, but I did a quick measurement of my waist and I've already lost an inch from the biggest part (under the belly button). Not measuring the rest because I want to be really excited on Friday. :happy:

    I hopped on the scales this morning too and had put on a 1lb not happy so holding off till friday to weigh in properly and going to drink a ton of water between now and then :laugh:

    And way to go on the inch loss already xx
  • BeccyBerry
    BeccyBerry Posts: 312
    Finished Day 4 this morning and ready for Day 5 tomorrow morning. It's definitely getting a little better. The push-ups are still killing me. But, I'm still doing C25k with this and while I'm slower with my running, I think that's more the weather's fault than the challenge (went from running at 34 degrees Sat. to 72 degrees today, 2 days later... Ugh).

    I think I've noticed a difference, but its probably just wishful thinking. I jumped on the scale and it went up, not down, so I'm just going to hold off on officially weighing myself until Friday. While I've been under my calories, I haven't really been eating well to make up some of my exercise cals. Oh well. I'll be better for the rest of the week and will continue with 30DS in the mornings before work.

    Edit: NOT wishful thinking. The scale might not be my friend, but I did a quick measurement of my waist and I've already lost an inch from the biggest part (under the belly button). Not measuring the rest because I want to be really excited on Friday. :happy:

    I hopped on the scales this morning too and had put on a 1lb not happy so holding off till friday to weigh in properly and going to drink a ton of water between now and then :laugh:

    And way to go on the inch loss already xx
  • BeccyBerry
    BeccyBerry Posts: 312
    Day 4 down! It's definitely getting easier - lovin' it.

    I followed up with Level 1 of JM's 6-pack in 6 weeks video... wow, that's a workout...

    The 6 week 6 pack is definately a workout lol it actually hurt me just breathing the days following it when I started it a couple of weeks ago!!
  • thumper67
    thumper67 Posts: 105
    Good morning ladies...Got up late this am and was pretty tired so decided to skip the cardio. I will be shredding this afternoon with Kristin. It is so nice to have a great workout partner. Not feeling as sore today so I hope that is a good thing. Weigh in is tomorrow evening. I think I lost a couple of pounds from last week. Still trying to watch everything that I put in my mouth and keep my calorie intake between 1400 and 1500/day. Well off to work I go...Happy Tuesday everyone!
  • susanjackson66
    susanjackson66 Posts: 680 Member
    Level 1 Day 5 complete! It was easier this morning, although I didnt want to get out of bed. I find it easier to do it in the morning then if something happens during the day and changes my workoout plans, at least I have shredded! Thinking about doing level 1 for a couple more days then going to level 2. I also have seen a 1 lb weight gain. Hopefully this is just muscle, but I will officially weight in on Friday. Have a great day, everyone!
  • BeccyBerry
    BeccyBerry Posts: 312
    Day 5 Level 1 done..... :smile:
  • em80
    em80 Posts: 91
    Day 5 done :)
  • reyna99
    reyna99 Posts: 489 Member
    Level 1 Day 4 done, I missed Sunday :( Darn! but feel great this morning, those side lunges and arm raises are a killer!! the cardio is def easy, going on a walk at lunch with my co-worker.
    Keep it up everyone!!
  • margie_77
    margie_77 Posts: 693 Member
    So, as I was running around my bathroom nekid trying to get ready for work this morning, I noticed that my body is already changing shape a little!!
    Have a great day everybody!! :) I'll post after my work out this afternoon.
  • chelvid
    chelvid Posts: 12 Member
    Hi ladies,

    Good work with the shredding. I am on L1D8 and since I started the 30DS I have felt SO tired, has anyone else found this?
  • aferbet
    aferbet Posts: 124
    Day 4 done. The hardest part for me is still the first circuit of Cardio! Hate it!. But everything else is getting easier. Not as sore s I thought I would be this morning, though.

    I totally agree!!! Good job!!!
  • reyna99
    reyna99 Posts: 489 Member
    Hi ladies,

    Good work with the shredding. I am on L1D8 and since I started the 30DS I have felt SO tired, has anyone else found this?

    I agree!!
  • saphire76
    saphire76 Posts: 102
    Day 7 for me Level 2 today! I made it all the way thorough the plank twists today yay! I need to get through the what are they called? lunge thrusts? Plank thrusts? God those things suck! I hope I get all the way through them 1 day and when I do I will move to level 3.

    I am getting nervous for weigh in since a lot of you have gained. I am more interested in the inches anyway so I will wait till Friday.

    Happy to say though that today I have gotten into my pre pregnancy size 3 jeans!!! I little tight lol:tongue: but still in them!

    Let's all keep up the good work!

    P.S. I pushed through my back pain from yesterday and now it's gone too.
  • lovezumba
    lovezumba Posts: 26
    I feel really bad. I joined this challenge in the hopes that I would be able to do it and stick to it, but of course I couldnt. I have not done it since day 1.

    I found at Friday(4/1) evening that my 21 year old cousin lost his 3 year battle with cancer. So along with dealing with that and getting food poisoning I have not exercised. I am hopefully gonna start back up today or tomorrow.

    With the birth of my first neice today, I feel very inspired. So good luck to all of you!
  • lovezumba
    lovezumba Posts: 26
    I feel really bad. I joined this challenge in the hopes that I would be able to do it and stick to it, but of course I couldnt. I have not done it since day 1.

    I found at Friday(4/1) evening that my 21 year old cousin lost his 3 year battle with cancer. So along with dealing with that and getting food poisoning I have not exercised. I am hopefully gonna start back up today or tomorrow.

    With the birth of my first neice today, I feel very inspired. So good luck to all of you!
  • kmsv123
    kmsv123 Posts: 11
    Did I mention I hate jumping jacks!? :grumble: Tried to finish L1D4 last night but after the cardio I couldn't do anymore due to my back pain. Still not sure what the deal is but am feeling better today so wil try again tonight. I am extremely determined to reach my goals!!!
    Have fun in all you do!!
  • kristinmkartist
    kristinmkartist Posts: 119 Member
    Lovezumba- Sorry to hear about your families loss .They will be in our thoughts!
  • sarahs440
    sarahs440 Posts: 405
    finished day 5! I despise jump rope. Despise it. But I do notice that the last circuit of cardio I can do everything much better. Thanks to all of you I am sticking to this. I really hope for great results. Not only for me, but to show my sister and get her to do it as well! Good job everyone!
  • Tiggermummy
    Tiggermummy Posts: 312 Member
    Sorry I have been a little lax in posting, but I have been shredding.

    Today was the first day I managed to complete all the jumping jacks and I made a strong finish on the last round of cardio with out stopping.

    Still absolutly hopeless at sit ups......
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