April 30 Day Shred Team Challenge



  • rshells
    rshells Posts: 33
    Im in I started mine today and I got through Day 1 Level 1 I am looking forward to doing it again tomorrow
  • margie_77
    margie_77 Posts: 693 Member
    Most mornings, I'm too tired to wake up any earlier than I have to, but when I can, I like to work out in the morning. The sence of accomplishment gives me energy! :)
  • susanjackson66
    susanjackson66 Posts: 696 Member
    @ Reyna99 - To get a ticker, go to Tools, get your ticker, then get the code for your ticker. Copy the code for message boards and go to Message Boards and paste under Signature. I finally figured out how to do this today! I am also new on here.

    @ kmsv123 - The way I get out of bed every morning to do the shred is knowing that after a long day at work, I dont have to shred when I get home! Sometimes I do the elliptical or stationary bike with a friend after work, but I dont have to be thinking about doing that shred DVD all day long. Works for me.
  • ejb245
    ejb245 Posts: 195 Member
    Onto L1D6 - its going by pretty quickly but I am so very tired. I have to ask .... do all of you who do the shred in the morning really feel good throughout the day???? Really??? I do mine at night and I'm exhausted. If shredding in the morning is better than I would love any and all ideas on how to make myself leave my nice warm comfy bed to go workout and sweat with Jillian lol.

    I'm in another challenge, the April Rise and Shine challenge and oddly enough, that's helping. I hate waking up early but I had to this week (I had a conference Monday and Tuesday), so I dragged myself up and while Monday, I was exhausted, Tuesday I felt awesome after. This morning I tried sleeping in, and it wasn't nearly as rewarding as working out. I still have to set 4 alarms to get my @ss up, but I do get up...
  • elissascotland
    elissascotland Posts: 256 Member
    Yay - I'm stiilllll here :)

    L1D6 done.
  • MyFatPublicSecrets
    MyFatPublicSecrets Posts: 85 Member
    Keep it up ladies!
  • saphire76
    saphire76 Posts: 102
    Level three felt easier than two!
    Really? I am going to level 3 next week and so scared.
  • saphire76
    saphire76 Posts: 102
    I tried setting my alarm to get up to do it for a week...never made it out of bed. Now I am doing it on my lunch break. Seems to be going alright so far. I used to work out at night, but I have to wait for my kid to go to bed. It wasn't too bad when he was in bed by 7:30, but these days it is often closer to 9:00. By then, I am ready for bed too. I am still intrigued by the morning workout. Do you get out of bed and immediately throw on your work out gear and get to it? Or what is your routine?

    I like to do it in the morning also. I usually wake up have breakfast with the family, take my son to school then shred shower and go to work. I missed today (rough morning) tonight it is!!!!
  • MoonMyst3
    MoonMyst3 Posts: 423 Member
    Day 14, Level 1... Done. I actually felt so good afterwards I did some spring cleaning! Feeling like I can add more cardio exercises after the Shred now but I'm switching to Level 2 on Saturday so we will see what that brings. I'm looking forward to my Friday weigh-in. Keep going ladies!! :bigsmile:
  • sarahs440
    sarahs440 Posts: 405
    finished day 6! The jump rope was a lot easier today, but I still had to take a break. Made it through the entire third circuit without a single break!! Even the bicycle crunches and side lunges! WOW! I was shocked! (it wasnt easy though!!). Good job everyone! I am so excited to see where we all are on friday!! Have a wonderful evening!!
  • soultrain1913
    soultrain1913 Posts: 33 Member
    Day 6 completed! Are we going to do this for 30 days straight?
  • sarahs440
    sarahs440 Posts: 405
    I plan on doing it 30 days straight. I know we can all make it!!
    SHALONDAG Posts: 50 Member
    Just finished day 6! I'm kinda loving this challenge! I just really want the accomplishment of getting through the whole thing. One day at a time- I can do this! We all can do this! KEEP GOING GUYS!!!!!!
  • em80
    em80 Posts: 91
    Day 6 done. Seems like it's getting easier, my legs and thighs don't really hurt after the workouts now.
  • xaintes
    xaintes Posts: 129
    This is my virtual high five to everyone for day :D
  • susanjackson66
    susanjackson66 Posts: 696 Member
    Day 6 completed! Are we going to do this for 30 days straight?

    I plan on doing it for 30 days straight! Hopefully nothing will get in my way.
  • margie_77
    margie_77 Posts: 693 Member
    I'm planning on doing it until atleast the 24th. I have a 1/2 marathon on the 30th, so I'll have to see how I'm feeling closer to then.
  • SparkleShine
    SparkleShine Posts: 2,001 Member
    I can't believe it but I actually have completed day 1 and day 2.:bigsmile: Maybe this will get me out of my looong slump I've been in!

  • BeccyBerry
    BeccyBerry Posts: 312
    I've been doing 30DS in the mornings before work/starting my day, but decided to try doing it after work today instead. I don't think I like that as much as the mornings, so I think I'll go back to that tomorrow... Oh well. I didn't think I was a morning person, but there's something to be said for getting it done and over with before 6:30 am. :)

    I agree I love doing it first thing if I dont I seem to really struggle to fit it in!!
  • BeccyBerry
    BeccyBerry Posts: 312
    Well, I missed Day 5 but I am going to get it done today after I grab my son from school at 2:30. I also have yoga today so that is a double-work out. I plan on not missing anymore days (if I can help it) this month! :)

    My son called me out on missing my workout and suggested this morning that I "do it twice" so I can stay on track. I thanked him and told him that I have yoga today so that is a double workout. His reply, "awesome job, Mom". Awwww....my little coach :)

    Awwww thats too cute :smile: