Gawain Member


  • The science behind weight loss is that you simply need to burn 3500 calories more than what you intake for you to lose 1lb; likewise if you eat 3500 more calories than you burn, you gain a pound - that can be over any period of time. Technically it's no easier to lose weight that has just been gained than weight that has…
  • Not sure how far afield their music reaches, but I'm currently working out to UK Dubstep band "Nero" - Very high intensity throughout the majority of their music.
  • About to start P90 as well, and also have P90M & P90X on standby with anticipation that the P90 works as well as its users say. I've still gotta read the P90 guide and figure out the diary etc before I'm ready to get going, but happy to join in the fun on here once I begin. Good luck to all, really excited to see the…
  • Start by doing a push-up on your knees, and move them back a little further as you get better. slowly you'll build up enough strength to do them the full-on way, using your toes and arms close by your shoulders. Good luck and keep trying.
    in push ups Comment by Gawain July 2011
  • Rather than something tangible, how about a night out? Theatre, opera, concert - something that you'll always associate with the feeling of hitting that important milestone! Great going!
  • Your best bet is to search for an equivalent version from the database and try and pick the highest calorie option available, based on the quantity you think is served. That way you're probably over-estimating, and can keep your daily limit in check.
  • I'd suggest with the regular exercise you're doing, you're eating too little. You really do need to maintain a 1200 calorie diet AFTER exercise. Starvation mode does really exist, and your body will start hoarding any food you eat, rather than burning it. Try for a week hitting 1200 a week after exercise, and see how you…
  • Congratulations on reaching your target weight (almost), and don't feel bad that you don't look as you may have hoped. I'm sure you look a lot better than when you set your target weight, it's sometimes very difficult to notice change in yourself though. I'd certainly not lose anymore weight though, you know this already.…
  • Would have definitely have joined you, though I would have looked like Ricky Gervais dancing in the middle of my office ;) Which tune did YOU pick?
  • Welcome, I too am new (today's my first visit). Only found this excellent site having tried the iPhone App (which is sensational). Good Luck :)
    in new here Comment by Gawain January 2011
  • I actually find that weighing myself weekly is more beneficial as It's easier to keep track of where you had a "blip" when weighing in weekly and It's easier to re-plan your workout schedule (and diet) on a week to week basis if your last weigh in wasn't so good. Weighing yourself every day is a big no, no as you've found…