Is recently gained weight easier to lose?

Not sure if this is the right place to post this. but I am wondering if its easier to lose weight if you have just gained most of it in less than a year, or does it make it harder? or no difference?


  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    Interesting, kind of philosophical question.

    I might be inclined to say that recently gained weight is easier to lose because the bad habits haven't yet been deeply ingrained, as they would be for people who have had a lifetime of being overweight. So maybe it would be easier to get back into the old (presumably decent) habits.
  • Silverkittycat
    Silverkittycat Posts: 1,997 Member
    Wow, I never even thought about that.
    Good question.

    Past my bedtime so I'm falling asleep, but I'll see if I can find anything on it tomorrow. I'm curious. Hopefully you'll get some answers from those who know. :smile:
  • firesoforion
    firesoforion Posts: 1,017 Member
    Well, I worked for I'm not quite sure how long (obviously was hard during Holiday season) to drop down from 160 to 155, and a couple days before Christmas I hit it. Then I gained it back between Christmas and New Years, but then I dropped a pound a day until I got back down to 155. Then it slowed down *dramatically.* I'm pretty sure there was some fat there as well as water weight, but the new stuff came off fast and then it slowed down when it was back to the older stuff, so I'd say yes, I think it is.

    Oh, ETA, I think it's got to be pretty new. Most of mine is less than a year old, but it was the week or so old stuff that came off really fast.
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    Definition of recently gained is very subjective. Could be over a week (small amount) to a year or more (larger amounts).

    I don't know the answer but from my own experience short term gains of a week or two are easily lost again with a few weeks of dieting again.

    Hoping someone really smart has some solid science backed answer to this :smile:
  • Well I was about 145lbs May 2011, Im not 172. so I gained alot in about 9 months. Im just curious if it will be easier or no different to lose because its somewhat recent
  • Well I was about 145lbs May 2011, Im not 172. so I gained alot in about 9 months. Im just curious if it will be easier or no different to lose because its somewhat recent

    I don't think it's easier physically, I think it's only easier because you've only had the weight on for a short amount of time and so you're mentally capible of losing it a bit easier or faster, and it could mean you're still fit even though you've put on the weight. Unfortunatly there's no easy answer, but wether or not it's easier you shouldn't wait any longer to lose because the longer you wait the more you'll put on/ have to lose.
  • Gawain
    Gawain Posts: 11 Member
    The science behind weight loss is that you simply need to burn 3500 calories more than what you intake for you to lose 1lb; likewise if you eat 3500 more calories than you burn, you gain a pound - that can be over any period of time.

    Technically it's no easier to lose weight that has just been gained than weight that has been with you for a while, however a number of things come in to play that makes that not so. for example:

    If you're very overweight, your body will burn more calories per day than someone in the "average" bmi range, this is because of the extra weight you have to carry. If you were then to stick to a low calorie diet, your weight loss would be quicker than someone with less weight to lose. On the flip side, however, you may not physically be able to workout or train as intensely as someone with much less weight to lose.

    Also, as already mentioned, those recently putting on weight may be easier able to tackle the psychology behind the weight loss better than someone who has been overweight for a longer period of time.

    There's no magic metabolism that sees newly acquired weight easier to lose, results are generally only as effective as the person's attempts at achieving them.
  • Di3012
    Di3012 Posts: 2,247 Member
    Not sure if this is the right place to post this. but I am wondering if its easier to lose weight if you have just gained most of it in less than a year, or does it make it harder? or no difference?

    If I put on weight and try to lose it again, it comes off much quicker if I go on a diet closer to when I first put it on rather that let the fat "settle" on my body for a year or two (dang, hope I make sense there LOL).

    I have lost weight after being overweight for a few years, it took around six months to shift approximately 40lbs. If I don't leave myself overweight for a long time but only a month or two, the weight will shift.

    *sigh* evertime I say to myself "this time I will NOT put the weight back on" - well, once I have reached my goal this time round, I am saying NOTHING lest I fall foul - AGAIN! :laugh:
  • Di3012
    Di3012 Posts: 2,247 Member
    Well I was about 145lbs May 2011, Im not 172. so I gained alot in about 9 months. Im just curious if it will be easier or no different to lose because its somewhat recent

    You are the perfect "guinea pig" to try out this theory in that case! Personally, I think it will shift very satifactorily!
  • Your more motivated. I lost the weight then put some on now trying to lose it again, but its exciting knowing i will be back to were i once was, so this motivates me a hell of alot!

    But don't think it will be quicker or will be the similar I'm sure!