vdmxo Member


  • Okay, I just went to the kitchen to make coffee but came across honey and lemon green tea that I forgot I even had. I made some and put like the tiniest amount of cayenne pepper in it (due to someone saying hot water, lemon and cayenne). half way through the cup i needed the bathroom. safe to say i've found my cure!
  • 5'6.5; goal weight is between 120lbs and 125lbs xo
  • ahh see banana's make me worse as well. whenever i get constipation, it's always around 5 - 9 days without being able to go. i refuse to use laxatives because they just ruin the body and i dont want to become dependant on them to be able to go. i think ill get some prunes tomorrow - not gonna lie, im scared. i dont think…
  • pardon my french, but what the efffff? seriously? like, actual raw chicken. like chicken, chicken? :S haha
  • it deffo can, but i think it only causes constipated when you dont have enough liquid to get it moving. i would have thought the amount of water i drink just now would get it moving, but obviously not! i think ill try a cuppa coffee to see if it works seeing as so many people are saying it does for them ! :) should i put…
  • Thanks! :) Ive noticed that I'm always on the fibre limit or over, so ill try with more water to see how i get on :)
  • I'm going to try get in another litre a day and see if I can push more in. I already drink 10 glasses (2.25L) a day, so ill try it and see how i get on :) Thanks so much for your input! :) xoxo
  • You could just choose whichever veggies you like, add some tinned tomatoes, a touch of sugar, salt and pepper and tomato puree and you have your sauce. next choose a lower calorie option pasta sheet. as for the cheese, you could cut it out fromt the layers and just grate some mozarella or parmesan on top? thats as much as…
  • I've found that my natural metabolic rate is 1810kcal however when i put the settings to automatic on this, it gives me a goal of 1200. thats good if i want to lose weight obviously, but the point i want to make is that it wont kill you if you went over your goal by like 100 calories. If you work out your BMR then i think…