What do you take/eat/drink when you have constipation?

vdmxo Posts: 10 Member
Bit of a TMI subject, but yeah, I'm constipated.
I've always had this since I got the contraceptive implant in my arm a year ago last April. It's out now, but I still get the occasional episode.
I'd just like to see what you guys do when you're in this situation.

Any replies would be great! :)



  • Adrenaline_Queen
    Adrenaline_Queen Posts: 626 Member
    Water, drink more water........................

    Double your intake!! Or triple it................ That is all you need........................ Water..........

    I know it sounds silly, but try it................. xx Drink half a pint when you get up, then another half, 30 mins later, then half again before you leave the house, when you get to work or the gym, do the same, you will need the toilet a lot when you first do this, but after a week, you will be ok............... Honest....................... xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

    Hugs xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • havingitall
    havingitall Posts: 3,728 Member
    Eat lots of fruits and veggies. Eat whole grains...track your fiber on MFP...Then drink lots of water to get it moving.
  • vdmxo
    vdmxo Posts: 10 Member
    I'm going to try get in another litre a day and see if I can push more in.
    I already drink 10 glasses (2.25L) a day, so ill try it and see how i get on :)
    Thanks so much for your input! :)

  • glockster972
    glockster972 Posts: 704 Member
    Not really an issue for me, but the wife has problems sometimes. She drinks water, then goes for a walk. That usually helps "move" things along.
  • mfpseven
    mfpseven Posts: 421 Member
    I drink like 3 cups of coffee lol
  • Athena413
    Athena413 Posts: 1,709 Member
    Cascara sagrada - you can get it at Wal-Mart in the vitamin section or at any herb store. It's basically an herbal laxative. And I second what Adrenaline_Queen said about the water...if you're dehydrated, things won't move like they should.
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
  • vdmxo
    vdmxo Posts: 10 Member
    Eat lots of fruits and veggies. Eat whole grains...track your fiber on MFP...Then drink lots of water to get it moving.

    Thanks! :) Ive noticed that I'm always on the fibre limit or over, so ill try with more water to see how i get on :)
  • april_beth
    april_beth Posts: 616 Member
    I drink like 3 cups of coffee lol

    this :) well, for me anyways...have a cup and go for a walk - but dont walk too far from the house which holds the sacred bathroom :)
  • killagb
    killagb Posts: 3,280 Member
    I second the coffee suggestion....it definitely has a quality about it that makes many of us need to drop anchor :bigsmile:
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I haven't been constipated in years, but if I would go for prune juice.
  • drog2323
    drog2323 Posts: 1,343 Member
    Water. Fibre. Exercise. Coffee. Prunes. Or stuff like metamucil. Etc.
  • drog2323
    drog2323 Posts: 1,343 Member
    Water. Fibre. Exercise. Coffee. Prunes. Or stuff like metamucil. Etc.
  • boisebeau
    boisebeau Posts: 1 Member
    increase your calcium intake or drink a Dr. Pepper. Dr. Pepper has licorce root in it which helps the movement.
  • kitkatkait
    kitkatkait Posts: 87 Member
    drinking water right after you get up in the morning usually helps a lot :)
    takes a while to get used to for some people, but it's supposed to be really healthy.
  • LJGmom
    LJGmom Posts: 249 Member
    Coffee. It really does help.
  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,219 Member
    Miralax, it's gentle and doesn't act like a regular laxative.
  • ahavoc
    ahavoc Posts: 464 Member
    The best stuff is Yerba Prima Daily Fiber Formula. Orange Flavored to boot, but it's so much better than that Metamucil crap which does nothing, as most of those supermarket ones are crap, no pun intended.

    I get the Yerba Prima at my health food store, but I bet you can get it online too. It'll fix you up in one day, and then you can continue with the extra water.
  • 99clmsntgr
    99clmsntgr Posts: 777 Member
    I would imagine that advice to adults would mirror advice given by the pediatrician for our little ones.

    1. Prunes. Any time our 1 year old gets ....stopped up... we give him prunes with every meal. Eventually it all works itself out. I also have to believe this is why the stereotype of old people eating prunes all the time exists. For what it's worth, the Gerber prunes and apples baby food isn't entirely nasty tasting if you can't stand the thought of eating just prunes.

    2. Our pediatrician has always had us add light karo syrup (emphasis on light. The clear stuff sold near the pancake syrup) to the formula bottles to help prevent constipation. I have no idea how this works, I only know that we need to revert back to step 1 if we, for whatever reason, run out or forget to add it for a day or more.

    Hope that helps. And I hope you, or whoever is stopped up, are feeling better soon!
  • Gigi_licious
    Gigi_licious Posts: 1,185 Member
    Apple juice. Water. Tons of liquids. You don't want a turtle head getting stuck.

    I thought that tooooo much fiber could cause constipation......is that wrong?