What do you take/eat/drink when you have constipation?



  • amyllu
    amyllu Posts: 432 Member
    I have just found that the ready-to-eat type prunes are very effective.
    Just 6-8 are plenty.
  • wolfchild59
    wolfchild59 Posts: 2,608 Member
    Similar to others. More water and more fiber. I do eat prunes, but never more than three at a time and they dont have that effect o me, I just like prunes :) It's good to remember though, you're not considered officially constipated unless there haven't been any movements of any kind in over three days. A lot of folks don't go for a day or two and think they're constipated and start taking pills or other stuff. But official definition is nothing in three or more days (no matter how much daily is preferred by most. heh) Ultimately, a person is actually considered regular if they have movements at least twice a week. (I used to be an every day, two-three times a day person and when that changed drastically I asked my dr for advice and also found what she told me confirmed multiple times in reading about it).

    And always remember, the more you take to try to make yourself go, whether it be a natural laxative or something like Ex-Lax, makes it more difficult for your body to do its work without the outside stimulant. Also the more you use it, the less effective that stimulant will become. So it's a very common thing for people to become dependent on both natural and artificial stimulants and have to take them more and more frequently just to stay regular at all. So my dr recommended not even considering an outside stimulant until its been four-five days. And following that, I've never had to take one cuz its always ended up working itself out before then. :)
  • lep_623
    lep_623 Posts: 197 Member
    I have had this problem too... I tried upping my fiber by eating fiberone bars but it only made it worse and so did bananas. Finally I couldn't take it anymore last nigth and I went and got prunes and laxatives. The laxatives help quicker and the prunes are more for maintanence, if you eat one or two a day it should help keep you regular. I hadn't been for like 5 days and was so uncomfortable but after the laxative last night I feel much better today. Hope you get to feeling better!
  • lovelee79
    lovelee79 Posts: 362
    Yes all of the above and drink lots of water, and stay away from cheese and bread because they can cause a "plug".
    ~ In emergency I use: Nature SM tea (triple leave brand) me and my friends call it "poo tea" ..... cuz that's the results after you drink this stuff !! I drink it in the evening, then when I awake BINGO !!! But make sure you have No plans the next day, cuz you will be on the toilet a lot.
    Maybe you can only get it in Canada, I'm not sure.
    no caffeine, no chemicals. Ingredients: Malva Verticellata
  • AnninStPaul
    AnninStPaul Posts: 1,372 Member
    a cup of prune juice usually does it for me....

    how the heck can you drink it? I cannot stand the taste!!
  • AmeChops
    AmeChops Posts: 744 Member
    Prunes work well...a little too well for me...or maybe I just over did it...which ever it was I sure as hell ain't eating them at work again lol!!
  • Espressocycle
    Espressocycle Posts: 2,245 Member
    Black coffee.
  • AnninStPaul
    AnninStPaul Posts: 1,372 Member
    I have had this problem too... I tried upping my fiber by eating fiberone bars but it only made it worse and so did bananas. Finally I couldn't take it anymore last nigth and I went and got prunes and laxatives. The laxatives help quicker and the prunes are more for maintanence, if you eat one or two a day it should help keep you regular. I hadn't been for like 5 days and was so uncomfortable but after the laxative last night I feel much better today. Hope you get to feeling better!

    bananas, rice, applesauce and toast (BRAT diet) to slow things down....
  • vdmxo
    vdmxo Posts: 10 Member
    I have had this problem too... I tried upping my fiber by eating fiberone bars but it only made it worse and so did bananas. Finally I couldn't take it anymore last nigth and I went and got prunes and laxatives. The laxatives help quicker and the prunes are more for maintanence, if you eat one or two a day it should help keep you regular. I hadn't been for like 5 days and was so uncomfortable but after the laxative last night I feel much better today. Hope you get to feeling better!

    ahh see banana's make me worse as well.
    whenever i get constipation, it's always around 5 - 9 days without being able to go.
    i refuse to use laxatives because they just ruin the body and i dont want to become dependant on them to be able to go.
    i think ill get some prunes tomorrow - not gonna lie, im scared. i dont think ill like prunes ha.

    coffee time :)
  • nikkit321
    nikkit321 Posts: 1,485 Member
    lots of green grapes works every time
  • radicalreader
    radicalreader Posts: 207 Member
    My son's pediatrician always recommended a mug of warm apple juice PLUS a handful of dried apricots or dried plums (which are also known as prunes, but dried plums just sounds so much more appetizing).
    This is also same exact thing my ob recommended after my c-section.

    Oh ... you don't mix them together. Drink the apple juice. Eat the dried fruit.
  • VegGrrl
    VegGrrl Posts: 336 Member
    I don't get constipated - when you're vegan, it's pretty much one meal in:wink: , one meal out!
  • nerdyandilikeit
    nerdyandilikeit Posts: 2,185 Member
    A good book. Or my Kindle.

    Wait...you eat books and/or electronics? Interesting.

    Does a bad book work less effectively?
  • Arynamber
    Arynamber Posts: 162 Member
    Coffee, Water, and fruits that start with P (prunes, peaches, pears..)
  • vdmxo
    vdmxo Posts: 10 Member
    Okay, I just went to the kitchen to make coffee but came across honey and lemon green tea that I forgot I even had.
    I made some and put like the tiniest amount of cayenne pepper in it (due to someone saying hot water, lemon and cayenne).

    half way through the cup i needed the bathroom.
    safe to say i've found my cure!
  • StarGeezer
    Okay, I just went to the kitchen to make coffee but came across honey and lemon green tea that I forgot I even had.
    I made some and put like the tiniest amount of cayenne pepper in it (due to someone saying hot water, lemon and cayenne).

    half way through the cup i needed the bathroom.
    safe to say i've found my cure!

    YAY! Glad it worked! :)
  • tabik30
    tabik30 Posts: 443
    Raw chicken. That stuff will clean you right out.

    pardon my french, but what the efffff?
    like, actual raw chicken. like chicken, chicken? :S haha

    I hope that's a joke! That can't be healthy, salmonella comes to mind!
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Okay, I just went to the kitchen to make coffee but came across honey and lemon green tea that I forgot I even had.
    I made some and put like the tiniest amount of cayenne pepper in it (due to someone saying hot water, lemon and cayenne).

    half way through the cup i needed the bathroom.
    safe to say i've found my cure!

    Hmm, I'd never heard that. But if ceyenne pepper is a cure that would be one reason I'm never constipated. My husband puts it in everything.
  • subela
    subela Posts: 76
    Cut out dairy, cheese and milk products specifically. I also never had a problem as a Vegan (currently vegetarian), if I eat too much dairy now it comes back. I would juice an apple and a pear before I go to bed or drink Smooth Move tea (licorice) for good results the next day.
    BTW, I think the fiber count on here is low as most of the time I double it, but again that might be because I am vegetarian and stick to mostly fruits/veg/nuts and seeds with some grains and legumes. Meat and dairy have no fiber, all other whole foods do.
  • soniyamas
    soniyamas Posts: 160 Member

    Yes, prunes do miracles... try it.