What do you take/eat/drink when you have constipation?



  • california_peach
    california_peach Posts: 1,809 Member
    More water, some driend fruit and go for a walk or run( just don't go too far).
  • steffiejoe
    steffiejoe Posts: 313 Member
    I take a couple of tbsps of organic coconut oil. I know it sounds gross but its not too bad. This keeps me regular. Before I cut back on my sugar intake I would drink 8 ozs of Plum Smart.
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    delicious bite size goodness...
  • acciomuscles
    acciomuscles Posts: 164 Member
    Coffee coffee coffee! The magic combination seems to be a big mug of it and a giant glass of water first thing in the morning. Also make sure you're getting plenty of fiber from whole grains, fruits, and veggies.
  • Lots of water, and an occasional Colace.
  • cabaray
    cabaray Posts: 971 Member
    All I have to do is drink Lipton tea. I can drink other teas, but for some reason I'm headed to the bathroom within 1/2 hour of drinking Lipton.
  • killagb
    killagb Posts: 3,280 Member
    increase your calcium intake or drink a Dr. Pepper. Dr. Pepper has licorce root in it which helps the movement.
    It's a poop, not Occupy Wall Street.
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    Raw chicken. That stuff will clean you right out.
  • Gigi_licious
    Gigi_licious Posts: 1,185 Member
    I also hear raw chicken will help. Great way to clean out your insides.

    Edit: Contrarian beat me to it. :-)
  • killagb
    killagb Posts: 3,280 Member
    Raw chicken. That stuff will clean you right out.
    Drano unclogs though. Leaves you sort of hollow feeling though.
  • vim_n_vigor
    vim_n_vigor Posts: 4,089 Member
    Coffee, hot water (or tea, or hot water with lemon), prunes, prune juice
  • kennethmgreen
    kennethmgreen Posts: 1,759 Member
    A good book. Or my Kindle.
  • DietingMommy08
    DietingMommy08 Posts: 1,345 Member
    I dnt have this problem but when my son did when he was younger I always gave him Aloe Vera Juice.

    Coffee always does it for me wether I want it to or not. Lol.

    & of course LOTS of water!!!
  • vdmxo
    vdmxo Posts: 10 Member
    Apple juice. Water. Tons of liquids. You don't want a turtle head getting stuck.

    I thought that tooooo much fiber could cause constipation......is that wrong?

    it deffo can, but i think it only causes constipated when you dont have enough liquid to get it moving.
    i would have thought the amount of water i drink just now would get it moving, but obviously not!

    i think ill try a cuppa coffee to see if it works seeing as so many people are saying it does for them ! :)
    should i put milk in it or just black? sugar, no sugar? lol

    thanks everyone! i really appreciate the help :)

    Maria xoxo
  • Donna_T_B
    Donna_T_B Posts: 24 Member
    Apple juice. Water. Tons of liquids. You don't want a turtle head getting stuck.

    I thought that tooooo much fiber could cause constipation......is that wrong?

    No, that is not wrong. There are different kinds of fiber (and I'm not sure about the differences) and some helps to move things along, but the other kind adds bulk to the stool. So if you're eating a lot of fiber and you're constipated, water is the answer.
  • cutiepie2628
    cutiepie2628 Posts: 415 Member
    a cup of prune juice usually does it for me....
  • Abbey70
    Abbey70 Posts: 82 Member
    Try warm water when you first get up in the morning. A doctor had told me that. Drinking more water helps but if you still have a problem try prune juice. It works better if you warm it up. If you still have problems use warm prune juice and a teaspoon of molasses. We give this to the people I take care of at work when they have problems such as this but only if its been 2 or 3 days without have a movement. Hope this helps
  • vdmxo
    vdmxo Posts: 10 Member
    Raw chicken. That stuff will clean you right out.

    pardon my french, but what the efffff?
    like, actual raw chicken. like chicken, chicken? :S haha
  • tammylwv
    tammylwv Posts: 155 Member
    I have a form of IBS and depending on how long you have gone...you can up the water, add more fiber, and other ideas that have been suggested. If it's been awhile, you may have to give yourself an enema. The longer feces stays in your colon the drier it becomes because the water is absorbed back into the body, which makes the feces harder. Try a stool softener and laxative. Lemon water is good and if you have cayenne pepper, put some in it too. The pepper actually helps with the peristolyc motion of the stomach and colon.

    Don't let it go for long that can cause other issues you don't want.
  • LCFulmer
    LCFulmer Posts: 183 Member
    Prune Juice or Plum Smart Juice... I myself eat grilled egg plant every morning which helps with digestion. I slice the egg plant (width end) and then seasoned and put in oven to cook. I have it with my breakfast everyday; I've found that this really helps with any potential constipation.