SkinneyGirl28 Member


  • I know it has been a while, but I am here occassionally
  • Years ago I felt some from family because they worried about my children getting enough of this or that. I quit all flesh foods in the '70's and the dairy in the '80's. I always brought great entrees to family gatherings. As a result, my mom and brother are now animal free and other relatives are respectful. Just keep…
  • According to what I have read in the past, most people eat far too much protein. As for me, about once a week, I'll eat 10 raw almonds. 10 raw almonds give you all the protein and all the calcium you need for a day's supply. Other than that, I don't worry about my numbers. I happen to have a very high metabolism. When I…
  • I'm around too. I don't always have the time to post. I am recovering from a fractured femur neat the hip joint. Just getting to where I can spend more time up and at the computer. Skinney girl 28
  • We'll probably do Tofuti turkey slices, Home made smashed potatoes with chicken-like gravy, cranberry orange salad, cranberry sauce, fresh Brussels Sprouts from the garden, green beans, corn, sweet potatoes, home made stuffing/dressing, home made dinner rolls, and a veggie plate, with Pumpkin pie and berry pie for dessert…
  • Yes commercial burger crumbles are a processed food. I have been a vegan for 28 years. This last 6 months I have been cutting out all processed foods. 8 weeks ago I slammed my hip into a tree and broke it. Today I am walking, still using a walker, but in 2 weeks I graduate to a cane then graduate out of that. The Doc who…
  • There is not much vegan there
  • I am 5'9. When I first started riding I was struggling to stay above 130# because at 125 I look like skin draped over bones. After a couple weeks of riding, I went to 135# and was really excited. But now that has dropped to 132-3. Oils are processed foods. I am eating about 50% cooked and 50% raw. I don't know macros.
  • I am only riding my mountain bike just under 10 miles, more downhill than up hill and only 3 days a week, but on pavement. That's my only exercise. I have cut out most processed foods and it has dropped some. By cutting out the processed vege foods, I have lost another 4 pounds I can't afford to really loose. I am going…
  • I am a vegan for health reasons. My body does not tolerate animal products. I was sick as a child, All The Time! Just a couple weeks ago, I ate a black bean burger at a friends house. she said she was sure it was vegan, but didn't have the box. She did not tell me it was Morning Star Farms, or i would have known. I had a…
  • If you cut out the processed vegan foods you will loose weight!
  • I have had the little book, "Of These Ye May Freely Eat" by Joann Ranchor. I just recently found it again in a second hand store and picked it up for a friend. In looking through this "revised" edition, I gave mine to a friend and kept the new one. It has a whole section of foods that you can dehydrate, and rehydrate. So I…
  • Good for you! Keep praying every time temptation comes, Praise God for everything you can ( the air you breath, your friends, your eyesight, that you have a place to live, for your family, for your ability to make good choices, etc) and watch your temptation flee! ND :flowerforyou:
  • Kim, Now that a month has passed, how do you feel? ND
  • Swanson Vitamin company makes a vegan (they call it vegetarian) glucosamine and it comes in Veggie caps. I use it to keep knee pain in check as I am 60. I ride my mountain bike and put my knee through a lot. SkinneyGirl28
  • I have a recipe box at They have several vegan recipes. If you pay to join you can submit recipes, comment on them, and get shopping lists. This was my vegan source before I came here and also learned about the CHIP program
  • This is good stuff. Thanks for sharing. will take a copy next time I need to see a Doc.
  • That was good. Thanks for the chuckle!
  • I have some of Dr McDougal's cook books. Are you working with him in person? SkinneyGirl28 :smile:
  • That's really cool. I've been changing my vegan diet. Trying to get my hubby to come along with me. He uses so many processed foods.
  • Stephanie, I broke my tailbone in high school PE. Soak in hot baths with Epsom salts! It takes about 6 weeks to heal. Father in heaven, Precious LORD, Hear the cry of Your servant, Stephanie. Bring her comfort as You heal her tailbone. Help her to learn to be more careful. Thank You for hearing and answering, In The Name…
  • I have been told Americans consume way too much protein. Instead of the 90 grams my last program said I needed, I believe I only need 35 grams a day. I learned this from several sources many years ago! NeelieDeer
  • Keep up the great job. You are one awesome lady!
  • What an amazing job you have done. Your enthusiasm is contagious!
  • I agree. It's the best commercial cheese. Total Vegan. Can be purchased in block or shreds. I have only found shreds in the stores. Some Costco's, Safeway, Haggen foods, etc. check out their web page for stores in your area. It is total Vegan. NeelieDeer:happy:
  • I was looking for a place to post this and I think it will be ok here. I just attended a couple seminars by Dr. Hans Diehl, founder of the CHIP (Complete Health Improvement Program) program, and he said that to leave alone anything that has a nutrition label (manufactured foods), or a safety label (Animal flesh). If it has…
  • Congratulations. You go girl! This is so great. I had someone ask me once if going vegan would guarantee weight loss. I told them that it still depended on your choices. After all, Potato chips are vegan, and there are lots of vegan ice creams and Popsicles, cream cheese and sour cream, as well as many processed foods. So…
  • Female Age: 60 Height: 5'9" SW: 130 CW: 135 GW: 145 6 years ago I was diagnosed with the metabolism of a 12 year old boy. As I age my metabolism increases.
  • Great testimonial! I have been totally plant based since February, 1985, and I will never go back! At that time, I was sick a lot, but not overweight. Weight has almost never been my problem. But with a whole food plant based diet I have my health and strength back. I heal much quicker from injuries. And I have been around…