Forever4me Member


  • Wow! Talk about a reason to keep a promise! I'm so sorry about the loss of you mom, but if your promise will keep you alive and well for many more years to come, then you'll make her proud from heaven. I've struggled with my weight my whole life and was working towards loving who I was, which included getting fit and…
  • Like most of you, getting back to me and trying to lose the weight I put back on after working so hard to lose it. Single, professional mom with 3 kids...definitely need support and encouragement and will give it back as well. Please add me!
  • Bump for later. From the sounds of it, I need this.
  • I SOOO needed to see this this morning. I lose slowly but my mantra is that I'd rather lose it slowly and never have to lose it again. But I haven't been so diligent as of late, but just got a LOT of stress relieved, so will be refocusing on me again and would like to get the scale moving again..even if it's slowly. ;-)…
  • I didn't read all the posts, so perhaps this has already been said, but for me it was definitely a mental shift. I was fat since I was 5. I've yo-yo'd all my life, but never was thin (still am not). But here is why I previously failed and now am successful: I'm a perfectionist. So with dieting, I either had a perfect day,…
  • LOVE IT! And not just because of the recipe. But because I work for the very company and in the very same building where Country Woman is published. Country Woman is under the same publishing company as Taste of Home, and the key to Taste of Home's success is that every single recipe is reader submitted, tested in our own…
  • Omgoodness - this sounds delicious. I love chipotle and cilantro! And I have everything I need in my house. Yippee!
  • I've never smoked and sounds like perhaps you might have asthma (have you had that checked out?), but I can relate to the fear and anxiety of running. I've been fat since I was 5 and up until a year ago, if you would ask me if I would prefer to run 1 mile or walk 20, I'd chose the latter. I started using the app C25K -…
  • Bump to make tonight!
  • Yay! I only workout at home (single mom with 3 kids, so as much as I'd love to go to the gym, just doesn't happen), so variety is key. I hope their customer service stays as great as it had been as well. Thanks for the info!
  • That's incredible. You look fantastic! Check out those guns!
  • That's onderful! :flowerforyou: Great work and AMAZING dedication. I lose slowly too, but I know I will NEVER have to lose it ever again. It is gone for good because we have done it with perseverance and life style changes, not some radical diet. Keep up the amazing effort!
  • Single...oh, so single.
  • If you're relatively new to exercise, why do you feel like you have to run? Lots of you tube videos, workout DVDs that are free/cheap, or classes at the gym or ellipticals, bikes, weights etc. There are so many options to burn something you like as you ease into exercise. I started with cardio kickboxing.…
  • That's incredible! You look amazing - hardly the same person - inside and out. Your confidence and sassy attitude are so evident - LOVE IT!!
  • Wow! That's incredible work. So happy for your success!
  • Waiting for you to accept! :happy:
  • I've always been heavier (varying ranges, but this is about the lightest I've been in my adult life, and I'm about 25# lighter than I was when I was 12), so I've never felt deserving of a man I truly wanted (attractive, accomplished, funny, sweet, in-shape, loves his family etc). Even though I've been working on my head as…
  • Thank you for sharing - looking for quick, easy AND delicious! Sounds like all 3!
  • Been there, done that....about 2 weeks ago. EXACTLY what you did...Thin Mints and all. I was angry at myself too, but it was one bad choice, and it didn't ruin my week. I still lost weight. We are lucky that we get to make choices over and over you chose to walk a little extra, which is great. And make some…
  • I'm from Milwaukee...I've been here (mfp) for a little over a year. Not sure what I would have done without it! For me, the support, motivation and encouragement found on this site was as critical to me as logging, especially during the few months I was injured and wasn't able to get solid workouts in. In the past - I…
  • One of the best told stories I've read. Your accomplishment is astounding, and the grace and logic you used to achieve it is wondeful! Thank you for sharing.
  • You definitely are a success story! Even if you don't lose another pound, you've lost #25 and you look beautiful from the pictures. That's a wonderful accomplishment.
  • ^^This, combined with "Pick your Hard" is when it finally clicked for me. I always thought every day was about being "perfect" with diet and exercise. I beat myself up when I wasn't. I always felt either deprived (but perfect) or guilty (but a failure). But then it clicked: the beauty of this world is that we get to make…
  • Sending request. Single mom with 3 active kids here. Your story resonates all too well with me. I've been active on MFP since last February. Was very committed last winter/spring and lost 25#. I hurt my knee in September (tore a ligament playing volleyball) and it was just the beginning of this year that I've been able to…
  • This is similar to what others have said, but it's what finally "clicked" for me. It's all about making choices. We are so blessed that we can make choices. I can choose to eat my burger & fries (in your case, Mexican/chips & salsa) and then you can choose to eat less at the next meal, or a little less at the next few…
  • Incredible! You should be so proud. You look terrific!!
  • I'm so glad to hear everyone is doing so well! I hope the people that are struggling aren't being shy about asking for support. My week is going well. I've gotten my workouts in, tracked my calories, drank my water. A co-worker of mine who is also a MFPer has yanked me away from my desk to walk 30-45 minutes each day on…