

  • Sack em
  • I ahd exactly that day yesterday so I know how you feel........ I figured that I would try and weigh myself again on Friday, just to see if anything has changed by then rather than waiting a whole week - I didnt want to give myself permission to break my calorie consumption goal for a few days to wallow im my very pitiful…
  • Im from Melbourne too and new!!! Have sent you a request..... would love other friends from Australia if anyone is keen
  • i am with you too! I have only been on this site for a couple of days, and I am amazed to find so many people who share the same issues - it really is great to feel a little bit "normal" or at the very least that the craziness is shared!!! I find myself going to the fridge or cupboard when I have a moment of peace which…
  • Hey snowy, i do that too - if I weigh myself daily i get discouraged.... even though I want to throw myself on those scales every morning to see if I have miraculously lost 10 pounds overnight, I hold off and do it weekly to (hopefully) avoid that feeling of disappointment......... there is no way I would last a whole…
  • Hi Kristy I have just joined myself and am from Melbourne. Would love to have a friend on the way - I also need to lose about 20 kilos.