

  • Your progress is seen by OTHERs first and only when substantial changes happen do you see it... The reason is because you observe it every day and every second and that makes it hard to see changes.... Of course one thing you can actually do is measure your body fat using a Skin Fold Caliper (Make sure you measure the same…
  • Increasing caloric requirement for a day or two wont hurt anyone.. but try to keep it a max to your maint. limit... infact increasing it suddenly for a day or two can increase your metabolism and make the fat come down faster... Dont sweat it ;-)
  • In answer to the question : If i want it taken in to the system fast, i mix it with water... else its 1% fat milk... and i throw in some berries and what not to make it taste good ( if its not chocolate) ( 1 Scoop or 2 depends on the requirement and the concentration of protein in a single serving) As for the complaints…
  • Now thats my kind of music.... I would add in AWOLNATION - Sail into this...
  • Hey everyone, not really new here but i havnt really connected with anyone so please feel free to add me... I can always use some motivation myself and i shall return the favor too :)
  • I wake up at 4:30 AM and go for a 20 ~ 30 min run..HITT style.... thats on the cardio days.. and on the alternate days i just go to gym at 10:30 AM because i think that its the most convinient time for me... and most of all i have energy within me to do my workouts at that time....
  • You know.. a cheat meal once in a while is a good thing, it boosts your metabolism right up causing better fat loss...You might want to make a meal plan.... In the world of fitness shedding weight and making yourself appear ripped is called cutting, and as fitness people we do it all the time because we actually have to…