Help! Having a bad day

I'm really struggling today! Started this morning when hubby surprised me with a bacon butty and a cuppa in bed, great thought but used almost half of my calories for today.

Finding it hard watching hubby and kids eating all the naughty foods and not soo naughty too! I can't even plan tonight's dinner as going to the mother inlaws for tea.

Soo some support would be great. This is only day 4 ( I think) and have feelings of just giving up.



  • babydiego87
    babydiego87 Posts: 905 Member
    get out of the house, go to the gym, take a walk etc etc
  • valmegb
    valmegb Posts: 38 Member
    It's raining cats and dogs! Told hubby and kids were taking dogs out in a couple of hours before going out but just feeling soo low.

    How do you guys do it!
  • BrendaMay70
    BrendaMay70 Posts: 13 Member
    I know what you mean about watching the family eat the foods that I am trying to stay away from.
    Take some time for yourself, then a deep breath. Start fresh right this minute.
  • elyelyse
    elyelyse Posts: 1,454 Member
    you don't have to give up all the things you love, just east less of it. yes i know, totally easier said than done!

    Also, it would benefit your husband and kids to eat healthier foods too, so try to get them on board with you. Of course they are going to want things you probably shouldn't have regularly, but there can be some compromise too... especially if you explain to them how it's going to make you happier and healthier, so you can be a better woman, mother, and wife.

    Don't give up. it's gonna be hard, but it's worth it.
  • andersonjo0306
    andersonjo0306 Posts: 304 Member
    I'm really struggling today! Started this morning when hubby surprised me with a bacon butty and a cuppa in bed, great thought but used almost half of my calories for today.

    Finding it hard watching hubby and kids eating all the naughty foods and not soo naughty too! I can't even plan tonight's dinner as going to the mother inlaws for tea.

    Soo some support would be great. This is only day 4 ( I think) and have feelings of just giving up.


    Dont give up and dont beat yourself up either. everyone has days where the calories are out of control. Keep logging and in time find ways to cut back. As you said it is only day 4. If your husband is anything like mine "the proof is in the pudding" as they say. He has heard me say so many times that I am going to lose the weight that I think he had to see me put my foot down before he believed me

    Now he still sabatoges me from time to time but it is up to me to say no. As for the meals, 12lbs later (still more to go for sure) and he is asking for my help.

    I do recommend making meals in bulk and freezing servings so when there is a day that everyone wants food you should probably avoid, you dont have to make two meals just take yours from the freezer. Keep in mind you are setting an example and your kids will eventually follow suit. My 22 year old daughter is now on here and has lost 6.5 lbs in a short period of time. Sometimes setting an example does not entail saying a word.

    Good luck and if you need a group tos upport you add me as a friend. I dotn ahve a lot of friends on my list but they are all incredible ladies

    Good luck with today
  • vlnalto
    vlnalto Posts: 64 Member
    I know this seems like disaster four days in, but don't let it derail your efforts! A lot of people have great success being on target six days a week and incorporating a "cheat day" into their schedule. You don't have to make this a regular thing, but my point is that one day over your calorie goal won't ruin any of your long-term progress. Enjoy time with your family tonight and make the best choices you can on the spot, but don't stress about it, and get back on track tomorrow. You can do it!
  • imadyer
    imadyer Posts: 145 Member
    Hello! I'm sorry you're having a hard day, I get it. But don't worry, we all have days where we unexpectedly go over on calories. Yesterday I bought an ice cream maker then went for dinner and drinks with friends I hadn't seen in a long time. That was only the second time I'd gone over on calories since I joined in January. You can still be serious about your goals and allow yourself the occasional treat day. Tomorrow is a new day to be good. Good luck! Feel free to add me if you like:smile:
  • tkotaka
    tkotaka Posts: 17
    I feel ya! My husband isn't exactly the most helpful either. He made chicken wings last night. I told him there's no way I'm going to eat any (I had one). But i keep telling myself its really not worth it. I think of my calorie intake/output like a balance sheet. The more I see my activity going up I know I can eat a *few* more healthy foods. Stay focused on your end goal. Keep lots of healthy snacks around (hummus with carrots and sugar snap peas is my new fave). I've heard the first 48 hours of any diet is the WORST. once you get past that it'll still be tough, but never as tough as what your body goes thru the first 48. Since you've goten past that, just know the physiological part actually is easier. May not seem like it but it is. I just finished week 4 and I lost 8 lbs. Once you start seeing results its easier to stay motivate. Good luck all!
  • LokiOfAsgard
    LokiOfAsgard Posts: 378 Member
    It's raining cats and dogs! Told hubby and kids were taking dogs out in a couple of hours before going out but just feeling soo low.

    How do you guys do it!

    Try some workout DVDS or Youtube Videos you can do inside :)
    And remember portion control for the rest of the day

    Half hour of Yoga (inside) burns as many calories as a half and hour of walking (outside)
  • tkotaka
    tkotaka Posts: 17
    P.S. It's not a *diet* and we shouldn't think of it as such. It's a new way of eating. And frankly, you will be amazed at how much you've been eating in excess and how much easier it is to cut back than you think. Want to eat a little more? Earn it in calorie burn! It's a numbers game. I find thinking in those terms is easy. And plan a small reward when you hit a first milestone like 10 lb weight loss. I'm starting to think about mine! Its pretty exciting. Stay strong!
  • Increasing caloric requirement for a day or two wont hurt anyone.. but try to keep it a max to your maint. limit... infact increasing it suddenly for a day or two can increase your metabolism and make the fat come down faster... Dont sweat it ;-)
  • ChrisinGA
    ChrisinGA Posts: 116 Member
    just eat less of everything, i used t eat chips for snacks, and used to eat half a bag with a meal look on the bag see how many say is for one meal and only eat that many. Next time you go shopping don't buy all that junk food for the kids and hubby, tell them you need support and you all should be eating better
  • Amy911Gray
    Amy911Gray Posts: 685 Member
    Because I have done this so so many times, it was hard to get the kids and the husband on track. Particularly because I don't do the grocery shopping or the meal planning. So, I'm going to tell you how I did it. I hope it helps.

    You will always be able to control what you eat. That's not to say that well meaning others, you know the ones that live with you and love you and the ones that you spend most of your time with socially, might get their feelings hurt or be shocked when you say no. So I'm going to tell you to practice saying No thank you over and over and over again. Make this a habit and once a day say it and make it stick.

    In the beginning, I was so lost. I live in Houston, Texas and there are more fast food establishments than sand. One of the things that people do is "go to lunch". I could not control the "go to lunch", getting healthy foods in a calorie range was just too hard and I really have no push back power. Which is to say, I couldn't eat half the meal and take the other half home for later.

    At home, there are always potatoes, hot pockets, cookies, cakes, and a host of foods that I truly love, but are not conducive to weight loss. So, I started doubling up on vegetables and having a teaspoon of mashed potatoes, or rice, or ridiculous Kraft Macaroni and Cheese. Just a teaspoon. Of course there were comments from the cook (my wonderful husband) who would state "if you aren't going to eat, I'm going to quit cooking." I retorted--I just can't do the potatoes right now. Over and over and over again.

    Finally, the weight was coming off and staying off. I started to smile more. That's when the encouragement began around the house. It became easier to bypass the foods I shouldn't have RIGHT NOW. And the family supported those decisions for me.

    That's not to say that the occasional piece of Cheesecake Factory chocolate mousse cheesecake or Oreo cookies have not been purchased especially for me...but it's more of a motivation to rejoin the world with limits I have chosen for the lifestyle I want.

    In the past months I have had the hard conversations with everyone in my family about my chosen path to a healthy relationship with food. My wonderful husband was pretty nervous because well, I am now the person I was always supposed to be. But he loves me regardless of how much I weigh or what size I am...he jumped on the bandwagon and lost 50 pounds himself.

    One more thing--the steps you are taking will build towards the rest of your life. Not everyday will bring bacon. Not everyday will bring decisions toward a calorie dilemma. Build habits now and later it won't see as big of a deal--trust me. I know...

    What is served with afternoon tea? I might want to start a tradition myself! :)
  • Chin up.
    Wellies+ raincoat and walk it off ...... I wouldn't wait for the rain to stop...(nothing you can do about that one)..or for the rest of them. You can always walk again together later, it's not like the dogs are going to complain at having an extra one, after all.
    So what if it's a bit more calorific today. It's Sunday after all :happy:
  • Amy911Gray
    Amy911Gray Posts: 685 Member
    I think of my calorie intake/output like a balance sheet.

    Make sure to take a look at the Income Statement (activity over time), Statement of Cash Flows(particularly from Operations) and the Statement of Stockholder's Equity (how do you feel) for the full "financial" picture. Also don't forget to read Management's discussion and analysis and footnotes! :) Sorry--Auditor here...gotta get full disclosure! :)
  • never give up! Remember the wise words "tomorrow never comes", and just be in the present and make the best decision you can at every meal. Just try really hard to eat in moderation for the rest of the day :)
  • valmegb
    valmegb Posts: 38 Member
    Thanks everyone for your words of support and encouragement.
    I lost just over 2 stones last year on the Cambridge diet and that was pure hell so i thought doing calorie counting would be a walk in the park! I've put on half a stone since June last year and think it because since qualifying as a nurse I'm doing lots of night shifts. Hubby is supportive but he's never had a problem with his weight and can eat for England!
    I felt soo good dropping the weight last year and feel disappointed in myself for my gain.
    I know it will get easier and it is a life style change but that said its not easy but I KNOW I CAN DO IT

    Thanks and I hope to talk more to you all through my epic adventure!
  • Mrs_Bones
    Mrs_Bones Posts: 195 Member
    One day doesn't break the bank. It's easy to get discouraged, especially early on, but remember that it's the combined effort of months and years that decides what you're going to look like, not one day. Do you best, remember you're setting a good example for your kids. Go for a walk and get some fresh air, do some stretches, and remember that you'll work extra hard tomorrow. Instead of focusing on all the naughty things you can't have, start adding in as much healthy stuff in as you can. Everytime you add something good to your diet, you leave less room to eat something bad. Just keep adding in the goodness and eventually you'll crowd the bad out. Once you start seeing results (you're only on day 4!) you'll start feeling better about those positive choices and it won't be so tempting to stray :) Hang in there!
  • Buzymomof_3
    Buzymomof_3 Posts: 73 Member
    Make sure to take a look at the Income Statement (activity over time), Statement of Cash Flows(particularly from Operations) and the Statement of Stockholder's Equity (how do you feel) for the full "financial" picture. Also don't forget to read Management's discussion and analysis and footnotes! :) Sorry--Auditor here...gotta get full disclosure! :)

    Too funny - I'm an accountant too!

    Val - for your MIL, maybe ask her to have some fresh fruit without sugar for you for tea. It takes a bit of coordination on both your parts, but I'm sure she would be happy to. Find what tools help keep you on track and use them. It does get easier - just keep it up!
  • TinaW9366
    TinaW9366 Posts: 6 Member
    Do not give up..It's a tough battle but take it day by day, If you have a bad day weather it be with food or just in gerenal always remember, Tomorrow is a new day and focus on beging better than you were yesterday. :smile: :smile: :smile: