oxyJ3N Member


  • Get a jump on it now while they sleep a lot!
  • Keep it up!
  • Congrats everyone on their babies! That was hard work. Now it's time to get healthy for our little ones. Lord knows we will need it when they are toddlers running around all of the time!
  • I also have a 5 month old. My first. Working on losing the extra weight. I miss my clothes. Adding all of you. Motivation and support!
  • I recently had a baby about 5 months ago, and I am having a hard time losing weight as well. I exercise, and watch what I eat. But all I seem to be doing is maintaining my current weight. I am unsure how to break the plateau. Is it just hormones? Has my metabolism just slowed incredibly? I've never had much of an issue…
  • Also looking for motivators and encouragement. Let's keep it going!
  • I added some of you guys that posted more recently. I'm having a hard time logging in every day & I need to change that. I just got my gym membership this past week to help with exercise.
  • Just posting on here t see what's up with everyone.
  • The clothes not fitting is a real motivator when you have social anxiety. I'll do anything to avoid having to go shopping for myself. I feel like that's harder than anything. Green tea is delicious with fresh ginger and honey!
  • Name: Jennifer Age: 23 Height: 5' 8" HW: 175 LW: 140 CW: 165 UGW: 130 Not too much to say. I usually have a hard time eating enough/keeping weight on. I need to get back to my lower weight where at least I had more energy. My main suggestion is what I do for dry mouth due to my medications: Lots of water, sugar-free gum, &…
  • Hi everyone, I'm Jenny and I have been a vegetarian for 9 years now. I'm picking back up on this website to help with a little bit of weight loss. Friends?
  • I have been on Effexor for over three years and it has made me lose weight due to loss of appetite. I haven't lost too much, but maintaining my current weight is definitely a task. Drinking enough water is always hard, because even that can make me feel full and not eat. As much as people say it's a horrible drug, I love…
  • Wow, this made me laugh so hard.
  • I have to take prescription medications that lead to loss of appetite, and I need help to maintain my weight and/or actually get proper nutrition. 5' 8" -- 21yrs -- 150lb. currently -- Hard to maintain more than 140lbs -- Hard to eat more than 1,000 calories daily. This may sound like a healthy weight, but for my build,…
  • I have problems with being too full, or a lack of appetite. I take multiple prescription medications that really kill my appetite. When I do eat something, I can't always finish it, and I end up lacking calories and proper nutrition. I try to eat several small things a day, but I have found that eating things high in…