What do you mean by effective? It will still have the effect of preventing muscle loss as you lose weight...
+1 to start with butt lower. otherwise looks pretty good.
I would recommend against it. You would be better off doing normal beginner weight training and eating at a level that matches your goals. (deficit to lose fat, surplus to gain muscle)
I am not going to look at it but as someone who does not like cardio at all i will still say it is probably bogus.
I would rather lift first so i am not worn out when holding heavy things on my back\over my head\over my neck.
It is hard for women to progress on those lifts, especially if you are not eating a calorie surplus. You could buy some fractional plates and increase the weight by 1lb at a time if you need to (microloading)
please do not stretch before lifting. please do lighter weight warmup sets of the actual lifts.
The bar weight on smith machines will vary. The one in the gym in my office is only 12lbs of actual resistance.
when i started squatting properly i was doing 135 for 5 reps to learn form, then moved to 175. at a body weight of ~207, i squatted 345 for one rep.
and deadlifts. might as well throw in some bench presses, overhead presses, barbell rows, and pull ups while you;re at it.
You may gain a very small amount of size. It will mostly be from fluid and nutrient retention. I doubt you burn more calories lifting vs HIIT, but you preserve muscle. Yes "toning" is really growing muscle and losing fat. You will gain some strength from training your Central Nervous System. Eventually your strength gain…
probably a lot of water
I was thinking this was going to be a thread about lifting weights.
Diet. If you want a nice body at the end, lifting. If you want to increase your cardiovascular endurance, cardio.
This is good advice. Still in the end, I bet you end up needing more than you would think
You will gain a small amount of size and beyond that you will be preserving what you have vs losing it along with the fat.
Fit and toned doesn't mean but so much. Try things like: get stronger. build muscle. lose fat. increase muscle endurance. increase cardio endurance. increase flexibility.
Your goals would be?
Strengthen your abs and you can also do hyper extensions and\or good mornings to strengthen your lower back. Also you don't need to let the weight back down to the floor very slowly.
Any popular beginner weight lifting routie should work great.
do the 5 core lifts along with chin ups plus abs and calves if you like. if you feel like you need to add any other isos, just add them on day 3 so you have an extra day of recovery afterwards.
I prefer training with a frequency that matches my training level because that lends itself to the fastest results.
They aren't "Crossfit exercises" Crossfit didn't invent any exercise. They just put them together in a way that is bad, random, and has no plan for progression or periodization.
LOL. They have to tell you because they never get big enough for you to know they work out just looking at them in clothes.
Compound lifts and eating a moderate deficit.
Lose more fat and do a good full body resistance training routine. If you can't go to a gym or get much equipment at home, try googling You Are Your Own Gym
this and a vitamin B pill. also, the fluid retention from creatine is in your muscle tissue, making your muscles look bigger
Seems like you are eating at a level where it would be safe to try eating a bit less