

  • hey are we similar?!? I would love more friends on here for more motivation I had a little baby boy 3 months ago <3 a: 22 h: 5'5 sw: 206 (last prenatal weigh in) cw: 175 gw:145 (prepregnancy weight) just send me a request promise to accept it!!
  • haha alanamorales what i do is count "10 workouts" not days im starting level 3 tomorrow and have missed 3 days total. so when i miss i day i just push back my due dates like "instead of starting levell 2 on this day i need to start it on the day after" that way no matter what i know i did 10 workouts of lvl 1, 10 workouts…
  • i hope everyone didnt quit on this :( i feel like im talking to no one today will be our 4th? weigh in? i think anyway todays weight im at 153.4 so im still going down i hope every one else are seeing good results too oh and today will be my last day on level 2 tomorrow i start level 3!
  • 3rd weight in everyone i have skipped 2 days of the work out :( so i dont really wanna get on the scale yet lol but my last weigh in was 155.8 so we will just round it up to 156 lbs
  • im on my 13 day of jm's 30 day shred and ive lost 5 pounds so far i really like it because its a good starter its only 20 minutes and its not so intense that only body builders are able to do it. its for and everyday person i just cant wait to see the end result!
  • thanks teran and level 2 is not a pleasant experience hahaha but im gonna push through it even thought i just started my damn period :( anyone else in the same boat as me? on a scale 1-10 how much worse is it working out when its that time of the month. well i will find out this afternoon. and everyone is doing awesome…
  • another 5'5 here! i started at 161 lbs and im looking to get to 130... or lower if i can.... ill give you my measurements so you can compare. breasts-40 1/2 upper arm-13 waist-33 waist and navel-38 hips-40 upper thigh-26 i have lost about 4 pounds so far and now my measurements are breasts-40 (-1/2) upper arm-12 1/2 (-1/2)…
  • i absolutely love love love this success story you look so fierce! this boosts my motivation level through the roof. you did a great job and you will do a great job on keeping it off too you can obviously do anything! thank you so much for being so brave and putting this up for all us weak newbies lol
  • today was my 7th day so i guess its time for my weigh in! good news: my current weight is now a curvacious 158! thats down 3lbs! i cant believe it.... but... bad news: i can feel that lazy bone kicking in and starting to hate this video especially the damn side lunge and arm raises. can i get a little motivational help…
  • this is perfect! i wanna join too! starting the program tonight Starting weight and highest weight-161lbs :( and im recording my measurements but just for my waist (at naval), my upper arm, and upper thigh, because that where i wanna see the inches melt off
  • i just got it too and im excited to start but we will see how excited i am after a couple days of it but i looked it up and it say for a individual that ways 154lbs they will burn 503 calories per hour but the program is only 20 mins long so 503/hr is roughly 9/min that means for 20 mins its about 180 calories burned give…