how many calories burned with 30 day shred levels?

horstboys5 Posts: 36
edited September 19 in Fitness and Exercise
I'm guessing around 180 or so. I really didn't sweat very much on level 1. Any ideas? Thanks!


  • demezat
    demezat Posts: 158
    you know my husband and I were JUST talking about that this morning. I'd like to find out myself. tried to use my heart rate monitor to see this morning, but it didn't workout like I had planned...LOL. I guess it only counts the calories from walking movements or something. I personally break a good sweat doing it. Normally I'm one that doesn't sweat much at all, even while walking outside and what not. I use a sauna suit when I get on the elliptical....makes me feel good when I take it off and all that sweat pours out. LOL

    Let me know what you find out about the calories burned doing the Shred.
  • aymie24
    aymie24 Posts: 227
    I'll post after I do it tonight. I just got my HRM and didn't have it set correctly when I did level 1 last night :grumble:
  • Sweettart
    Sweettart Posts: 1,331 Member
    I weigh 189.2 and today I burned 190 calories doing level 1
  • demezat
    demezat Posts: 158
    my HRM said I only burned like 30 calories...LOL...I don't have mine set right either. I need to read the book that came with it. Let us know what its says.
    I used what MFP had for circuit training which was 218 calories.
  • GTOgirl1969
    GTOgirl1969 Posts: 2,527 Member
    I weigh 189.2 and today I burned 190 calories doing level 1

    Last time I did it I burned 195 calories for level 1.
  • aymie24
    aymie24 Posts: 227
    my HRM said I only burned like 30 calories...LOL...I don't have mine set right either. I need to read the book that came with it. Let us know what its says.
    I used what MFP had for circuit training which was 218 calories.

    Did you get the one that was on woot a few weeks ago? That is the one I ordered. I know nothing about HRMs and reading directions is TORTURE for me. Seriously, my boss thinks I have Adult ADD or something. I can DO just about anything but to read directions and then do it, you'd think I were a three year old or something, lol. I'm going to have one of my older kids set it for me tonight, they can read/follow directions.
  • Ok I just started this site, and I'm hearing alot about this 30 day shred levels..I'm lost what is this program? I would like in. what ever will help me shred these last 30 lbs of baby weight..Help!!! anyone
  • demezat
    demezat Posts: 158
    my HRM said I only burned like 30 calories...LOL...I don't have mine set right either. I need to read the book that came with it. Let us know what its says.
    I used what MFP had for circuit training which was 218 calories.

    Did you get the one that was on woot a few weeks ago? That is the one I ordered. I know nothing about HRMs and reading directions is TORTURE for me. Seriously, my boss thinks I have Adult ADD or something. I can DO just about anything but to read directions and then do it, you'd think I were a three year old or something, lol. I'm going to have one of my older kids set it for me tonight, they can read/follow directions.

    My husband got it for me...its not a very expensive one...maybe a $40 job. it just doesn't do what I wanted it to do...and reading the instructions are like trying to learn Chinese or something...I'm not very savvy when it comes to things like this...maybe one day I'll figure it out.
  • mnkris10
    mnkris10 Posts: 6 Member
    When I googled this it says Jillian Michaels 30 day shred burns
    503 calories per hour
    Assuming weight of 154 lbs or 70 kg
    I'm almost double that weight so am I burning twice the amount of calories that it say? (Gosh I hope so!)
    I'm on day five and I am still sweatting my patootie off.
    I'm new to this site today and was trying to figure it out and your post came up in my bing search
  • MommyOnAMission
    MommyOnAMission Posts: 14 Member
    30 day shred is one of Jillian Michaels workout videos. It has 3 workout levels. It is designed to be a 20 minute circuit training workout. When you feel comfortable with level one, the next day you try level two. Just started it today and it's amazing. I am so excited to build up my resistance and move on to level 2.
  • i just got it too and im excited to start but we will see how excited i am after a couple days of it but i looked it up and it say for a individual that ways 154lbs they will burn 503 calories per hour but the program is only 20 mins long so 503/hr is roughly 9/min that means for 20 mins its about 180 calories burned give or take depending on how much you weigh or how hard you're working
  • kentlass
    kentlass Posts: 325 Member
    i did this workout(wedding stress caused me to quit midway through level 3) but i was 146 when i did it and averaged at a 200-250cal burn on all levels
  • thanks this was helpful! I just did the level 1 for the first time tonight
  • I just did level one this morning.. so we are all saying about 180-200 calories for level one? I'm a bigger gal. 239. But I want to put something down on my exercise. So I would be safe with 180 for 20 mins?
  • I'm doing 30 day shred and right now I'm 149 pounds and Im 5'5. I've lost 14 lbs taking prescription diet pills and now I want help getting off of them. Any suggestions?
  • cherylrb
    cherylrb Posts: 1
    I love this 30 day shred! I toned up last year just doing it for the 30 days. Like someone said earlier, weight loss was not noticable but I looked great and dropped almost 4 dress sizes just by eating a 1440 calorie diet and doing this workout everyday. However, I have since let life take over and stopped doing everything. I gained my weight back (I wasn't eating healthy either.) Thanks for the posts because I'm ready to start doing what I know works again! As for the diet pills. I understand your pain. At one point in my life I became dependant on them thinking that if I stopped that I would gain the weight back. Believe it or not they have addicting side effects. When I did not know where else to turn I joined a local 12 step group and it has significantly changed my life around. When you've had enough and you cant get off of the pills on your own, there is hope. Your not alone. Good luck to you and everyone on your "active participation in a life style change!"
  • Hi! Where did you get your 30 day shred ruler?
  • If you want to find out how many calories you burn, compare it to the standard.. set up as a preportion
    154 lbs your weight
    ______ = _________
    503 calor ies x (how many calories)

    cross multiply to get 154x= 503 *your weight
    divide your weight answer by 154
    that will be how many calories your burn in one hour
    divide by 3 to find out how many calories you will burn in one 20 minute session
  • thisisabbie
    thisisabbie Posts: 521 Member
    I'm 89kg, and I burn 190 - 205 calories on level 1, using only 1kg weights, and doing 'girly' pushups.

    Hope that helps!
  • If you want to find out how many calories you burn, compare it to the standard.. set up as a preportion
    154 lbs your weight
    ______ = _________
    503 calor ies x (how many calories)

    cross multiply to get 154x= 503 *your weight
    divide your weight answer by 154
    that will be how many calories your burn in one hour
    divide by 3 to find out how many calories you will burn in one 20 minute session

    So am I right in my interpretation of this:

    Current Weight 248

    503 * 248 = 124744
    124744/154 = 810.03
    810.03/3 - 270

    So I would burn 270 calories doing one 20 minute set program? Also, is this the 1st level or one of the advanced levels?
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