Anybody wanna start 30 day shred with me??



  • today was my 7th day so i guess its time for my weigh in! good news: my current weight is now a curvacious 158! thats down 3lbs! i cant believe it.... but... bad news: i can feel that lazy bone kicking in and starting to hate this video especially the damn side lunge and arm raises. can i get a little motivational help please lol really needing it :)
  • So I suck as a team leader and I'm just getting the new weights put in... a day before our next way in!!!! So I apologize!! I hardly ever am on the laptop.. And it's too hard to copy and paste our weights.. I will try and put up tomorrow's weigh in's Tuesday morning.. So if everybody can get theirs in by then?!

    How is everybody doing?? Level 2 is kicking my butt.. and I find myself still modifying some areas, while being able to do the more difficult ones in other areas.. Regardless, I find myself wanting to stop the video 2 or 3 times.. How is that?? It only lasts 20 minutes!!! But ugh.. It kicks my butt!!

    ajohnson... I totally feel you!!! I cuss Jillian about the whole time.. wait until the stupid squat arm raise things in level two.. followed by the arm raises while balancing on one leg... OMG!!! I can do the first round.. then by the second I have to let my arms down to relax every third, to every other arm raise!! But we can do this!!! Look at that 3lb weight loss!!! That's awesome!!! Did you happen to take your measurements?? I have seen a lot of loss there... And I look at my before pictures I took... EWWWWW!!! That's enough motivation for anybody!!! I still have a ways to go... 30 more pounds.. But I'll get there.. One day at a time!!!

    Teran0612 -181.2 (-1.2)
    LoseItCorinne - 165
    ninyagwa - 298 (-5.5)
    loushep -192.0
    deesgrl04 -130.4 (-1.6)
    maher2006 -143.6
    lulloa -171.4 (-2.6)
    morningstar2 - 131.8 (-2.4)
    krenee425 - 166.5 (-2.5)
    mogenfire - 152.5 (-2.0)
    Jenblur -152
    Julluv - 163 (-1.0)
    ajohnson812 - 158 (-3.0)
    mariababe81 - 136
  • M_lifts
    M_lifts Posts: 2,218 Member
    ive had a day off today and will get back to it tomorrow. making it day 4! on level one. i weigh in on saturdays- my new weight was 134lbs (2 lbs off). i will do level 1 for another 3 days before i move on to level 2
  • FitqueenT
    FitqueenT Posts: 120 Member
    SO I've been slacking a little bit. I was supposed to start Level 2 Friday but didn't start until Saturday. I skipped yesterday too...I have so much school work, it's ridiculous. This morning after my run, I did it. Level 2 is definitely harder lol but I'm determined to finish it !! Anyway I didn't take any measurement but I did weight myself in and I am now 128.8 lbs.
  • Great job!!!

    I weighed in at 178.8 and I'm down about 1 1/2 inches total for this week
  • julluv
    julluv Posts: 27
    Down 1 more lb! 162!!!!!!
  • Yeah! I need to go out and buy the DVD, probably will do that tomorrow, today if I have the time. I was hoping to lose maybe 6 pounds or so....that is just from the reviews I have read online.
  • At 130.6 Have a great week everyone :)
  • so what is the name of the dvd? you said you can get it at wal mart.
  • lulloa
    lulloa Posts: 148 Member
    I started doing the video but then got sick and was not able to do it at all. I weighted myself yesterday and im at 170.2. Im going to start up again with Level 1. I feel Im way behind but ill start it all again to continue with my goal.
  • paulmmichaud
    paulmmichaud Posts: 59 Member
    My wife called me today and wanted to pick this dvd up at Sam's Club. I need to know what exactly is on this dvd? I mean is it like a boot camp style workout with lots of crunches/push-ups? Or more cardio? What exactly can I expect and how hard will this kick my butt?

    People with experience please tell me!!!

  • Great job everybody!!!

    Teran0612 -178.8 (-2.4) -3.6 total since Shred!!
    LoseItCorinne - 165
    ninyagwa - 298 (-5.5)
    loushep -192.0
    deesgrl04 -128.8 (-1.6) -3.2 total since Shred!!
    maher2006 -143.6
    lulloa -170.2 (-1.2) -3.8 total since Shred!!
    morningstar2 - 130.6 (-1.2) -3.6 total since Shred!!
    krenee425 - 166.5 (-2.5)
    mogenfire - 152.5 (-2.0)
    Jenblur -152
    Julluv - 162 (-1.0) -2.0 total since Shred!!
    ajohnson812 - 158 (-3.0)
    mariababe81 - 134 (-2.0) -2.0 total since Shred!!
  • so what is the name of the dvd? you said you can get it at wal mart.

    The name of the DVD is 30 day Shred by Jillian Michaels
  • My wife called me today and wanted to pick this dvd up at Sam's Club. I need to know what exactly is on this dvd? I mean is it like a boot camp style workout with lots of crunches/push-ups? Or more cardio? What exactly can I expect and how hard will this kick my butt?

    People with experience please tell me!!!


    I don't know if it is considered "boot camp".. But it kicks your butt!!! There are crunches and push ups involved.. and jumping jacks and jump rope.. You do 3 minutes of strength, 2 minutes of cardio, and 1 minute of abs.. I am definitely working up a sweat and huffing and puffing!! Hope this helps
  • bexdc
    bexdc Posts: 202 Member
    How much room do you need to do the workout? Our main TV is in a room that is pretty narrow :-(.
  • Not much at all... The length of your body maybe
  • thanks teran and level 2 is not a pleasant experience hahaha but im gonna push through it even thought i just started my damn period :( anyone else in the same boat as me? on a scale 1-10 how much worse is it working out when its that time of the month. well i will find out this afternoon.

    and everyone is doing awesome looks like everyones scale is going down! that always cheers up my day!.... i find my self stepping on the scale like twice a day thats a habit i REALLY REALLY need to break! but the numbers keep getting smaller and smaller so im not complaining at the moment. well good luck everyone and keep it up i want all of us to finish this.
  • jamilian
    jamilian Posts: 3 Member
    me and my friend just started this 3 days ago. were both sore (her a lil more being i tried it out last week but only did it 2 days and then forgot the rest of the week) but we are now doing this everyday together (texting that were starting at this time today or coming over to do it together at one house or the other) but she has 30lbs to lose where as i have 70+ so im also doing another exercise everyday too, i have the cardio max (biggest loser) video and the your shape game for the xbox kinect too. but man this is tiring and im trying to get my diet figured out too =p im only havng diner as a full meal otherwise im doing small meals and snacks. im about to try the slimfast 3 2 1 plan and cut out all meat other that fish or chicken and do all low carb. my family is all over weight but im the tallest female and now weight more then everyone in my "BIG" family. and i live in charleston sc now (moved away from family and friends from il/ia border) so i need to get in beach body shape because ive lived here 2+ yrs and still havent wanted to deal much with the beach because of my weight and i have 2 lil ones (3yrs and 10 mons) so this yr is the yr im hitting up the beach as much as posible. =) BRING IT ON JILLIAN (AND BOB)!!!!!
  • I just got the DVD in the mail and started today....I'm still panting! Up to this point I have just been changing my eating habits.
    Does anyone know how to put the calories burned for Week 1 shred?

    SW - 216.4
    CW - 205.2
    GW - 170 or lower ;0)

    Long term look good in pictures for both my kids weddings later this year(Sept)
  • I forgot to log in and give my weight on Monday... have been slacking a bit on the DVD and the eating right... getting back into the swing of things again..

    Weight was 167... :-(
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