Anybody wanna start 30 day shred with me??



  • Empressmee
    Empressmee Posts: 92 Member
    I've been doing the 30 day shred for about 10 days now, and I don't think I'm ready to move on to level 2 yet. I'm still struggling :noway: :noway: But I am determined to get there even if I have to spend a few more days pushing through level 1 :wink:
  • Ugh!!! I'm so far behind!!! I was snowed in at work from Tuesday until yesterday!!!! Not fun!!!!! I amazingly did pretty good on my eating... Yogurt and fresh fruit for breakfast... Veggies for dinner one night... I was super proud of myself after day 2 of being there... I had said screw it and that I was gonna eat whatever I wanted!!! Mexican food bar was open and I told myself I was getting nachos with everything!!!! Bit when I ordered... The words no chips, chicken, black beans, lettuce, and tomato came out of my mouth!!!!

    I blew it yesterday tho... After everything started thawing and the roads were better.. I took my family out to eat to Golden corral!
    Didn't go crazy... And had frozen yogurt for dessert... But still ate stuff I normally wouldnt... Thought I would feel bad about it... But after working non stop around the clock.. I felt I desereved it!!

    On a much happier note.. When I got home from the hospital yesterday, I took a shower in my own shower... And as I raised my leg to shave... I noticed something on my leg... Upon closer inspection... It was a defining calf muscle!!!!! Hadn't seen that before... I was so excited I started screaming for my hubby to come look... Then I noticed a small bump on my arm... What was it you ask?? I bicep starting to define itself!!!!! I'm super stoked!!!!! :-)
  • I started 30 day shred on the 7th. and guess what, I got on the scale this morning and I have gained two pounds, I'm so lost at this point. I've done everything right this week. I'm becoming really depressed not seeing a consistent number go down on my scale. Every time I THINK I may have finally lost a pound or two-its right back on the scale a few days later.
    I feel I could stand to lose more weight, I'm 153 and 5'4"....I'd like to be 130-140 but I haven't lost any weight in going on 8 weeks. I'm feeling like maybe its just not possible.

    Ok, I'm done whining:-)....I'm enjoying the shred workout! I have a hard time with push ups but I love using weights and I DO see a change in my arms and thighs. I hope I am ready to move up to level 2...
  • WomanofWorth
    WomanofWorth Posts: 395 Member
    I don't have 30 day shred but I do have Shred it. Any idea how to work this similarly to the 30 day Shred? Just 15 days at each level? Today was my 1st day and I got through 15 minutes so I'm pretty proud of that accomplishment.
  • WomanofWorth
    WomanofWorth Posts: 395 Member
    Ok my starting weight is 223. First day was tough
  • 3rd weight in everyone
    i have skipped 2 days of the work out :( so i dont really wanna get on the scale yet lol but my last weigh in was 155.8 so we will just round it up to 156 lbs
  • M not sure how I managed to weigh in at 177.6... I fell WAYYYY off the wagon this past week!! :-(
  • parkygirl
    parkygirl Posts: 37 Member
    krisvtx8777: This program builds muscle, which weighs more. But, once you have muscle, you will start burning calories way faster. It's a good tradeoff. Just takes a little time. :)
  • i hope everyone didnt quit on this :( i feel like im talking to no one
    today will be our 4th? weigh in? i think
    anyway todays weight im at 153.4 so im still going down i hope every one else are seeing good results too
    oh and today will be my last day on level 2 tomorrow i start level 3!
  • Target or Walmart has the DVD... $9.00....Good LUCK!
  • tnkbest
    tnkbest Posts: 58 Member
    I am glad to see the positive remarks. I just ordered this and plan to start it as soon as I get it!
  • amsparky
    amsparky Posts: 825 Member
    Hopefully this thread will continue. I just got the DVD and have done the workout 4 or 5 times, but only 2 days consecutively, so my goal is 10 days solid. I don't know if I will be able to move up after 10 might be a 50 day Shred for me. LOL
  • haha alanamorales what i do is count "10 workouts" not days im starting level 3 tomorrow and have missed 3 days total. so when i miss i day i just push back my due dates like "instead of starting levell 2 on this day i need to start it on the day after" that way no matter what i know i did 10 workouts of lvl 1, 10 workouts on lvl 2 and will do 10 workouts on lvl 3.... if i dont die first lol but def just push through it i honestly thought level 2 was more bearable then level 1
  • My life has been abosolutely chaotic... A patient's family stole my phone.. and my new phone's MFP app doesn't show my news feed or anything.. UGH!! Babies have been sick.. I haven't worked out near as much as I want to... :(

    I did weigh in at 177... Only down 0.6. But I have been eating out almost every day.. And not healthy choices either.. Last week and a half have been bad for me..

    I did the first day of week one of C25K today and thought I was going to die!!! I'm gonna try and catch up on the weights.. although it looks like there is only a couple of us left!!!
  • Teran0612 -178.8-5.4 total since Shred!!
    ajohnson812 - 158 -7.6 total since Shred!!!
    krenee425 - 167 - 2.0 total since Shred!!!
    altfamily - 205.2
    justsayit - 223

    Are any of these guys still with us?????????? :(

    LoseItCorinne - 165
    ninyagwa - 298 (-5.5)
    loushep -192.0
    deesgrl04 -128.8 (-1.6) -3.2 total since Shred!!
    maher2006 -143.6
    lulloa -170.2 (-1.2) -3.8 total since Shred!!
    morningstar2 - 130.6 (-1.2) -3.6 total since Shred!!
    mogenfire - 152.5 (-2.0)
    Jenblur -152
    Julluv - 162 (-1.0) -2.0 total since Shred!!
    mariababe81 - 134 (-2.0) -2.0 total since Shred!!
  • Sadly no.. I have also had quite a stressful depressing few weeks and i gave up on all of my own personal goals.. I am getting back into the swing of things and i plan on starting over the 30 day shred and keeping a little diary of my own.. I appologize for being such a slacker. Good Luck everyone!

    - Corinne :0)
  • Girl don't feel bad... I have been having a hard time keeping my head in the game!!!e Especially when it comes to exercising... Started Level 3 today... Only to have to stop 7 minutes into it with an excruciating headache.. had to lay down for 20 minutes to get it to ease.. And then it was time to go to work.. Night shift can reek havoc on one's attempt at diet and exercise!!!
  • FitqueenT
    FitqueenT Posts: 120 Member
    Hello ladies. I'm sorry I haven't been able to chat lately. I got swamped with school work but I still managed to workout and do the dvd. I didn't want to get on the scale last monday (TMO). I now weight 127 even.
  • DeadlyDame13
    DeadlyDame13 Posts: 197 Member
    I know Im sooo late on this but Im starting tomorrow 3/19/11----starting weight 175lbs(gasp**)
  • FitqueenT
    FitqueenT Posts: 120 Member
    So how did everyone do?
    I've moved to p90x/ turbo fire hybrid :smile:
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