

  • Congrats! U look amazing!
  • Yep, on the before shots. I just came across some today. Realized I made it a habit to avoid pics the last few years. I found my lost camera recently. Ugh- found pics I've never even see. Ah well, I looked happy anyway:) I really didn't realize I had gained that much weight....just creeps up on ya sometimes;0
  • Great job!! Keep up the good work!
  • Ditto! Wow, quite a day!!
  • Great Job! :glasses: [/quote] Thanks so much for help with pics. Can't get photobucket to work...and I'm old-lol:)
  • Yep, obv lost ability to post pics with my wt loss-lol
  • I just now logged in after not logging in since March 2010. For me, I had used MFP religiously for 3 or 4 months. Then, it all kinda fell into place. I didn't use this as a diet plan/quick fix, like many have also pointed out. It was my guide to changing my eating habits, lack of exercise, etc. I orig set my goal @ 50 lb…
  • I'd imagine you'd be hard pressed to find many fellow MFP'ers advocating either: a. Losing 27 lbs in 6 weeks or b. Being a proponent of HGH/steroid injections Either way, please do some research... be it simply Google-or better yet, perhaps consult an actual Dr. about such drastic measures (P.S>Caps-lock...makes it hard to…
  • Update End of week 7 on MFP. Despite weekly scale fluctuations(NOT daily weigh-ins-)eek! -that'd drive me batty(once a week is plenty, for me- I don't wanna be that results oriented-again, that's just me; I realize some pple wiegh daily, etc. I'd just get too caught up in the minutia of it and psyche myself out, more…
  • I didn't even used to OWN a scale! I barely like the thought of weekly weighing in-let alone daily-I'd drive myself nuts/psyche myself out. (I get weighed every 3 month at the cardiologist office, as it is). I am of the notion that this is a weekly snapshot...I'm sure tomorrow a.m. I'll weigh something different, and the…
  • Oh, I feel for ya OP-I ended up taking just 1(dulcolax), as I've made the mistake before of taking a full dose. Talk about feeling utterly miserable... I have added Metamucil in the am, plus I'm on heart meds, some of the side effects include constipation.(Got Drs. Ok re: added fiber supplement every morning) -I figure my…
  • My dog (15 yrs-shelter dog), is finally getting used to my doing (some) exercising on the living room floor(Excercise TV, etc)-altho, I think SHE thinks that she's Lassie, and that I am in need of some life-saving of some kind. The first time she saw me doing crunches, she ran around me in circles and tugged on my arm to…
  • WOW!! Congrats. All of your hard work has really paid off. What an inspiration:)
  • Uhhhh, what? I, too joined this site this month. IMO, I think it best to not give out advice per se, especially when there is a stickied topic in the "Newbies please read me" seciton. Personally, I have found most of the "basics" answered. As a matter of fact, in the 3 weeks I've been here-this very question is asked…