Exercising with Pets

drvvork Posts: 1,162
:happy: Okay, I know many of you have pets and they are members of your families. I thought you might like to share a story or two of how they enjoy your exercise programs.

I have 3 cats that sit and watch me do my floor exercises every morning. One decides daily I need help with certain things. This morning I attempted to stretch my arms out, he attacks them. If I'm trying to do stomach crunches he figures it must be lap time and wants to sit on my legs then growls (playing) when I pull myself up to touch my toes. I believe he is in better health now doing HIS morning exercises as well. A while back my electric went out and it was getting cold in the house so I walked laps throughout the house to stay warm - nice pace figure 8. I had all 3 cats chasing, stalking and batting at me. They make my exercises fun. :bigsmile:


  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    i can just picture the stalking game. LOL.

    I have 5 cats and one is always under foot. Yesterday, while doing crunches on the floor, one kept head butting my hand to get petted. Their favorite game is to hide under the aerobic step and claw at my feet as I step up and down. They haven't quite figured the treadmill out so they just sit and stare at me as I jog away.

    My mom brings her dog along on our outside walks. He is a riot chasing after critters and playing in the snow. We live in a rural area so we let him off the leash when no one is around (he has an orange vest so we can keep track of him). He gets so disappointed when we wont follow him to check out whatever he finds exciting.

    Pets do make exercise more fun.
  • Sarah219
    lol yes when i am laying on floor doing sit upsor stretches my dog just cant help but come down with me and lick my face !!!!!!!!! ....its hilarious ....sure to give you the giggles and then he does it all the more :D xxxx
  • michelleladd
    My dog (15 yrs-shelter dog), is finally getting used to my doing (some) exercising on the living room floor(Excercise TV, etc)-altho, I think SHE thinks that she's Lassie, and that I am in need of some life-saving of some kind. The first time she saw me doing crunches, she ran around me in circles and tugged on my arm to get up. When I finally did, I think she thought: "Ok, she's not dead after all".
    She just didn't to know what to make of my, well... exercising. My main mode of activity throughout the house was making a few treks from the couch to the fridge. All of this jumping around musta thrown her for a loop:)