keepitoff321 Member


  • thanks I'll check that out. Haven't signed up for that. May make it to a meet tonight.
  • That's awesome! Actually looks quite refreshing! lol
  • Changing habits that get you from where you were to where you want to be are always right. It would be easier if we could wake one day and stop eating/doing all the things we know we shouldn't and do/eat all the things we know we should. But it's not that simple, is it? And those who try such drastic changes tend to fall…
  • Just wanted to see if I knew how to post a pic.....and because I wuv him......:happy: Nope, I don't know
  • tried it. loved it and it passed the kids test. I've also added in peanut butter, hemp seeds, and you can add in other frozen fruit. I find it heavier than regular icecream so I can't eat as much of it...which is another plus! There is a new rig for making banana icecream. Haven't tried it but plan to. :smile:…
  • Very inspiring and motivating! Thank you for sharing your story! :smile:
  • For BK, I usually have a fresh fruit smoothie with banana, strawberries and/or blueberries, almond milk and spirulina. Coffee and lots of water. I wait till closer to lunch then do the workout
  • Hi everyone, I'm Corinne and I started shreddin' yesterday! Well, actually tried it the day before and quickly got overwhelmed, sat down and watched it. At least I was drinking water. LOL I was going to just try doing the first segment and work into doing the whole thing but I found once I got past the pushup part..I just…
  • I recently watched an episode of Dr. Oz about that. You can check out what his experts said on his website. Might find something of use there. I have recently switched to a plant based diet. Although I didn't follow his exact recommendations, I did notice a BIG…
  • Maple-Roasted Sweet Potatoes Ingredients 2 1/2 pounds sweet potatoes, peeled and cut into 1 1/2-inch pieces (about 8 cups) 1/3 cup pure maple syrup 2 tablespoons butter, melted 1 tablespoon lemon juice 1/2 teaspoon salt Freshly ground pepper, to taste Preparation Preheat oven to 400°F. Arrange sweet potatoes in an even…
  • Perfect! Thanks for posting. Sounds like what I've been looking for. Trying to find some good substitutes for the kids have been difficult.
  • Scrambled tofu? I'll have to try that. Sounds good. For me it's fresh fruit smoothies. I find them sooo filling. Lately I've been adding in spirulina (powder) which is a complete protein source and packed with vitamins/nutrients. A little pricey but a little goes a long way. Although it made the smoothie super green, it…
  • Hello. You can add me if you like. I'm in the process of redefining my eating habits to mostly fresh fruit and veggies. Maybe we can help each other along? :smile:
  • I was on a low carb diet once, 100g/day. I did loose the weight but I was tired all the time. And now, I'm plump again. lol I'd recommend focusing on balanced, healthy meals and keep and eye on your calories. The right carbs are good for you and you need them for energy.
  • Thank you all for the good advice and recommendations (no you cannot have my bacon yet, lol). It's been on my mind for a while now. After watching documentaries like "hungry for change, food matters, and vegucated", I'm convinced it's something I really want to do. Being surrounded buy a meat and potatoes environment makes…
  • Wow! that's great! Thanks to all of your replies. Tomorrow I'll get things going with our group. It's getting late here and ya know rest is a very important part of getting fit. :wink: Night all. See yas tomorrow.
  • Hi there. I've been caught in the yo-yo diet loop for a while as well!! I too, joined a few weeks ago, then forgot about keeping up the logs. I'm back to see if I can find some motivation! Thought I would start a group that focuses on changing habits for sustained weight loss. However, I need at least 3 people to get it up…