leilaa84 Member


  • I'm almost finished, on day 27, doing 5 days a week so taken about 6 weeks. I did 30 day shred first and saw good inch loss but no weight loss. Since i've been doing ripped I have lost 1-2lb steadily each week and the inches are still coming off just not as quick which is what I expected. I really enjoy it as most moves…
  • All 3 levels are free on you tube
  • I've just done my first lot of 30 days shred and I can see a noticable difference on my belly! I had a csection so quite a bit round that area but I can definitely see an improvement. I'm going to move on to ripped in 30 then 6 week 6 pack to keep targeting that area. I'm a similar height and would love to get down to your…
  • I just finished 30 days shred yesterday and I really felt I accomplished something. And lost 9 inches so def worthwhile. I didn't like level 2, there were too many planks and I found it a lot harder BUT level 2 and level 3 is where I've started to notice toning on my abs and i'm a size 14 so not skinny. It is hard but I…
  • I'm on day 8 level 3 so 2 days left! I have done it almost 30 days straight apart from one day I had a sickness bug so added an extra day on the end so will take me 31 days to complete. I haven't lost any weight but my body shape is definitely changing, I feel so much fitter and my clothes are a lot looser! I have been…
  • I'm on day 15 and still loving it (tho level 2 is a lot harder and too many planks!) I can't believe how quick it does make a difference to your body! I've lost a few inches round, waist, chest and hips and feel so much better in myself. My trousers are getting looser. I can't believe it can do this much difference in just…
  • Well done! You can really see the difference in your stomach! 1'm halfway through and althoug I haven't lost any weight I have def lost some inches already! Did you go down a dress size?
  • I started thursday so am on Day 3! Really aching today as not really done exercise thats really pushed me other than walking since my 2.8yr old was born!
  • I've started today! So i'm in! Does anyone know how many calories it burns as don't know how to add in exercise diary? I don't have weights at the moment but am using 0.75 litre bottles of squash as thought better than nothing!