

  • I get the Icelandic salmon at Whole Foods. It's the best I've ever had. They also sell a seasoning blend I bought at Pike's Place in Seattle that you can get in the store. I sprinkle of that and a drizzle of olive oil and bake at 425 for 20 mins or so. Link for Spice:…
  • looks good
  • Can you taste the avocado or does the sugar and coconut milk cover it up? Also, there are some ice creams made from coconut milk. Coconut Cream I think is the name. Not cheap, but really good.
  • Also - since the fruit will sit for days in my water, I make sure to buy organic.
  • I have an infusion pitcher from Bed, Bath and Beyond. One if the better things I've ever spent money on. I replenish water as I drink it to not oly keep the fruit under water, but so it'll have time to flavor. Pry lasts a good week. Citrus hold up best. Don't use much lime if you add it - it'll take over the whole thing.…
  • tiplapia doesn't have the fishy smell or taste. It's fairly bland tho so you'll need to spice it up. Personally, I favor the Icelandic salmon from Whole Foods. I don't know why it's different than other salmon, maybe because it's not full of chemicals, bit Iove it, Also, you might like smoked salmon too. The smokey takes…
  • I like mine, though I've only had it for 10 days or so. It pulverizes the be-geezus out of stuff. My old $15 cheapy, if you didn't drink it right away, the ingredients would separated and look gross. This really makes it more drinkable, obviously depending on the amount of liquid you're using. I've notice if I use frozen…
    in Nutri Bullet Comment by KLB325 May 2014
  • With my old cheapie mixer things would separate and look unappetizing when left to sit. I just bought a Nutribullet and when I had leftovers the other day, I put in fridge and drank later and it was still just like I mixed it. Not sure about over night tho. I'm not a morning person either. The few I've made so far, I've…
  • This sounds good. Any chance you have the nutrition #'s? Reply was meant to link to this post: The BEST, most DELICIOUS Peanut Butter Banana Shake recipe EVER... It tastes like banana creme pie with a hint of peanut butter. :) I call it the "PB-Gasm" - it's that good. 1 scoop vanilla protein powder (I use Prime Protein…
  • google search also shows this for sale at Walmart
    in Vegetti Comment by KLB325 May 2014
  • I had never heard of this so I pulled up a you tube commercial. What a great idea! I have to get one ASAP.
    in Vegetti Comment by KLB325 May 2014
  • key lime pie recipe please. looks pretty good.
  • Also - any soup that freezes well. I make a big batch, store in mason jars and freeze. Good grab and go for days you're not prepared. Just make sure you leave space for expansion when it freezes. Depending where you live, it may not be soup weather anymore, but I'm in WI and it's in the 40's.
  • Bean Salad: drain and rinse pinto beans chopped red onion chopped celery chopped bell peppers: red/yellow/orange whatever color you like chopped cilantro pepper, Natures Seasoning olive oil cheap and easy and you'll get several servings
  • You can't delete from recent catagory, but in frequent catagory you can delete. App slide finger right to left over item and delete option pops up. Easier on line tho, you can check off multiple items and delete.The change your diary setting, default search tab, change to frequent so it'll only show the items you've kept.
  • Yeah, I thought you were going to be in your 70's. : ) I'm 50. I tried this before and I fall off after a couple of weeks because I HATE logging food. Basic stuff is easy enough but I prefer to make my own and building a recipe is a drag. This time however, I'm hoping the message boards will keep me motivated.
    in older people Comment by KLB325 May 2014
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