

  • Going to chime in here with some things you could consider. 1) Carb cycling. Not sure if anyone mentioned it, but if you cycle carbs to less carb intake on less active days and vice versa you may notice a difference. That or you could do some more intensive carb cycling. 2) Drinking more water and starting your day with a…
  • Alright, I'm going to try to dissect this a bit. 1) Make sure that when you click "goals > change goals > guided" that you are setting your activity level to very active. This will give you how many calories you burn by being alive. 2) Try to, every day, enter in the things you eat in your food diary, and the amount of…
  • I'd stay away from completely low carb diets. If you want to keep your carb levels lower (like 30% or something) then do as you please, but your diet should be something you could live with and eat for the rest of your life. I'd recommend eatting 30-40% carbs, but make them almost completely complex carbs, or from a piece…
  • Opinions, thoughts, suggestions, things to consider: 1) You don't eat nearly enough protein. Try to hit at least 150g a day, especially if you're doing lots of exercise, but even if you aren't. 2) I've noticed that you seem to skip or eat very little with some meals, but eat very large meals at other times of the day. To…