The Last 20, How Did You Do It?



  • Sweetbelle159
    Sweetbelle159 Posts: 31 Member
    I'm in a similar boat. When I first started out the weight was melting off of me. Now I really have to work at it. Fat is stubborn but so am I.

    I'm not giving up!

    Fat is stubborn but so am I .......I'm so pinching that
  • LoveMyLife_NYC
    LoveMyLife_NYC Posts: 230 Member
    Someone mentioned HIIT. Definitely change your routine and give your body something new to adjust to. Personal trainer? Boxing class? MMA? Team sports?

    And if you've been eating at a deficit for a long time, try not logging your food for a few weeks. Increase your calories and take a break for a little while. Give your body a break before you come back stronger than ever to lose that last bit!

    Congrats on your successes so far! The last little bit stinks for everyone!
  • timpicks
    timpicks Posts: 151 Member
    Along with lowering the sodium, you might want to try to eat some more vegetables. Your diet does not seem very well-balanced in that regard. A more balanced diet won't necessarily help you lose weight faster but it can. It would certainly help your overall health and will help you keep off the weight once you hit your goal. My diaries are open if you want to see what I do. Good luck!
  • mowree
    mowree Posts: 74 Member
    Yeah...if you figure it out, be sure to share your advice!
    Like you (somewhat) I've been gaining and losing the same few pounds for MONTHS!!!! I know that's probably because I'm basically satisfied with my intake level and my output level. I can up my output level with more activity, but it usually causes enormous cravings for more input. *big sigh* That pretty much sums up my vicious cycle. I can go a day or two with less calories than normal but it doesn't ever seem to make a significant difference. And it's not something I can maintain on a daily basis.
  • MatressGiant
    Going to chime in here with some things you could consider.

    1) Carb cycling. Not sure if anyone mentioned it, but if you cycle carbs to less carb intake on less active days and vice versa you may notice a difference. That or you could do some more intensive carb cycling.

    2) Drinking more water and starting your day with a glass of water is good advice. You could try starting your day with a glass of water with lemon juice also.

    3) Start your day with some kind of exercise to get your body going.

    4) Lift heavy things. Add strength training to your regimen if you don't already, and if you do, make sure you're constantly pushing yourself.

    5) Eat more protein.

    6) More complex carbs, less simple carbs (minus after a workout when you need simple carbs).

    That is all. Good luck.
  • dsjohndrow
    dsjohndrow Posts: 1,820 Member
    Thanks to everyone for their suggestions. I am going to begin incorporating some of them today.

    And just a little feedback. My body fat is primarily just a slab of belly fat which increases the likelihood of heart and stroke for guys my age. I also hart congestive heart failure less than two years ago, so the cardiologist is calling the shots. My team of doctors, trainers and nutritionists were pretty engaged for well over a year.

    In terms of lifting, I am as heavy as I can be after a shoulder and knee surgery. I do push it as much as my body will let me.

    Thanks, again.