I need help!

Ok, I'm sure you've all heard it before....I can't lose weight. Despite my best efforts, I have actually gained weight. I'll give you my history and can someone give me a little (kind) advice on what I might need to try differently. I am thinking maybe my deficit is too high? HELP!

Age: 27
Height: 5'5" (65 in)
Weight: 253 (as of this morning)
Body Fat: 44%
Started working on health/diet/exercise again in earnest on Jan. 21, 2013.

History: Just diagnosed with subclinical hypothyroidism. Taking 25 mg Synthroid once a day. The synthroid has helped with the extreme tiredness, coldness, and hair loss, but it's not helping with the weight loss. 4 weeks ago I was also taken of Yaz (birth control) bc of high blood pressure.

I exercise 6 days a week. 3 of those days I strength train and 3 are HIIT cardio. I alternate every other day. I burn on average 650-850 calories per workout (according to my Polar FT7 HRM-has the band around the rib cage). My average HR is generally 175-180 while exercising. Since I began strength training I can feel and see I've lost inches, and feel stronger, but feel no losses on the scale, in fact I've actually gained 3 lbs. from my lowest of 250. I have been waffling somewhere between 250 and 253 for 6 weeks.

I try to eat a diet high in protein and fiber and lower in carbs. My general break down has been about 44% Fat, 26% Protein, 30% Carbs (I'm working on getting the protein higher-especially on recovery meals after strength training). I have reduced my sugar dramatically, still working on weaning off some more processed stuff. I know my sodium is high, but I drink about 132 oz. of water a day. I weigh my food with a food scale. I only eat whole grain bread at home. I am planning on eliminating fast food April 1 as my next challenge to myself (my first was giving up pop-I did that and now have had no pop or other caffeine since Janaury 21, 2013).

Currently my MFP is set to sedentary with no exercise. Thus, it tells me I should be eating 1,370 calories a day. I generally dont eat my exercise calories back bc a) I'm not hungry and b) it's late at night by the time I'm done working out (my schedule M-F only allows me to work out in the late evening). My net calories are low for most days, but there are a few days when I'm hungrier that I eat more. My net for the week hovers somewhere around 1,200.

I get on average 7-8 hours of sleep per night.

so my questions:

How many calories should I be eating (keep in mind my metabolism is a little sluggish d/t the hypothyroidsim)?

Am I overtraining?

Is my deficit too high?

Should I be eating back my exercise calories? If yes, should I estimate 75% of my calorie burn as a more appropriate estimation for excercise (since HRM are not 100% accurate-though mine is set properly to my height, weight, and age specifications).

Any other general help would be great. I've always been able to lose weight really easily with diet and exercise. I think my body may be fighting me a bit this time.

And please, be respectful. I'm looking for positive feedback, not to be maligned.


  • Phrick
    Phrick Posts: 2,765 Member
    based on your stats, your BMR is roughly 1922. I entered you as sleeping 7 hours and very lightly active the other 17 hours and even then it puts your TDEE (total daily energy expenditure) at 2,603 calories. A 20% deficit from that puts you solidly on track to lose weight at a daily calorie goal of 2082 calories so yes, I'd say the biggest culprit (in combination with the other factors, surely) would be too great a calorie deficit.
  • fstender
    fstender Posts: 165 Member
    Im in the same boat. I havn't been formally diagnosed with a thyroid problem yet but very symptomatic. I can;t seem to drop the pounds either but i;ve notice my clothes are fitting so much loser and i know the inches are coming off...i think your body is building lean muscle...it takes time for it to do this and because your exercising your holding more water. Make sure you take a rest break from working out and cut out the starchy foods....like potatoes, pastas and refined sugars. I've been activily working out and trying to do good with my eating..and now just seeing a weight loss. Losing weight takes time...i would suggest to throw your scale away.......eat no less than 1500 on days you exercises and hopefully you will start seeing a loss! good luck!
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    I looked back the last 2 weeks.

    5 of the last 14 days you were over your calorie goal, including exercise calories. 1 day wasn't logged at all.
    You eat a lot of take out food which can be difficult to track accurately. 1 day was within 50 calories of goal with exercise included (large burn)
    Your burns are very large. Are you using your HRM for estimating calories burned with strength training - it is not accurate for that and you may be getting inflated burns.

    It is possible you aren't in a deficit. Just a thought.
  • rockingranny45
    rockingranny45 Posts: 30 Member
    For me it helped to always repeat always eat breakfast. Also for me it helped to stop eating before bed. You are gonna have to find what works for you. Try different things to see what will work for you :)
  • RomanaW
    RomanaW Posts: 108 Member
    I think exactly the same. Whenever I am not losing, I know that I have underestimated my calories intake. It happens. Calories in have to be less than calories out. As simple as that + any time I have wine or more carbs my weight stalls.
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    Your intake varies wildly from way below your goal to way above your goal.

    Also, I think you may be vastly overestimating the amount of calories you're burning while exercising.
  • MatressGiant
    Opinions, thoughts, suggestions, things to consider:

    1) You don't eat nearly enough protein. Try to hit at least 150g a day, especially if you're doing lots of exercise, but even if you aren't.

    2) I've noticed that you seem to skip or eat very little with some meals, but eat very large meals at other times of the day. To help restore your metabolism it might help to eat 4-5 meals a day (breakfast, snack, lunch, snack, dinner, or whatever works for you). Spread the calories over the course of the day. Important side note: carbs and protein with every meal!

    3) Go to goals, let it help you find your actual calories burned per day, and set it to lose 1-2lbs per week. If you aren't sedentary, don't set it to sedentary.

    4) Lift heavier (not sure what your strength training consists of)

    The end.