riascott Member


  • Well done. That's a great achievement!!
  • Wow! I cant wait to try these... do they taste like actual cake? Do you use just the egg white or the whole egg? and... is there any sort of eggie taste? I cant imagine what these taste like ... Im excited
  • This is such a helpful post for me. I have basically been the same weight now for about a year because of this problem. I am at a good weight but its slowly creeping back up and I really want to just drop half a stone to a stone to fit back comfortably into my clothes. My problem is I have all the good intentions but then…
  • Im in too... I need to have weigh ins as its so easy to lose motivations at weekends for me.... Start weight is 126lbs. x
  • Hi Pink Yes, thats still the same, although you eat 29 points a day and then you have 49 for the week that you can use! I havent lost any weight yet this week (in fact i have put on 1lb this morning and I have not gone over my points a single day) I think that it wont work for me now that Im at the lowest weight that WW…
  • Yes, it is light, however it is still a healthy BMI and its where I feel comfortable (and where all my clothes fit me) You are right that I need to tone up and need to bring constant exercise into my lifestyle. I do one good workout or one run every so often! Its hard to get motivated after a long day at work and my job is…
  • WOW! Congratulations! Thats brilliant weight loss. How does the maintenance work? Are you doing the pro points? How many PP are you allowed on maintenance? And did you decide when you wanted to go onto Maintenance points or did you just reach a point where you couldnt lose anymore?
  • I am just on my first week and havent added exercise just yet. I think if you exercise you get points back, however Ive not really looked into it as Ive been concentrating on learning the basics of the new pro points system. Im actually really impressed though. For someone who has lived by the "to lose weight you have to…
  • Hi, I also need the answer for this. I cannot be just a little naughty. Its all or nothing with me and theres no inbetween. I feel like I am almost possessed when I binge and I just keep eating and eating and I have no idea why. I feel so guilty too but i dont stop. Usually it starts with a healthy breakfast, then perhaps…
  • Hi Pinksherbert, Count me in too. I am currently 9-10lbs away from my perfect weight. Im not really over weight as such, however I am over the weight I feel comfortable at, both in myself and in my clothes! I was successful getting to and maintaining my goal by sticking to 1200 max in the week and then being naughty at the…
  • I am the same. First thing in the morning before the shower (this is the one which I record), I then weigh myself when I get in from work in my full clothes and then just before I go to bed so that I can prepare myself if I am going to gain or lose in the morning (I generally are a lb lighter in the morning than my night…
  • Here are my favourite snacks... Blueberries!! You can eat 100g of them and they are only 76 calories. Or Raspberries, or strawberries...in fact any berries. 0% total fat free greek yoghurt . Its about 80 calories for a large tub and it really fills you up. Its extra nice wiht a blob or low sugar jam or with blueberries or…