

  • probably not the best advice ever, but i have a beer when i feel the urge to snack... usually just once a day, if that... hienekin light is only 99 cals and it keeps me feeling really full... good luck!
  • i don't know... i had that same problem for a while too.... then i said eff it and went off my regular 'diet' for a few days and the weight started coming off a little more again... try switching it up a little... some people suggested that to me and it seemed to help..
  • i have the droid app and while it's a bit more difficult for things like recipies and what not, it works great, esp when out and about. :) i've lost almost 5 lbs so far (goal 10)... good luck!
  • i estimate... probably not too well at it though.. unfortunately i can't get a scale or actually measure anything because then my family will give me crap about it... already get enough crap about the fact that i'm trying to track my food and i bought an elliptical...
  • wow. that's impressive. good luck! :D
  • i use laxatives (mild ones... miralax.... natural-ish ones.. etc..) .. always had that problem since i was a kid... also i started taking double dose of fiber gummies since i think maybe my fiber intake is low... allegedly people need 20 to 30 grams? that's what my sis said.. i think she actually saw a dr... anyway good…
  • this says it's healthy... ? i was going to try it one of these days...\\
  • I am exercising on my elliptical at least 10 mins per day - and actually becoming more active since trying to start a vegetable garden in the back yard (digging up all the grass and weeds in a 5' by 26' area) and been walking with my daughter up to the park (.5 miles each way) at least once a week.... yet i'm still not…
  • i started that way.... then i started exercising - but not for the weight loss... mostly because i'm so tired all the time and can't keep up with my kids... i lost 10 pounds between sept. and november of last year just on cutting down on my food intake.. now it seems i'm stuck between 115 and 113... :( it will work for the…
  • yogurt sometimes works... or at the very least will make you feel sick enough that you don't want to eat anything else... @_@
  • hello! i'm 25 and have a girl (4) and boy (6). i'm trying to lose another 10 or 15 pounds that i've gained over the past couple years - and we just moved. i've been a stay at home mom since sept. of last year and just started attempting exercise on my elliptical and so far i've lost 2 lbs. :) good luck with your weight…
  • i don't know what i believe as far as all that goes... for decades it's been about counting calories and watching what you eat in general - and it's worked. i think that people are still trying to find the next big thing as far as losing weight is concerned but it ALWAYS comes back to the same thing: DIET AND EXERCISE.…
  • aww i don't even know... i lost ALL of my baby weight in about a week (very awful things i did in my younger days) and i've been dealing with this horrible wrinkly, loose belly for over 4 years now. the only thing i can say about it, is that it has gotten better... but it's still not completely gone.... the worst thing i…
  • i know that they say muscle weight is more than fat weight... maybe that's what's happening? i don't know... i get frustrated.. some days i feel like i'm thinner but i've gained weight, and then other days i feel huge and i've lost weight... :( i'm sorry... at least you're losing inches though. i'm sure the weight will…
  • my fav is white rice with steamed snow peas and soy sauce (the low sodium one). it's filling and helps keep me from snacking before dinner...
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