"recommended" calories? = plateau

Originally when i started this, it set me up with a 1200 cal per day "goal". I've hit a plateau with my weight loss so i started looking around for some tips tricks and other info...

when i look at the BMR thing, it says for my height and weight and age, that i only naturally burn 1189 cals per day doing nothing. and i do basically nothing. i don't work - i'm a stay at home mom, and i'm thinking maybe this is why i haven't been able to lose weight?

anyway i've changed my goals under the "custom" settings to 1000 per day and i'll see what happens... i was just kind of wondering if anyone else has had this problem and if so, what did you do that helped???


  • Nataliethin81
    Well the first problem is that you shouldn't be eating below 1200 calories a day because you will be putting yourself into starvation mode. Are you working out? MFP will never automatically put you under 1200 calories because it isn't healthy weight loss. You are more likely to gain back your lost weight much more quickly.
  • peggyalex
    peggyalex Posts: 174 Member
    I am having the same exact problem......I have tried everything I know of to try. I have changed up my eating to not eat more than 24 grams of carbs a day (and it is a HUGE struggle) and I have changed up my exercise to make it harder and a little different. Let me know how this works for u and maybe I will do the same!
  • YayMe17
    YayMe17 Posts: 62 Member
    I think 1000 calories is too little. Are you exercising? I would suggest you get moving. Take a walk, ride a bike, anything will be good. You're probably gonna lose weight eating 1000 calories but I don't think it is healthy.
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    You may be sedentary, but you do burn more calories throughout the day, especially if you're a stay at home mom. I'm sure you're getting up to change diapers, make bottles, play with your kids, etc. You're doing more than you realize and it all burns calories. You shouldn't eat fewer than 1200 calories, it doesn't give your body enough calories to use to function properly. I would try increasing your calories to about 1400 for a while. Once your body adjusts to getting enough nutrition you should see some weight loss.
  • melodyg
    melodyg Posts: 1,423 Member
    I had a similar problem (though my BMR is higher since I have a lot of weight to lose right now). What worked for me was to eat my entire BMR calories + most of my exercise calories. And to EXERCiSE! I just looked over my exercise diary last night and realized that the big change when I had that plateau was that I wasn't exercising at all.. So it might not have been bumping up the calories that helped so much as exercising again.

    Keep in mind that your BMR is just what it takes to keep your body functioning. You are burning more calories than that every day just by getting up, walking around, doing daily chores... certainly if you are chasing after a little one too!

    I'm guessing from your BMR that you don't have much left to lose either (based on the fact I am *really* short and my BMR at goal is still above 1200!). The last few pounds or the "vanity weight" after a healthy BMI will take much longer to lose. I'm not there yet so can't give my own advice on what has worked there.
  • melleyd
    melleyd Posts: 432 Member
    A lot of people around MFP think that you can't go under 1200 calories but I completely disagree. It is probably true for most people but you are very small so you probably don't require as many calories. I say that you know your body and 200 calories less per day is not going to put you into starvation mode! Kick up the exercise a notch and cut down on your sodium. I personally don't eat my exercise calories back and I'm ok with that!! People are well intended but don't take their advice (or mine) to be the gospel. See a dietician if you are really concerned about it. :) Good luck!
  • momma85
    I am exercising on my elliptical at least 10 mins per day - and actually becoming more active since trying to start a vegetable garden in the back yard (digging up all the grass and weeds in a 5' by 26' area) and been walking with my daughter up to the park (.5 miles each way) at least once a week.... yet i'm still not seeing a difference in my weight! i've tried eating back my exercise calories and i've been trying to eat better and i just don't know. i'm frustrated and i don't know what else to do! :(