jenniferchapman74 Member


  • need to cut your veggie juice with lemon and/or an apple :) I hate beet gross! I have been Paleo for the better part of 4 years now, started juicing about 6 months ago and I feel the best I've felt my life. I am almost 40!
  • Isagenix is not sold in stores, look it up online. Plant-based proteins are not compete. There are 22 amino acids, 9 of which our bodies can not produce so we need to get them from what we eat. Protein from animal products are a complete protein which means they have all the amino acids in them. Proteins from plant based…
  • I've eaten Paleo for the better part of 4 years now. Feel GREAT...but I added juicing in about 6 months ago and have never felt better.
  • I actually use my juice often times as a base for my protein smoothies!
  • Whey Isolate is about 90% protein...our bodies can't absorb that much protein at any given time. Whey Isolate usually costs more, but you are paying more for something your body can't absorb. Whey concentrate is a bit lower, which means more of the protein is absorbable. However not all whey is created equal. Most whey is…
  • Juicing though allows most of your system to relax....nothing to breakdown but you are still getting nutrients.
  • I go on a 2 day juice fast usually once a month. I have a juicer and I juice cucumbers, Kale, spinach, lemon, ginger and half of a green apple. This is all I have for those 2 days. This is in addtiion to my Isagenix cleanse.
  • I do two types of cleansing. Cleansing is essential in optimum health. I use the Isagenix cleansing system and I also juice. Neither of those are cheap though...but I've found that being healthy generally isn't cheap. I won't compromise on my health, so I spend more on my food and just don't go to Starbucks anymore. :)
  • Protein should be eaten at every meal, in my opinion. And your body is primed for protein absorption within 30 minutes after a workout. For sure have a protein shake after your workouts!! I am high protein, low carb so I'd do the 52 grams. But not all whey protein is created equal. What is your protein sweetened with and…
  • I use Isagenix whey which has very little lactose intolerant friends can use it with no problems. If that doesn't work go to They have a veggie protein powder that is great as far as veggie proteins go!
  • I use and have all my clients use Isagenix. Their protein is undenatured whey protein. Whey is the best for building/maintaining muscle. Not all whey is created equally so do your homework. If you want to know more about Isagenix, let me know and I can fill you in on all the details!
  • I use a high quality undenatured whey protein from Isagenix. Undenatured is the process in which the whey is extracted, cold-pressed instead of pasteurized (which is a high heat process that breaks apart the amino acids, not good!). I personally use the meal replacement shakes (Isagenix products are all on MFP) every day.…