Whey Protein Powder- When is best to use it?

Okay, I am not trying to gain muscle, but I've been told multiple times that I need to be eating around 100-120 grams of protein a day. I am trying to work off my last 10lbs and/or drop my overall body fat % from 25 to 21. I workout 5-6 days a week and when I say workout, I really mean it too. I usually do 60-90 minutes of exercise and change it up everyday. One day I might run 6 miles and do a little ab work, or another day I'll run 2 miles, work on core, and do elliptical and bike as well. Just some examples. Anyways, I have been told (by a friend) I haven't been eating enough protein to completely aid in my body's muscle repair process and that it should help with working off the frustrating fat that refuses to come off my upper thighs and hips. Also curious, I am assuming this will help with preventing injury too if I am eating more protein, correct?

So should I take it in the morning before breakfast or right after I am done working out? Or both? One scoop or two? (26 grams of protein or 52?)

Just so you know I bought the Body Fortress Super Advanced Whey Protein, if that makes any difference.

Thanks for your insight!


  • jzammetti
    jzammetti Posts: 1,956 Member
    it matters not when you eat your protein - so eat it whenever you like. I have a shake with 50gr of protein every workout day (post-workout - because I cannot workout with food in my tummy). Sometimes I have them on non-workout days if I am having trouble reaching my 129 target.

    Some conventional thought is post-workout is better for muscle recovery - within 30 minutes of the workout.
  • crystalfisher89
    crystalfisher89 Posts: 196 Member
    That helps a ton! Thanks! Has the protein consumption helped you reach your weight loss goals for the most part?
  • jenniferchapman74
    jenniferchapman74 Posts: 12 Member
    Protein should be eaten at every meal, in my opinion. And your body is primed for protein absorption within 30 minutes after a workout. For sure have a protein shake after your workouts!! I am high protein, low carb so I'd do the 52 grams. But not all whey protein is created equal. What is your protein sweetened with and is it whey protein isolate or concentrate?
  • Griffin220x
    Griffin220x Posts: 399
    There really isn't a best time to take protein except throught out the day and with pretty much every meal. As for me whey protein i take a 26-30g shake before and after my workout that what works best for me. How much do you weight because typically your're suppose to take 1-1.5g of protein per pound of body weight. ex: I weigh 171 so the least amount of protein I consume should be about 171g a day but i usually get way over this anyway. And just so you know the Body Fortress Super Advanced Whey Protein has about 3g of creatine monohydrate per scoop in it. Read the ingredients label. I know this because I use that same whey protein to, if you do not want creatine in your shake I would suggest buying the Body Fortress Isolate Protein (30g per scoop) and its pure protein for only like 6 bucks more. I hope that helps.
  • jenniferchapman74
    jenniferchapman74 Posts: 12 Member
    There really isn't a best time to take protein except throught out the day and with pretty much every meal. As for me whey protein i take a 26-30g shake before and after my workout that what works best for me. How much do you weight because typically your're suppose to take 1-1.5g of protein per pound of body weight. ex: I weigh 171 so the least amount of protein I consume should be about 171g a day but i usually get way over this anyway. And just so you know the Body Fortress Super Advanced Whey Protein has about 3g of creatine monohydrate per scoop in it. Read the ingredients label. I know this because I use that same whey protein to, if you do not want creatine in your shake I would suggest buying the Body Fortress Isolate Protein (30g per scoop) and its pure protein for only like 6 bucks more. I hope that helps.

    Whey Isolate is about 90% protein...our bodies can't absorb that much protein at any given time. Whey Isolate usually costs more, but you are paying more for something your body can't absorb. Whey concentrate is a bit lower, which means more of the protein is absorbable. However not all whey is created equal. Most whey is extracted using a pasteurization method which damages and breaks down the amino acids...not good. You need to find a whey that has been cold-pressed instead. Cold-pressing allows the amino acids to remain chained together...very important.
  • jayche
    jayche Posts: 1,128 Member
    Just drink your protein, there isn't a cap on how much protein your body can absorb at any given time and nutrient timing vastly overshadowed by the importance of hitting your macros.
  • Griffin220x
    Griffin220x Posts: 399
    Actually there is not a specified amount of data on how much protein ones body can absorb in one sitting. It all depends on who you are and your body composition (weight, height, age, workout frequency). I understand that Whey concentrate and Whey Isolate are two completely different proteins because of the % of protein in each one (and that one is a faster acting and one is slowly absorbed and digested), but trust me its all trial and error and it depends on who you are. Besides I would rather have too much protein than not enough. You muscles need it to grow.
  • crystalfisher89
    crystalfisher89 Posts: 196 Member
    Thanks guys! I weight 140 and right now MFP has me set at 135 grams of protein. As for what kind of Whey Protein it is it contains both Concentrate and Isolate. It has very little sugar and is says that there is sucralose which is the only "bad ingredient" I see out of all the ingredients.